Hands going numb

Sounds like cubital tunnel syndrome from water retention. Essentially like carpal tunnel syndrome but at the elbow and with the ulnar nerve. This has nothing to do with blood flow.

You say your estrogen is under control. What was it, and how recently have you had it checked? If you only notice this when you are at higher T doses the most logical answer is increased estrogen conversion.

Controlling estrogen, if elevated would then likely fix the problem. I wouldnt jump onto an aldosterone antagonist at all until my estrogen is evaluated. Plus they can cause elevated potassium levels which can result in heart arrhythmias, so it requires blood work to monitor at the beginning. Not something to mess with

This also just can happen with increased muscle tone/mass around the elbow for some, which will cause intermittent compression with certain movements. That movement is usually near-max flexion of the elbow. You can try taking and anti-inflammatory like Motrin for a few days which can reduce irritation of the nerve. Wont make it completely go away, but can make it happen less frequently. If its mostly happening at night you can get a brace/splint to wear at night that will prevent you from flexing your arm while you sleep so the nerve doesnt get compressed.

I have it. Have had it since college. Still happens to me on a daily basis but never to the point it has prevented me from doing anything. Only time I notice it is when on the phone (so now just use AirPods) or when in my bed scrolling on my phone. If I get it other times I just straighten my arm and it goes away. Only fix at this point is surgery to release the tunnel, but it doesnt bother me enough to do that now. That'll happen when it prevents me from doing anything I need to do or keeps me up all night.
water retention and muscle fullness from glycogen. You may not be holding a bunch of water, but it’s enough to specifically put pressure on the nerves in your arms/wrists. We all hold water/fat differently

ALA at 600mg a day is what has been known to help (picked up this tip from a very well-known coach)
Buying ALA today. I've been dealing with this pretty much since I did my first cycle and my weight jumped up considerably. Hands numb driving, sleeping, typing, anytime my arm is even slightly bent at the elbow. I hope this helps. It's not a huge problem, but definitely annoying.
Sounds like cubital tunnel syndrome from water retention. Essentially like carpal tunnel syndrome but at the elbow and with the ulnar nerve. This has nothing to do with blood flow.

You say your estrogen is under control. What was it, and how recently have you had it checked? If you only notice this when you are at higher T doses the most logical answer is increased estrogen conversion.

Controlling estrogen, if elevated would then likely fix the problem. I wouldnt jump onto an aldosterone antagonist at all until my estrogen is evaluated. Plus they can cause elevated potassium levels which can result in heart arrhythmias, so it requires blood work to monitor at the beginning. Not something to mess with

This also just can happen with increased muscle tone/mass around the elbow for some, which will cause intermittent compression with certain movements. That movement is usually near-max flexion of the elbow. You can try taking and anti-inflammatory like Motrin for a few days which can reduce irritation of the nerve. Wont make it completely go away, but can make it happen less frequently. If its mostly happening at night you can get a brace/splint to wear at night that will prevent you from flexing your arm while you sleep so the nerve doesnt get compressed.

I have it. Have had it since college. Still happens to me on a daily basis but never to the point it has prevented me from doing anything. Only time I notice it is when on the phone (so now just use AirPods) or when in my bed scrolling on my phone. If I get it other times I just straighten my arm and it goes away. Only fix at this point is surgery to release the tunnel, but it doesnt bother me enough to do that now. That'll happen when it prevents me from doing anything I need to do or keeps me up all night.
My estrogen stays at a nice 21-35.
Regardless of this issue specifically, I know I need an adjustment.

I’ll see what’s up and try to get in somewhere, quote what you said as a suggestion to them, and update. Appreciate the suggestion
When I saw this thread again last night I wondered if you had gone in yet to have it taken care of. Just do it. I would be very surprised if it didn't help. Take action and go for it.
Update: started ALA @ 1200mg /day first week dropped to 600mg a day and I can feel my hands again.

Can’t find any information online about why but maybe I’m stupid, can anyone link?
Lol dude I couldn’t even tell you why. I picked up the tip from a popular bodybuilding coach I am friends with.