Hair testing for gear?


New Member
I have a crazy ass bitch ex wife that's going to try and hang me in court for doing gear thanks to my ex girlfriend working with her, yeah wtf right? This woman has money and will stop at nothing to bust my balls. I will have my bloods back level, just trt dose. Does anyone know if hair testing can be done for aas, and if so can it be fooled?
Yes gear can be tested for. I doubt you have anything to worry about with TRT doses. If you were taking 1500 mg per week that would be a different story. Are you taking anything besides test?
Pharma test E300, pharma nolt 300 which I have to say I'm not impressed with. I started taking my trt test 200mg 3 times a week instead, but still stack it with the bolt. Can you fool a hair test? Like I said bloods will be in range
That Pharmanolt or whatever, isn't that nandrolone?

Edit: Just looked it up. It is. 4 different esters. i'm leaning towards "yeah, you're fucked". Sorry, brother. :(

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When is this happening? Do you have time to drop back down and get your levels somewhat normal? Why would they test hair when they can do blood?

Cant curting it short help? If i remember correctly they need a certain amount to test properly. Maybe get the side shaved amd spike that shit up on top. If you take this path, you can act like you love your hair and offer up a blood test instead of hair. Just a suggestion, obviously dont know if it will work.
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Get a bunch of nair and a paint brush. Cover your whole body and let it sit for awhile. Get every hair. Don’t forget about your arm pits and ass crack. Then just buy a wig and draw on some eyebrows and you’ll be good.
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When is this happening? Do you have time to drop back down and get your levels somewhat normal? Why would they test hair when they can do blood?

Cant curting it short help? If i remember correctly they need a certain amount to test properly. Maybe get the side shaved amd spike that shit up on top. If you take this path, you can act like you love your hair and offer up a blood test instead of hair. Just a suggestion, obviously dont know if it will work.
No court date set yet, I'd presume it will be at least 2 months out which is way more than enough time for bloods to be normal just worried about the hair thing. Might have to cut it
No court date set yet, I'd presume it will be at least 2 months out which is way more than enough time for bloods to be normal just worried about the hair thing. Might have to cut it

Nandrolone (decanoate) can remain detectable for up to 18 months. On the bright side, that's for urinalysis.

To be on the safe side, you might want to drop that shit and pray to whichever Deity you believe in.

Best of luck, brother.
Yeah i would go back to normal doses and insist on a blood test if it comes up. Getting a hair cut is always a decent idea to help with the blood test requrst. If you get it cut short it should grow in nicely in 2 months. Thats how i would handle it.

The results presented in this paper demonstrate the appli-
cability of hair analysis to detect anabolic steroids, but also
point to the limitations of the procedure.
Hair material is characterised by a quick sampling
procedure and uncomplicated conditions for transport and
storage. In particular, if samples are taken from horses these
practical conditions play an important role.
Another advantage is the investigation of the unchanged
parent compound, which is incorporated into hair following
an application. For example, after the injection of testosterone
propionate, only typical metabolites would be detectable
in urine. The identification of the intact ester in the hair
sample could substantiate the urine finding and would verify
the exogenous origin of the applied steroid. Thus, further
information could be obtained by testing hair material in
addition to doping control in urine.
Interpretation of hair analyses concerning the date of a
steroid application depends on certain issues. With regard
to the growth rate of hairs, periods without treatment can
be investigated, e.g. testing terms of abstinence. Due to
the incorporation of steroids via sweat and sebum, it is not
possible to verify an e xact application date and the beginning
of a repeated abuse, respectively.
Furthermore, the analysis of hair samples could enable
an extension of the detection period compared to urine. Even
though further investigations indicated a loss of steroids from
hair material with increasing time, detection was possible up
to several months.
This work was partially financed by the German Federal Ministry of
the Interior (IIA1-2506DL0001). The application study was carried
out by the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Clinic
for Horses. The author thanks B. Zingrebe and Prof. E. Klug for
providing the hair samples.

If you've taken nandrolone you're fucked if they test for it. It remains detectable for upwards of two years.

Hopefully you luck out and they just test for exogenous test.
Might I ask what your court situation is about. Cuz really unless it’s custody for your child Fk em your grown ass man if you wanna smoke weed or wtf ever so be it no reason why it should be held against u unless your on probation of some sort