Hands going numb


What’s up guys.

Basically on any dose of anything beyond TRT, if I bend my arms at the elbow for extended periods of time (think while sleeping, or holding my phone while laying) either my entire hand, or pinky and finger next to it, will go numb and tingly until my arm is straightened for 30-45s later.

I’m assuming this is due to increased water retention, but I don’t personally feel or appear to be watery or bloated. E2 is under control.

Any suggestions or just something I should deal with?
Anytime I've had numbness like you're describing, a chiropractic adjustment for the cervical spine works every time, also getting an adjustment at the C7/T1 junction does the trick also. I don't really think upping your dose above TRT is causing the problem, but one never knows. Go for the adjustment, I think you'll be surprised.
Anytime I've had numbness like you're describing, a chiropractic adjustment for the cervical spine works every time, also getting an adjustment at the C7/T1 junction does the trick also. I don't really think upping your dose above TRT is causing the problem, but one never knows. Go for the adjustment, I think you'll be surprised.
Regardless of this issue specifically, I know I need an adjustment.

I’ll see what’s up and try to get in somewhere, quote what you said as a suggestion to them, and update. Appreciate the suggestion
Holding phone with elbow bent puts pressure on the ulnar nerve. Learn ulnar nerve glides on YouTube and it will help. Gotta do em a few times a day, every day or it won't work. I don't think this is a cervical nerve root problem at all and an adjustment isnt going to help.
Holding phone with elbow bent puts pressure on the ulnar nerve. Learn ulnar nerve glides on YouTube and it will help. Gotta do em a few times a day, every day or it won't work. I don't think this is a cervical nerve root problem at all and an adjustment isnt going to help.
I will look into this as well, thank you.
I will look into this as well, thank you.
I have had this come and go myself. Perhaps cervical adjustment will help as others have said. I do have back issues myself.

Thankfully it has not been happening to me lately but when it does it is very annoying.

It never got to the point for me where I decided to do anything about it though and like you, I attributed to perhaps water retention.

Subbed for additional responses and if you do happen to find out a particular cause, I'm all ears. Thanks.
I have had this come and go myself. Perhaps cervical adjustment will help as others have said. I do have back issues myself.

Thankfully it has not been happening to me lately but when it does it is very annoying.

It never got to the point for me where I decided to do anything about it though and like you, I attributed to perhaps water retention.

Subbed for additional responses and if you do happen to find out a particular cause, I'm all ears. Thanks.
I will say I just watched a video on the nerve glides as suggested above, did a couple, and could really feel it in the area described in the video.

I’ll probably do that for a little while and see if there are any results, moving to an adjustment otherwise; I think I’ll be able to get my PCP to give me the referral
water retention and muscle fullness from glycogen. You may not be holding a bunch of water, but it’s enough to specifically put pressure on the nerves in your arms/wrists. We all hold water/fat differently

ALA at 600mg a day is what has been known to help (picked up this tip from a very well-known coach)
water retention and muscle fullness from glycogen. You may not be holding a bunch of water, but it’s enough to specifically put pressure on the nerves in your arms/wrists. We all hold water/fat differently

ALA at 600mg a day is what has been known to help (picked up this tip from a very well-known coach)
I actually have some of this around, can’t remember why I grabbed it.

Thanks for the tip.
Holding phone with elbow bent puts pressure on the ulnar nerve. Learn ulnar nerve glides on YouTube and it will help. Gotta do em a few times a day, every day or it won't work. I don't think this is a cervical nerve root problem at all and an adjustment isnt going to help.
I've had this happen too so it could just be the way you're bending your arms.
Happens to me on GH. In that case, seems water retention is the culprit.

Could consider trying some dandelion extract.peels water off me very effectively.
Happens to me on GH. In that case, seems water retention is the culprit.

Could consider trying some dandelion extract.peels water off me very effectively.
Unfortunately this happens to me regardless of HGH use, or dose; That’s one of the reasons I started looking at it deeper.
Unfortunately this happens to me regardless of HGH use, or dose; That’s one of the reasons I started looking at it deeper.

Id still suspect water retention. But impossible to say for sure. How longs this been going on?

You said it becomes more apparent when you up your doses of AAS outside of TRT, which leads me to believe its water retention related. Bigger dose = more water retention. Whilst its never happened to me with AAS, they do also promote water retention like HGH.

My understanding for GH water retention is that it modifies sodium excretion by the kidneys. Im not aware of AAS doing this directly but ive never read into it either, however AAS do effect aldosterone whoch affects water retention in a similar way to GH of im not mistaken.

Perhaps your answer lies in controlling aldosterone? Maybe you could look into acquiring a mineralcorticoid receptor antagonist drug to run in conjunction with an AAS blast.

Alternatively as i suggested, look into dandelion extract, its a very effective diuretic in my experience. I used it in conjunction with GH and it got rid of the numb hands.
I personally had it since ever even before gear either the entire hand goes numb or pinky and ring finger at the same time I think it has something to do with blood flow being stopped due to the uncomfortable position or a nerve thing being on hgh and gear makes it just worse that's all..
i also have numb hands and arms. People say water retention my guess it also has something to do with blood pressure from test to estrogen conversion cuz keeping estrogen in check with ai,mast,proviron decreases it but these would also decrease water retention i guess....if you have cialis that also helps
If I had to guess I would say it’s a fluid retention or nerve issue somewhere, maybe an impingement caused from lifting. I also get hand numbness while sleeping (no GH) on cycle or off, if I’m sleeping with my arms bent too long.

However, it’s very unlikely it’s going to be fixed by a chiropractor. First off they are not real doctor, and can not prescribe anything. If the history of its creation matters, chiropractors were created by David Palmer in 1845 while talking to ghosts during a saunce. Your body isn’t just bones floating around in a bag of water, they can’t be moved around by some feeble women or hippie vegan man pushing on your back. If you could legitimately get “adjusted” by simple pushes. Then every time someone fell down they entire spine would move. Kids falling off bikes would be paralyzed left and right, the NFL line men would have scoliosis after every game.
Go to a PT or massage therapist before a chiropractor. And don't let them touch your cervical spine... vertebral artery dissection is most certainly bad for gains.
Regardless of this issue specifically, I know I need an adjustment.

I’ll see what’s up and try to get in somewhere, quote what you said as a suggestion to them, and update. Appreciate the suggestion
A competent massage therapist helped me alot. I know people who have used chiropractors but the ones I saw couldn't handle my size. Try it, but deep therapeutic massage was a life saver.

Not many massage therapists can do this.
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Since it's localized to specific fingers it's likely a nerve issue rather than a blood flow issue.

Go see a chiropractor that actually knows their shit and they will fix you
water retention and muscle fullness from glycogen. You may not be holding a bunch of water, but it’s enough to specifically put pressure on the nerves in your arms/wrists. We all hold water/fat differently

ALA at 600mg a day is what has been known to help (picked up this tip from a very well-known coach)
Update: started ALA @ 1200mg /day first week dropped to 600mg a day and I can feel my hands again.

Can’t find any information online about why but maybe I’m stupid, can anyone link?