

Type-IIx’s profile

An 11β-hydroxylated orally administered AAS. 5α-reducible and relatively nonestrogenic.

Potently androgenic. Therapeutic use obtains efficacy from this feature of its design.

Compounds Displaying Increased Androgenic Activity Coupled With An Even Larger Increase in the Anabolic Activity

[Halotestin] was prepared in the hope of obtaining a large increase in the androgenic and anabolic activities similar to that observed in the corticoid series by 9alpha-fluro 11beta-hydroxy substitution. The compound was found to possess 9.5 times the androgenic and 20 times the anabolic activity of 17alpha-methyltestosterone (37)...

In spite of the fact that fluoxymesterone has a favorable anabolic-androgenic ratio, due to the strong androgenic effect the compound has been mainly used as an androgen, for example, as a highly active oral substitute for testosterone in hypogonadic condition (267) or as a phallotropic androgen (268).

Exerts a potent antiglucocorticoid effect. Also, weakly binds the GR [2], whether exerting agonist or antagonist action is unknown. The antiglucorticoid action occurs via 11β-HSD2 inhibition [3]:

Whereas oxymetholone, oxymesterone, danazol, and testosterone showed medium inhibitory potential, fluoxymesterone was a potent inhibitor of human 11β-HSD2 (half-maximal inhibitory concentration [IC(50)] of 60-100nM in cell lysates; IC(50) of 160nM in intact SW-620, and 530nM in MCF-7 cells). Measurements with rat kidney microsomes and lysates of cells expressing recombinant mouse 11β-HSD2 revealed much weaker inhibition by the AAS tested, indicating that the adverse effects of AAS-dependent 11β-HSD2 inhibition cannot be investigated in rats and mice. Furthermore, we provide evidence that fluoxymesterone is metabolized to 11-oxofluoxymesterone by human 11β-HSD2. Structural modeling revealed similar binding modes for fluoxymesterone and cortisol, supporting a competitive mode of inhibition of 11β-HSD2-dependent cortisol oxidation by this AAS. No direct modulation of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) function was observed. Thus 11β-HSD2 inhibition by fluoxymesterone may cause cortisol-induced MR activation, thereby leading to electrolyte disturbances and contributing to the development of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

11β-HSD2: enzyme that controls the oxidation of cortisol. Its inhibition leads to glucocorticoid-mediated MR activation, potassium excretion, sodium and water retention, and increased blood pressure (Ferrari, 2010; Ferrari et al., 2001; Serra et al., 2002) [3]. Halotestin competitively inhibits 11β-HSD2, thereby leading to glucocorticoid-mediated MR activation [3]. AAS that inhibit this enzyme may aggravate atherosclerosis via MR activation and inflammatory processes in the vascular endothelium (Glazer, 1991; Thompson et al., 1989) [3].

Mechanisms in promoting aggression/strength and anti-adpogenic/hardening effects

Mechanism in aggression/strength: competitive inhibition of cortisol oxidation [3]. Compared with cortisol, fluoxymesterone ~3-5x less efficiently converted to its 11-oxo form, resembling the conversion of dexamethasone [3]. The presence of an 11-oxo group tends to promote tissue-specific cortisol modulation which may lead to greater visceral fat loss and increased glycogen deposition.

Mechanism in anti-adipogenic/lipolytic ("hardening") effect: { Link to Compounds: Anti-adipogenic mechanisms }

… [analogous to DHT] inhibits adipogenic differentiation of hMSCs and human preadipocytes through an AR-mediated pathway, but it does not affect the proliferation of either hMSCs or preadipocytes. Androgen effects on fat mass represent the combined effect of decreased differentiation of fat cell precursors, increased lipolysis, and reduced lipid accumulation. [4].


Used frequently by strength athletes for its potent raw strength/power augmentation ("peaking"). Its relative toxicity is a consideration for dose/duration. A typical course may be 30mg daily x 4 weeks, with 40-60mg a day the last few days before competition. May also be used during a strength cycle in a pulsed fashion, to peak for PR/PB attempts. Bodybuilders use frequently for its "hardening" (anti-adipogenic) effect at the end of a prep cycle, typically after cutting out injectables. Doses may scale up based on body mass. May be used by combat athletes prior to a fight for its aggression-promoting effects and for focus/clarity (anecdotally), though { Link to Cheque drops/mibolerone } may be preferred under the assumption of its being relatively undetectable in urine post-fight (anecdotally).

Practical consequences

Impaired corticosteroid metabolism and activation of minerolocorticoid receptor (MR) has been associated with cardiovascular disease (Briet and Chiffrin, 2010; Hadoke et al., 2009; Lastra et al., 2010) [3].

[1] Vida, J. Androgens and anabolic agents (1969).
[2] Houtman, C. J., Sterk, S. S., van de Heijning, M. P. M., Brouwer, A., Stephany, R. W., van der Burg, B., & Sonneveld, E. (2009). Detection of anabolic androgenic steroid abuse in doping control using mammalian reporter gene bioassays. Analytica Chimica Acta, 637(1-2), 247–258. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2008.09.037
[3] Furstenberger, C., Vuorinen, A., Da Cunha, T., Kratschmar, D. V., Saugy, M., Schuster, D., & Odermatt, A. (2012). The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Fluoxymesterone Inhibits 11 -Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2-Dependent Glucocorticoid Inactivation. Toxicological Sciences, 126(2), 353–361. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfs022
[4] Gupta, V., Bhasin, S., Guo, W., Singh, R., Miki, R., Chauhan, P., … Jasuja, R. (2008). Effects of dihydrotestosterone on differentiation and proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells and preadipocytes. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 296(1-2), 32–40. doi:10.1016/j.mce.2008.08.019
@Type-IIx I recall reading a book that stated Halotestin like Dbol and EQ does not get metabolized by 5 alpha reductase in humans despite what was originally thought. You have any information on this?
@Type-IIx I recall reading a book that stated Halotestin like Dbol and EQ does not get metabolized by 5 alpha reductase in humans despite what was originally thought. You have any information on this?
That's correct, Halo, Dbol, and EQ are all virtually resistant to 5α-reductase. Halo produces only miniscule levels (practically irrelevant) of 5α/β-reduced metabolites.
Hello Type 2x,
Thank you for your usual excellent info and knowledge.

If i may ask you,

while it appears that halo is way more anabolic than test, is it correct that the reality is it doesn't work as good as claimed ? If it did, guys would be using halo over tren, anadrol and dbol. It dorsnt work as good in real life as on paper to my understanding.

Since halo has an issue regarding the heart as noted above and it has a hardening effect ( there are also androgen receptors on the heart) would you say that taking methyl test under the tongue would be an overall better choice for endurance and strength ?

Presently I am using dianabol only and find that it does effect my heart when the demand goes up as if my heart and my muscles get... " pumped ."

I haven't found injectable test does that and will soon be trying methyl sublingually to compare to test injected...

Anyway, though it appears that halo is so much better than methyl, would you say halo vs methyl test sublingually is such a one sided match up in favor of halo ?

Thank you
Hello Type 2x,
Thank you for your usual excellent info and knowledge.

If i may ask you,

while it appears that halo is way more anabolic than test, is it correct that the reality is it doesn't work as good as claimed ? If it did, guys would be using halo over tren, anadrol and dbol. It dorsnt work as good in real life as on paper to my understanding.

Since halo has an issue regarding the heart as noted above and it has a hardening effect ( there are also androgen receptors on the heart) would you say that taking methyl test under the tongue would be an overall better choice for endurance and strength ?

Presently I am using dianabol only and find that it does effect my heart when the demand goes up as if my heart and my muscles get... " pumped ."

I haven't found injectable test does that and will soon be trying methyl sublingually to compare to test injected...

Anyway, though it appears that halo is so much better than methyl, would you say halo vs methyl test sublingually is such a one sided match up in favor of halo ?

Thank you
Well, there is certainly a lot to unpack here.

Halo is not a particularly potent anabolic, it is a potent androgen. Nothing written here states otherwise.

The cosmetic "hardening" effect refers to effects on fat mass, not to artery calcification, or whatever you're trying to say about AR in cardiac muscle.

Androgens, including methyltestosterone are lipophilic, polar, fat (i.e., non-water) soluble, so they're not absorbed sublingually through the oral mucosa (without chemical modification, e.g., cyclodextrin addition). As a result, you simply end up swallowing the androgen drug contents of these.

I don't know that methyltestosterone is a superior choice for cardiorespiratory endurance qualities, that AAS do not directly enhance, nor strength, because of fluxymesterone's marked androgenicity and its relationship to neural drive (i.e., strength; aggression).

Dianabol is another drug, with its own particular hemodynamic effects, etc.

I don't know that fluoxymesterone is an inferior choice vs. methyltestosterone for strength. Neither affect cardiorespiratory endurance meaningfully; perhaps indirectly by affecting erythropoiesis, in which case, I would say that methyltestosterone augments erythropoiesis > fluoxymesterone per-mg, since androgenic potency is inversely related to this effect.
From what you wrote and from steroidify website indicates a potent anabolic.

Regarding being able to use methyl test sublingually I will find that reference and share.

That doesn't mean the reference is right. Just sharing and wonder as to ur thoughts.

Regarding the anabolic issue I am obviously confused from what u are now saying in comparison to what u said and is confirmed other places such as steroidify.


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From llelwyns anabolic manual which I believe is pretty well respected if I'm not mistaken.
Sorry I had to split the screenshot to be read.
Many Anabolic steroids are known to affect the diastolic functioning of the heart.
Am I incorrect to say that tren hardens ur heart as it does ur muscle and affects stroke volume negatively ?


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Yes, though, these were never accurate in many parts. Something factual remains so through unless some dependency changes (e.g., descriptions of pharma, commercially available AAS) through the passing of time, basically.
I'm sure that many profiles might need update over time as more information is available about them.
Peter "Big Cat" Van Mol, a Dutch medical school student at the time, wrote the best profiles I've ever seen. His Halotestin profile is excellent. I only found it after writing this one.

The Dutch are a smart people. See Peter Bond.

Think about this, monoglot Americans: Every Dutch person is born in a country where everybody speaks Dutch, German, many Flemish, and of course, English by late childhood (from watching American television).

They live in the Netherlands; Holland; a Benelux country, the very existence of which is only possible by reclaiming earth from the sea with an elaborate system of dykes (har har); an engineering marvel.

They basically come out of the womb smart and get smarter from there.
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Peter "Big Cat" Van Mol, a Dutch medical school student at the time, wrote the best profiles I've ever seen. His Halotestin profile is excellent. I only found it after writing this one.
That name rings a bell, and used to be on several boards. Believe he passed away some years ago.

He had a lot of great profiles as well as some articles.
That name rings a bell, and used to be on several boards. Believe he passed away some years ago.

He had a lot of great profiles as well as some articles.
Yeah Big Cat was the go to source in the old bb.com forums for steroids info. Excellent write ups with the available info he had at the time
Yeah Big Cat was the go to source in the old bb.com forums for steroids info. Excellent write ups with the available info he had at the time
@Type-IIx just might improve on those old Big Cat profiles as technology is much more developed than like 20-25 years ago.

Big Cat might approve had he still been on this planet like now.
That name rings a bell, and used to be on several boards. Believe he passed away some years ago.

He had a lot of great profiles as well as some articles.
Yeah Big Cat was the go to source in the old bb.com forums for steroids info. Excellent write ups with the available info he had at the time
He passed away? God bless; I did not know that. How? He was young.

Indeed, he put out quality work.

@Type-IIx just might improve on those old Big Cat profiles as technology is much more developed than like 20-25 years ago.

Big Cat might approve had he still been on this planet like now.
I hope that I have done this with my notes, as I have actually used his references in many sections, essentially building upon what he has written.

For future books and articles, from my very soon to be launched website that is going live in days surely.
Fuck off, telling me what I wrote. If you have a concern about Steroidify or Llewellyn's profiles, that are both replete with errors, go bother them.
Since what you wrote was identical to steroidify and Llewellyn I will fuck off with the understanding that neither you nor steroidify nor Llewellyn knew what they were talking about.
Now, are there any " monoglot " Americans as type 2x calls us like myself whom wish to have a respectable intelligent conversation as I always afford all other fellow brothers in Iron on this board ?
In the world we live in right now, such insulting inciteful comments are anything but helpful, necessary or respectable.