Has anyone donated plasma while on pct? Stupid idea?


New Member
I posted on the PCT forum earlier about doing my first pct ever after 7 years of blast and cruise. I’m financially in a bit of a bind and could use the extra cash. Curious if donating plasma would affect my hormone levels? From a google search it appears like plasma does affect hormone levels but I can’t really find anything that shows how much…
wonder the effects on albumin and SHBG, that would prob be the most pronounced. I assume they leave all the albumin etc in the plasma they take. but in reality all ur concerned about it FSH LH which dont last super long time anyway and replenish at night.

may want to do just blood instead as smaller amount of liquid leaves your body if super worried about it..

make sure you let them know what drugs your on as some aren't allowed.

hmm actually, I wonder if plasma donation is a good way to lower SHBG for those guys who have it elevated...
I can't remember what all it messed up on my blood work. My trt doctor said it's not a good idea. I was doing it about 4 or 5 times in 2 months span to get some extra money. I don't do it anymore.