Real curious what y’all think bout this

So one of my best homies is someone who been active they whole life we played sports together n dude been lifting on n off since he was 16 but I’m curious bout this: he got back into lifting the past year n got back to a decent size (natty) but we were talking n he’s started taking test this past year due to (ok pseudo TRT reasons too) some unconventional reasons: he ain’t taking it for muscle size as the main reason it’s a plus but mostly for the extra benefits since he my same age n we both did mad dumb shit when younger so we still dealing with some of em (nothing crazy I mean just sparring like crazy so we got minor CTEs n that can fk with your hormone levels, same with past drug use cos dude is sober apart from weed but been on subs for years like maintenance not to get high), he finds it helped him out immensely on lots of lil stuff & regardless of whether he is actively lifting or not he will take around 200mg a week (I say regardless cos he is on n off with it due to work n other bs whatever I’m not makin excuses for the mfka ahah) & does regular bloodwork/monitors bp etc… so he ain’t doing stuff in a dumb way but it’s not for the usual reasons n I ain’t got shit against it but I was curious after talkin to him the other day wtf y’all think of people that do similar things as ik a good amount of people that do that or sumn similar n I clown some of em but others seem to have shit nailed down properly.

So yeah sorry for the ranty post I’m fkin tired as shit otw to work but I am pretty fkin curious as to what y’all think of people that don’t regularly lift enough for it to be a reason to juice but still take moderate to medium dosages of test (500/600 is the max they might take, homie does 200 or max 300) for lifestyle/improved performance for other reasons than lifting, it’s mostly a personal curiosity but I do actually understand what they are liking of it shit I enjoy it as well & it’s not like it gets you high just idk smooths certain things out n boosts others
So one of my best homies is someone who been active they whole life we played sports together n dude been lifting on n off since he was 16 but I’m curious bout this: he got back into lifting the past year n got back to a decent size (natty) but we were talking n he’s started taking test this past year due to (ok pseudo TRT reasons too) some unconventional reasons: he ain’t taking it for muscle size as the main reason it’s a plus but mostly for the extra benefits since he my same age n we both did mad dumb shit when younger so we still dealing with some of em (nothing crazy I mean just sparring like crazy so we got minor CTEs n that can fk with your hormone levels, same with past drug use cos dude is sober apart from weed but been on subs for years like maintenance not to get high), he finds it helped him out immensely on lots of lil stuff & regardless of whether he is actively lifting or not he will take around 200mg a week (I say regardless cos he is on n off with it due to work n other bs whatever I’m not makin excuses for the mfka ahah) & does regular bloodwork/monitors bp etc… so he ain’t doing stuff in a dumb way but it’s not for the usual reasons n I ain’t got shit against it but I was curious after talkin to him the other day wtf y’all think of people that do similar things as ik a good amount of people that do that or sumn similar n I clown some of em but others seem to have shit nailed down properly.

So yeah sorry for the ranty post I’m fkin tired as shit otw to work but I am pretty fkin curious as to what y’all think of people that don’t regularly lift enough for it to be a reason to juice but still take moderate to medium dosages of test (500/600 is the max they might take, homie does 200 or max 300) for lifestyle/improved performance for other reasons than lifting, it’s mostly a personal curiosity but I do actually understand what they are liking of it shit I enjoy it as well & it’s not like it gets you high just idk smooths certain things out n boosts others

Ease off the amphetamines bro :)

Plenty of benefits to running 200mg a week even without lifting. 300mg is getting questionable though.
I don’t think anything above 200mg is smart for someone who doesn’t exercise often.

You need exercise to offset some of the side effects of higher doses in my opinion.

If someone is just casually taking 500mg per week and being a couch potato, and likely eating seed oils and sugar- it’s a time bomb for high blood pressure, eventually a stroke or heart attack.
He’s probably like most dudes who don’t life and know nothing about gear and thinks that if he just takes test he will become jacked. I had a buddy who ran a cycle of dbol and never even touched a weight and was convinced he would become jacked and he didn’t gain any muscle. It’s common for guys who don’t lift to think just taking gear they will become huge.
He’s probably like most dudes who don’t life and know nothing about gear and thinks that if he just takes test he will become jacked. I had a buddy who ran a cycle of dbol and never even touched a weight and was convinced he would become jacked and he didn’t gain any muscle. It’s common for guys who don’t lift to think just taking gear they will become huge.
Just like my mate at work is about to cycle some sust. He says he knows everything and it's a solution for him to lose fat and gain muscle. Whenever I tell him something, he says he knows it all, so I don't bother anymore. I'm waiting to see the results lol, more like that after effect when all is said and done and he's off for like a month or two.
Just like my mate at work is about to cycle some sust. He says he knows everything and it's a solution for him to lose fat and gain muscle. Whenever I tell him something, he says he knows it all, so I don't bother anymore. I'm waiting to see the results lol, more like that after effect when all is said and done and he's off for like a month or two.
haha yeah dude its funny when these guys do that. I actually think that most people think that they could look like a top pro if they just took drugs. I had another buddy once was like oh I could look like you if I took gear I said oh yea? Ok how about this ill give you the cycle, train you, and well see. He said no I dont want to be big you look disgusting. Mean while Im living the best life a 20 year old could possibly live. Fucking people.