" I can't take preworkout cause my dick shrivels up and I itch" in my condescending voice. Lol. I would beat myself everynight with a baseball bat if it would make me grow. I understand some of that shit is way to strong but C4 is no stronger then a cup of coffee to me. Some days I take 3 scoops.
I used to put 2 scoops of jack3d in three scoops of no explode... and use coffee instead of water. I have been in and out of AA for decades so caffeine does nothing- and I spent just as long smoking crack... I dont fuck with preworkouts. .. they really don't help much these days- just give me a headache. Maybe im too old or something but a good meal 70 minutes before I train and some intra workout carbs (either carbolyne or a banana) are what I need to beast a workout.

Wait- I just realized this is a source thread... what the fuck is this b.s. bumping a source thread for? I thought it was a fucking preworkout post. Smh
Has anyone posted any hammer bloods yet. If so, where? I checked the the testing forum but couldn't find anything.

No one has here yet. A guy did at EVO today but his test maxed out at 1500. He said he is running 300 a wk testE so we know it's at lest 51% dosed at this point.

Another member did bloods today over there.
Lol I know I'm kinda late but I just logged on rn. Anyways on contrary of many if y'all. I prefer quads and delts to pin. I'm a pussy when it comes to glutes! I get scared! Plus, It makes it hard to aspirate lol. Anyways on the preworkout subject, y'all haven't tried anything if y'all haven't tried Stimul8 by finaflex. That shit is crazy. Iv tried just about every preworkout out there. Stimul8 will have you going crazy. Kinda makes you feel like you're crazy. Like you think crazy thoughts. Makes me wonder if that's what tren feels like. Lol
My bloods will be posted in a couple weeks. Wednesday is the start of week 4. So bloods will be done Tuesday next week 48 hrs after pin. Sound about right? I'm getting bloods done by my doctor, that should show levels over 1500 right?
you never posted dosage?:rolleyes:

My bloods will be posted in a couple weeks. Wednesday is the start of week 4. So bloods will be done Tuesday next week 48 hrs after pin. Sound about right? I'm getting bloods done by my doctor, that should show levels over 1500 right?
I pin a lot so I rotate. Glutes and delts. Never pinned quads, to chicken shit.
I had the same problem my first time around and when I did pin um I got some good muscle spams that really made it feel creepy and wierd and now I hit um with 3cc's at a time.lol!
Look up the CDC's official IM injection guidelines. They don't bother with aspiration anymore unless you are doing it is some very strange locations (i.e. where you wouldnt be doing IM anyway).

They don't even teach RNs to aspirate any more. Just ask the CDC, ACIP, DHS, AAFP, DOH, or the WHO. Dont take my word for it, see below.

According to the CDC:

"Aspiration - Aspiration is the process of pulling back on the plunger of the syringe prior to injection to ensure that the medication is not injected into a blood vessel. Although this practice is advocated by some experts, the procedure is not required because no large blood vessels exist at the recommended injection sites."

"Aspiration is not indicated for SC injections."
"Aspiration is not indicated for IM injections."
STTI International Nursing Research Congress Vancouver, July 2009

Organizations which now state aspiration is not necessary:
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Department of Health Services (DHS) American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) U.K. Department of Health (DoH) World Health Organization (WHO)

  1. Atkinson, W. L., Pickering, L. K., Schwartz, B., Weniger, B. G., Iskander, J. K., & Watson, J. C. (2002). General Recommendations on Immunization: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 51, RR2. 1-33.

  2. Chiodini, J. (2001). Best practice in vaccine administration. Nursing Standard, 16(7), 35-38.

  3. Diggle, L. (2007). Injection technique for immunization. Practice Nurse, 33(1), 34-37.

  4. Gammel, J. A. (1927). Arterial embolism: an unusual complication following the intramuscular administration of bismuth. Journal of the American Medical Association, 88, 998-1000.

  5. Ipp, M., Taddio, A., Sam, J., Goldbach, M., & Parkin, P. C. (2007). Vaccine related pain: randomized controlled trial of two injection technique Archives of Disease in Childhood,92,1105-1108.

  6. Li, J.T., Lockey, R. F., Bernstein, I. L., Portnoy, J. M., & Nicklas, R. A. (2003). Allergen immunotherapy: A practice parameter. Annuals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, 1-40.

  7. Livermore, P. (2003). Teaching home administration of sub-cutaneous methotrexate. Paediatric Nursing, 15(3), 28-32.

  8. Middleton, D. B., Zimmerman, R. K., & Mitchell, K. B. (2003). Vaccine schedules and procedures, 2003. The Journal of Family Practice, 52(1), S36-S46.

  9. Nicoli, L. H., & Hesby, A. (2002). Intramuscular injection: An integrative research review and guidelines for evidence-based practice. Applied Nursing Research,16(2), 149-162.

  10. Ozel, A., Yavuz, H., & Erkul, I. (1995). Gangrene after penicillin injection: A case report. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 37(1), 567-71.

  11. Peragallo-Dittko, V. (1995). Aspiration of the subcutaneous insulin injection: Clinical evaluation of needle size and amount of subcutaneous fat. The Diabetes Educator, 21(4), 291-296.

  12. Roger, M. A., & King, L. (2000). Drawing up and administering intramuscular injections: A review of the literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31(3), 574-582.

  13. Talbert, J. L., Haslam, R. H. & Haller, J. A. (1967). Gangrene of the foot following intramuscular injection in the lateral thigh: A case report with recommendations for prevention. The Journal of Pediatrics, 70(1), 110-114.

  14. Workman, B. (1999). Safe injection techniques. Nursing Standard, 13 (39), 47-53.

  15. World Health Organization (2004). Immunization in Practice, Module 6: Holding an immunization session. Immunization in Practice: A practical resource guide for health workers –2004 update,1-29.

  16. Center for Nursing History at Misericordia University: http://www.misericordia.edu17. Levels of Evidence, Canadian Medical Association & Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (2001). Available at:http://www.cebm.net/index18. Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2005). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Just another example of Gym Lore and/or Broscience propagating itself..... Try getting your info from someone in the profession rather than a meathead juice dealer at your gym or a "guru" fuck on some forum. The more you are moving the pin around trying to aspirate doing your own glute shot the more scar tissue you're creating.

As I said before, talking about an oil embolism or some other ridiculous shit like putting a barrel in a vein is about like worrying you will get attacked by a shark or hit by lightning. Is is impossible, no. It is probable, no. Is aspiration worth the effort and extra scar tissue - the resounding majority of the medical community says NO. Jab away.

MYTHBUSTED... you dumb fucking meatheads.

After having a crazy ass sub dermal hematoma that looked like a pimple shooting blood out of it that I manually forced back down at a simple glute injection site I've used time and time again.I realized anything is possible it scared the shit outta me and I actually have a thread somewhere on Evo about it with pics under my same user name.I've always aspirated and always will,not to say it make's difference or is necessary.But after having that experience on a simple glute pin it really made me more cautious than I already was.
Lol I know I'm kinda late but I just logged on rn. Anyways on contrary of many if y'all. I prefer quads and delts to pin. I'm a pussy when it comes to glutes! I get scared! Plus, It makes it hard to aspirate lol. Anyways on the preworkout subject, y'all haven't tried anything if y'all haven't tried Stimul8 by finaflex. That shit is crazy. Iv tried just about every preworkout out there. Stimul8 will have you going crazy. Kinda makes you feel like you're crazy. Like you think crazy thoughts. Makes me wonder if that's what tren feels like. Lol
Definitely not even close to what tren makes you feel like that would be the feeling "Of a God" nothing any Preworkout or a pot of coffee will get Ya..I'll though Coffee is my number one Preworkout stacked with 8 egg white's.
Definitely not even close to what tren makes you feel like that would be the feeling "Of a God" nothing any Preworkout or a pot of coffee will get Ya..I'll though Coffee is my number one Preworkout stacked with 8 egg white's.
I see I see. damn! I can't wait to start Tren.. Lol I'm just waiting for my gear!
After having a crazy ass sub dermal hematoma that looked like a pimple shooting blood out of it that I manually forced back down at a simple glute injection site I've used time and time again.I realized anything is possible it scared the shit outta me and I actually have a thread somewhere on Evo about it with pics under my same user name.I've always aspirated and always will,not to say it make's difference or is necessary.But after having that experience on a simple glute pin it really made me more cautious than I already was.

I've had the exact same thing. You hit/nick a vein and bleed out into the surrounding tissue causing the bruising and upraised skin, a lump, etc. Still has nothing to do with aspirating or the merits thereof. In my case, it would have occurred upon insertion whether I aspirated or not. Likely the same for you. Even hitting the vein like that, it's damn near impossible to put an entire barrel/plunger directly in it. Even if you got a bunch of oil directly in a vein somehow due to a pass through, you'd fucking cough, lungs would seize up, trouble breathing for a few min, cold sweats, feel like shit for 5min, then live to see another day. Been there too.

There isn't a single documented case of death of a human, in the wild, due to oil embolism from AAS use. At least if there is, it's news to me.
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Well back to hammer I upped my doses to 150ed which would normally have me sleeping on towels and taking 2 showers in the middle of the night so I'm thinking shit. Gunna keep running for another week til my other pack lands and then switching over. Prob just donate my left over bottles to the bums outside the Bodega I'll let em fight for it so.at least I paid.for.some entertainment


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