I wanna give it a go...sounds ok. Would you mind walking me through it jj? We can make a night out of it. I understand we're pretty close to each other? I've got the pins. Maybe we can make flash cards or something to communicate? I wouldn't want you to try talking with your mouth full. You'll break the seal and piss me off. I focus and concentrate pretty hard. Wouldn't want you to misinterpret my frustration as rage and then something that started off as nice and soft can flip to sexual assault with something as trivial as a split lip or chipped tooth.I get off to stabbing myself everyday with sharp objects last night i pinned myself while getting a BJ it was amazing.... seriously though if your running Test E it really should be done 2X a week. I was a totally pussy with pinning last year when i started like 30 min ordeal everytime so i would refuse to do anything that was more than 2x a week but i can agree with double leg i pin ED now and actually look forward to it lol