weighted chinup
Well-known Member
We've got some work to do to earn a rep here. I'm up for the challenge.
You will find that very few people are going to eagerly hold your hand in order to help you make your million dollars.
We are not really interested in helping sources build a rep, we are not your marketing team. Do your own work, buy an endorsement from a sponsored board if you want a clientele to build a rep for you, and stick to that board.
This eagerness to help amateur sources you are hoping will turn up is not going to happen.
I have an excellent long term relationship with my raw guy
The 'great relationship with my supplier' line has pretty much become a running joke at this point.
The last source who made this ridiculous claim was using Bruce Group for his products.
If you are suggesting that somehow you have better connections than any of the 10 year plus established sources who have been caught selling bunk and under-dosed gear then you must not think very much of this board.
We want you guys to randomly test it so it holds credibility.
This is just stupid reasoning.
There was another source who came here and he didn't want to do MS/HPLC because 'it would mean nothing coming from him'.
What the fuck. You're not supposed to use QA as a selling point ffs, you are supposed to use it to verify your labeled concentration / dosage is actually representative of the product and not just a meaningless number.
This should be verified BEFORE it gets in your customers hand. You have no idea if your products are any good until it reaches your customer and even then it is only through subjective user feedback. Even through feedback you have no way of knowing if the labeled dosage is accurate.
None. We have just gone off feedback. Feedback like.. Skin ripping pumps, up 20lbs, wanna fuck everything that walks. Stuff like that. So I know we have an excellent product and eventually you guys will too. Keep an eye out you'll see feedback, bloods and LabMax on Meso from us in the near future.
In that case, I would urge you to replace the dosages you have listed on your products labels with a large question mark in order to accurately reflect your knowledge of the products concentration .
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