I'm 25, I no man. I kinda jumped into it, I do trust the guy how ever, I haven't ordered it yet but he informed me I'll be ordering clomoid for my pct, supposedly the tren is A and E (doubtful from what I've heard)...what an AI

Red flags are waving bro. I've been where you are. I saw a friend get big yrs ago and before I knew it he was pinning me with test ( which I knew nothing about). I didn't even know about PCT and AIs until years later. Please make a thread in the Steriod section and ask for help. Don't trust your buddy.
Red flags are waving bro. I've been where you are. I saw a friend get big yrs ago and before I knew it he was pinning me with test ( which I knew nothing about). I didn't even know about PCT and AIs until years later. Please make a thread in the Steriod section and ask for help. Don't trust your buddy.
Ok brother, thanks
shouldve started researching months before you pinned. you dont even know how much you bought?
Not exactly, I know it's dumb, though this guy would of been trustworthy, or maybe he's just not as smart as he thinks, no sir as much as I don't want to admit I just took his word on everything
Not exactly, I know it's dumb, though this guy would of been trustworthy, or maybe he's just not as smart as he thinks, no sir as much as I don't want to admit I just took his word on everything
beginner cycle example

weeks 1-12 - 500mg Testosterone Enanthate/week (1mL every 3.5 days if you have a standard 250mg/mL test-e... you will need approx 30mL of fluid in total)

weeks 1-4 - winstrol 40mg/day

weeks 1-12 - adex 0.5mg every other day

weeks 12 -18 - PCT via HCG/Clomid/nolvadex
beginner cycle example

weeks 1-12 - 500mg Testosterone Enanthate/week (1mL every 3.5 days if you have a standard 250mg/mL test-e... you will need approx 30mL of fluid in total)

weeks 1-4 - winstrol 40mg/day

weeks 1-12 - adex 0.5mg every other day

weeks 12 -18 - PCT via HCG/Clomid/nolvadex
So should I quit? What do you think I should do now?
So should I quit? What do you think I should do now?

I was in a similar situation, i started pinning with a blend of test e, tren, and boldenone for my first cycle ( started 3 weeks ago). After talking to these guys, I stopped and ordered test c at 500mg per week and I ordered my pct. If you plan on a future cycle its best to stop what you are doing and get some test c or e. Starting with tren will kill future gains and you could get terrible sides. I pinned my blend 3 times and the 3rd week ( which is now coming to an end) i can feel the sides, insomnia and night sweats really bad. I'm glad i stopped. Read the threads thoroughly to find a source that you want to take a chance with.
whew Tren on your first cycle? hmmm surprised this guy started you on tren, how long have you been lifting bro? good luck on your first cycle though.
whew Tren on your first cycle? hmmm surprised this guy started you on tren, how long have you been lifting bro? good luck on your first cycle though.
Yeah he told me it was some serious shit, I didn't think it was as bad as what other people are making it, they sound like they know their shit, I've been hard at it for 3 years, I'm also a concrete finisher, even at work I'm training it seems sometimes lol
A good first cycle would be a dbol kicker and test e or c.
Adex or aromasin. Wini is pretty hard on liver. Also get liv52, milk thistle for your liver healt when you run orals.
I would stick to a test only cycle for your first run. You have no idea how your going to react to gear , everyone's different. You could be very susceptible to gyno maybe not at all , who knows. Why start with more than you need , on your first run 500 mgs a wk of test will do a lot if you train and eat right. Adding compounds like dbol or winny to the mix is a bad idea on the first run imo.
Hey fellas he created a thread asking for advice. Let's try to keep this thread for reviews. I will have bloods done next Friday :)
They won't really prove to much though. They will be my 3 wk bloods that I do just to check on things.
Hey fellas he created a thread asking for advice. Let's try to keep this thread for reviews. I will have bloods done next Friday :)
They won't really prove to much though. They will be my 3 wk bloods that I do just to check on things.
Fair enough. The bloods will be on the cyp right?
Yep 500 wk split into two doses. The tren I'm on must be pretty good. I'm sitten in my jeep at the grocery store just hoping someone pushes a fucking buggy into my car. Lol. Someone did about 2 weeks ago and I'm stil fuming over it.
Lol gotta love that trenBEASTalin, I haven't made it to that level yet, but def curious to experience it
Yep 500 wk split into two doses. The tren I'm on must be pretty good. I'm sitten in my jeep at the grocery store just hoping someone pushes a fucking buggy into my car. Lol. Someone did about 2 weeks ago and I'm stil fuming over it.

Lololol I know the feeling O. You know your tren is good when u wanna suplex an 80 year old lady in front of you in the checkout line for counting change out her coin purse to pay with for 5 mins