Hair safe cycle to use a long with fin

Hey guys so have been b&c for 10 years now. Usually cruise around 125 mg test c and blast once a year for 3 months. Recently started taking finasteride to help with some hair loss and has improved it a ton with zero sides.

Want to run something this summer. Going to run test c at 400 to 500 mgs but what else can I take that's easy on the hair and can take with fin.

I know I can't take 19nors along with the finasteride because it's counterproductive. Tren and mast are out.

What about primo?

Orals? Var? Tbol?


Any help would be greatly appreciated
Look into peds with a low androgenic component. They come with their own problems though.

You have some good ideas. Look into gh.
As far a 19-nors go.. I think its only deca or npp u need to avoid.. I took tren with finasteride for a few months and no hair loss.. I could just have decent genetics tho.. how many mg finasteride per day u takin?
I would say just up the test to be the safest.

@Type-IIx I though he implied that oxandrolone was safe on the hair even thought it’s derived from DHT, but I may be wrong and I cannot find his post
Hey guys so have been b&c for 10 years now. Usually cruise around 125 mg test c and blast once a year for 3 months. Recently started taking finasteride to help with some hair loss and has improved it a ton with zero sides.

Want to run something this summer. Going to run test c at 400 to 500 mgs but what else can I take that's easy on the hair and can take with fin.

I know I can't take 19nors along with the finasteride because it's counterproductive. Tren and mast are out.

What about primo?

Orals? Var? Tbol?


Any help would be greatly appreciated
test+boldenone , and more fin, add RU 58841 just for more safety even if it can´t do much, i think is good combo with FIN.
while on trt test Var and Tbol with 3 months rest between them.
3 months because is the min time to see if a treatment works or not , so for example, if Var fucks your hair you should give that time for your hair recover before trying Tbol
If you’re intent on not accelerating hair loss, then test is your only choice lol, and that’s only because you’re taking fin, and it won’t even prevent all hair loss given that the supraphys test will produce a lot more dht that fin only blocks a portion of
yes superphys test mean supraphys Dht, if he goes on blast probably wil need to increase fin to maintain the same results or change for DUT....also ru58841 just because...
and dont forget dut at least min 1 month before blast cuz it build up slow
ok guys when i was on fina i didnt lose hair no matter what compoounds i used i mean not even one damn hair in the shower ever so does that mean im not prone to shedding? cuz it seems like you guys are saying that fina only works for test? and OP the best drugs for easy hair line are anavar, deca, tbol has no androgenic so thearetically you shouldnt lose hair on it and EQ is very mild on the hair line. Id stay away from dhts for sure if you are worried about hair loss.