
Just out of curiosity 2x what is ur educational background and are you placing proof of such on ur website available for public viewing ?
Just out of curiosity 2x what is ur educational background and are you placing proof of such on ur website available for public viewing ?

If you're asking me whether my website contains a detailed biographical section, the answer is no. You probably understand why, from the subject matter that I write about.
Since what you wrote was identical to steroidify and Llewellyn I will fuck off with the understanding that neither you nor steroidify nor Llewellyn knew what they were talking about.
Now, are there any " monoglot " Americans as type 2x calls us like myself whom wish to have a respectable intelligent conversation as I always afford all other fellow brothers in Iron on this board ?
In the world we live in right now, such insulting inciteful comments are anything but helpful, necessary or respectable.
Monoglot isn't an insult. It means speaks one language. You apparently read zero languages adequately.
Actually, in the u.s.a. people can even claim they are drug dealers without any criminal issue whatsoever. The police have to have evidence. So in response to your first reply, no i see no reason why anyone cannot put up a website, discuss hormones and state they personally use them. As a matter of fact, the usaage of them is not illegal. They are not narcotics. Many of them are approved by the government so even their usage is not unlawful with prescription which i would presume is the case as well from whatever country you are from.

Furthermore, in paragraph two, it isnt the word but the context of the word of which it was used.

Regarding llelwyns book some parts may need updating but that is how knowledge evolves. I learned the difference between masteron and proviron from him and I am thankful for his knowledge shared.

I ask once again for you to stop insulting a member of this board whom has shown you nothing but the utmost of respect from the beginning. I am hopeful we are all here to learn from one another and enjoy our sport of bodybuilding.
Actually, in the u.s.a. people can even claim they are drug dealers without any criminal issue whatsoever. The police have to have evidence. So in response to your first reply, no i see no reason why anyone cannot put up a website, discuss hormones and state they personally use them. As a matter of fact, the usaage of them is not illegal. They are not narcotics. Many of them are approved by the government so even their usage is not unlawful with prescription which i would presume is the case as well from whatever country you are from.

Furthermore, in paragraph two, it isnt the word but the context of the word of which it was used.

Regarding llelwyns book some parts may need updating but that is how knowledge evolves. I learned the difference between masteron and proviron from him and I am thankful for his knowledge shared.

I ask once again for you to stop insulting a member of this board whom has shown you nothing but the utmost of respect from the beginning. I am hopeful we are all here to learn from one another and enjoy our sport of bodybuilding.
I'm only insulting you; for your unmitigated idiocy that permeates everything you write.
*mic drop*

Seems people who insult the intelligence of people like you are a dime a dozen...
Oh, I haven't even warmed up with this guy.

It happens, but to be fair, I am self-aware and realize that I can be tactless and harsh at times.

But empathy, tolerance & patience are not in long supply on my end.