Hairloss Treatment in Canada (Finasteride/Dutasteride) LF legit sites

Hey there guys, past few months I've been rapidly losing hair, I stopped TRT and it still kept falling out, now I'm not sure what to do as I'm pretty young to lose hair and extremely young to lose all of it :/ I've been getting depressed recently due to Micro needling and Rogaine isn't stopping from it all falling out rapidly, I can feel the wind on my scalp a lot more now... and I can gently stroke my fingers through my hair and have like 20 strands of hair, I genially have no clue what to do in Canada to stop any more damage fast, I've been researching and apparently I need Finasteride/Dutasteride to stop it. Am I allowed to ask what's a legit place to order this stuff from that delivers to Canada? Its an emergency now and this is the only place I know to ask, I cant trust anywhere else online.

Thank you for your time, I appreciate it greatly.