I had like 400/450 naturally so I wasn’t super low but well let’s say I wanted to optimise things n I guess I responded well or I dunno I’m getting a couple different blood works done soon so will be able to tell how much the 120 raised my levels but I wasn’t super low like some other people shit when I was a teen I was real high but it’s mostly due to past life choices n fked up stress situations n ptsd from losing homies murdered in front of me n stuff so that’s what I was told could lower your levels, since I was finna use regardless I thought might as well get on trt so I don’t have to go up n down n worry if I can’t source for some reason or whatever else, I’m not trying to ‘game the system’ even though some clinics kinda plan on people doing so ahah.400 is fine if you're trying to be conservative, but 200 is unlikely to do anything noticeable.
I'm glad that 120 is helping you, but it's because now you "have normal test levels". If your goal is to use a supraphysiolocal dose and get the benefit of "using steroids", you're not really going to notice that at 200.
The point I was making, though, is that if you're already planning to go up to 400, just start injecting that. If you feel weird or anything goes wrong, just stop. It takes a couple weeks for your blood levels to actually come up to the 400 level, so you have time to react.
Anyways yeah I am very aware that 200 is real low that’s why I wrote I’m just going to ramp it up from 250 to 400 mostly cos I can always add more but if I responded well to even just 120 at levels that were borderline but not hypogonadal I’m just sayin maybe I could get a good run from 250 for a while n that way get some less sides n more mileage, then increase to 300 then to 400 etc… I don’t understand why that would be dumb I understand why you say there would be possible gains not made immediately that could be made on 500 but imo as my first ever proper cycle 250/300 with dbol should be plenty (shit I already gained like 30lbs just from trt doses why would I want to rush into it when I’m in this for the long run?).
Not trying to argue just curious as to why you think ramping up slowly to learn what my body does/responds at each dose is wrong or dumb, isn’t that generally better than just goin cookie cutter 500mg x week? I want to do this for a fkin long time so idk why I’d oversaturate myself early when it’s possible I could do a great first cycle with 300 (I’m not saying that’s definitely the case but based upon how I reacted to 120 n in general how I reacted to most compounds in the past I tend to baloon up real quick so I want to just do as much as possible to avoid sides n if there need to be sides I at least would want to understand each dose response better, which to my knowledge would be known only by doing it nah?)
I’m actually both stating and asking as I’m used to scientific method on other stuff but maybe I’m missing something here so for real anyone let me know if I’m wrong in reasoning this way