Harm Reduction and Blood Pressure Control


New Member
Alright so quick background, im 6'6 and 270 lbs. i havnt seen a corralation with being tall and having higher blood pressure when researching, and a few studies suggest being tall the heart is usually adapted for the workload. That being said there was a link between being tall, heart faliure, and increased risk of cancers. Because of this i am very conscious of my health, i am passionate about bodybuilding and hoping to compete, do the best i can then hang the gloves by the time im 26-28 for health reasons. So far ive been blasting & cruising (mostly blasting...) for about 2 years now. my weekly AAS dosage now hovers around 300 - 500 mgs total, not including very occasional use of proviron and pre workout TNE. I have been using talimasartan 80 mgs and propranolol between 20-40 mgs post workout. and my BP is steadily in the hypertensive level 2 and sometimes hypertension level 1range. My cardio is consistent usually 20-30 min of excersice with a heart rate of 150bpm 4-6 days a week not including the 7 km walking average i do daily. diet could be cleaned up a bit in comparison to a 100% whole foods context. but would that really cause stage 2 hypertensive alone? the bp is high even in fasted states. the best it is usually is after ive taking the beta blocker. i guess a question i have is if pros are known for using 500-750mg cruises are they in a perpetual state of hypertensive crisis? do they really last decades in that state? what do you guys suggest to be done. i have been considering adding a ARB in conjunction to the ACE and beta stack atm, not sure if thats the best thing or not. please point me in the right derection if you have any ideas.

ps. im not sure if this is the right section to post this thread so i will copy it and post it in the general forum as well, if its in the wrong location my apologies i will remove. im new here and would appreciate any feedback thx.
Is there a question in that fucking mess of a post?

High BP? Lower anabolics, or add more anti-hypertensives. Or do more cardio or lose weight. Or do all of them.

Are all pros in Hypertensive crisis? Well idk, ask if they check their blood pressure.
Is there a question in that fucking mess of a post?

High BP? Lower anabolics, or add more anti-hypertensives. Or do more cardio or lose weight. Or do all of them.

Are all pros in Hypertensive crisis? Well idk, ask if they check their blood pressure.
lol fair enough bro, i was seeking input on blood pressure control n relaying information (probably too much) to opt out any generic answers.
lol fair enough bro, i was seeking input on blood pressure control n relaying information (probably too much) to opt out any generic answers.
Well, are you on telimisartan? Or nebivolol? Those are our best BP meds for meat heads.

Try 40mg teli….did it get it down to 130/75 ish? If not add 2.5 nebivolol at night. Still not there? Maybe lower drugs. If you refuse to lower drugs bump telimisartan to 80mg. Still not there? More LISS, maybe 5mg nebivolol. If at 80 telimisartan 5mg nebivolol…your BP still sucks….you need to revamp cardio/drug/bodyweight.
Yeah, if your diet can be "cleaned up" then I would think that's the first order of business. Potassium, like bananas, potatoes, coconut water, fresh fruits would help. Also don't skimp on calcium. It's surprising how many people think calcium plays either no role (or a negative role) in blood pressure maintenance. Evidence seems to point to the contrary (R).

What is your choline intake like? Choline, and acetylcholine, are needed to maintain proper parasympathetic tone. It will regulate heart rate when it gets too high (R). I guess, according to this guy's video, if you wanted an overly simplistic explanation, acetylcholine is like the "yin" to adrenaline's "yang." Though, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a direct antagonist to adrenaline. ACh is more like the master regulator for sympathetic and parasympathetic action. You can antagonize epinephrine with beta blockers all day but if you lack the parasympathetic tone your foot is basically taped to the gas pedal.

I would assume you are also keeping a close eye on your hematocrit and blood work? Higher red blood cell production will result in greater viscosity, and perhaps bump up the BP some. So donate blood if your numbers are too high. I don't think proviron aromatizes, so the E2 pathway to high BP shouldn't be a problem for you.

I've seen a lot of self-reported anecdotes that suggest fresh celery juice will lower high blood pressure, though there isn't a lot of evidence to back this up. Some OTC options for managing high blood pressure would be P5P (R), CoQ10 (R), and chelated magnesium (R).
As height is a negative factor for longevity. Anything that can be done to keep the body at a healthy level would probably be beneficial. keeping the arteries in good shape would seem reasonable. and BP and glucose levels seem to be a couple things that damage them the most from my reading. I would start with and ARB if i needed to control BP.
the best it is usually is after ive taking the beta blocker. i guess a question i have is if pros are known for using 500-750mg cruises are they in a perpetual state of hypertensive crisis? do they really last decades in that state? what do you guys suggest to be done. i have been considering adding a ARB in conjunction to the ACE and beta stack atm, not sure if thats the best thing or not. please point me in the right derection if you have any ideas.
The first step would be to see a doctor to find the best way to manage your hypertension.

I know there is a general distrust of physicians by bodybuilders because there is a lot of ignorance and even hostility regarding non-therapeutic AAS use in the medical community.

But one thing that doctors do know about, have extensive experience with, and are pretty good at treating is hypertension.
Just my opinion, seems like nothing about BB is healthy (eating more, hormones, being at a heavier weight than normal etc).

I had BP issues for a while, did phlebotomy a ton to lower it, added telmisartan etc. I dropped my test to 125mg weekly and dropped a few pounds and now my bp is 115/70. Also dropped the junk food, increased aerobic exercise etc but I think losing weight and dropping the hormones helped the most.
Alright so quick background, im 6'6 and 270 lbs. i havnt seen a corralation with being tall and having higher blood pressure when researching, and a few studies suggest being tall the heart is usually adapted for the workload. That being said there was a link between being tall, heart faliure, and increased risk of cancers. Because of this i am very conscious of my health, i am passionate about bodybuilding and hoping to compete, do the best i can then hang the gloves by the time im 26-28 for health reasons. So far ive been blasting & cruising (mostly blasting...) for about 2 years now. my weekly AAS dosage now hovers around 300 - 500 mgs total, not including very occasional use of proviron and pre workout TNE. I have been using talimasartan 80 mgs and propranolol between 20-40 mgs post workout. and my BP is steadily in the hypertensive level 2 and sometimes hypertension level 1range. My cardio is consistent usually 20-30 min of excersice with a heart rate of 150bpm 4-6 days a week not including the 7 km walking average i do daily. diet could be cleaned up a bit in comparison to a 100% whole foods context. but would that really cause stage 2 hypertensive alone? the bp is high even in fasted states. the best it is usually is after ive taking the beta blocker. i guess a question i have is if pros are known for using 500-750mg cruises are they in a perpetual state of hypertensive crisis? do they really last decades in that state? what do you guys suggest to be done. i have been considering adding a ARB in conjunction to the ACE and beta stack atm, not sure if thats the best thing or not. please point me in the right derection if you have any ideas.

ps. im not sure if this is the right section to post this thread so i will copy it and post it in the general forum as well, if its in the wrong location my apologies i will remove. im new here and would appreciate any feedback thx.
Pros are known for 750mg cruises? Who knows this? We're in the most transparent era of bodybuilding ever. Many pros post their Bp checks, what meds they're on, etc.

We're not all in hypertensive crisis. Your concern should not be with others but with your condition. Sounds like telm isn't doing it. Which isn't abnormal. Likely time for something like lisinopril. Go see a doctor man.
Have you been checked for sleep apnea? A lot of people that are hypertensive and resistant to medications have untreated sleep apnea.
Fix your diet, sleep, lifestyle. Remove most sodium. Take some natural BP supps. See about upping the prescription ones if necessary. Anyone can control their BO with the right combo of things. I was consistently high for years before giving a fuck … now I am 115/70 heart rate in the 50’s 24/7. That is while being 5’10 240 8-9% BF.

I took the time to try things and learn my body so I could unfuck myself while still enjoying this hobby. Not just throwing drugs at a problem
Fix your diet, sleep, lifestyle. Remove most sodium. Take some natural BP supps. See about upping the prescription ones if necessary. Anyone can control their BO with the right combo of things. I was consistently high for years before giving a fuck … now I am 115/70 heart rate in the 50’s 24/7. That is while being 5’10 240 8-9% BF.

I took the time to try things and learn my body so I could unfuck myself while still enjoying this hobby. Not just throwing drugs at a problem
Jesus, you must be effing huge, good job sir.