I’m gonna make a post update next week, Friday the 15th on my next injection day. I am gonna try a few things to make it easier, I’ll use a larger gauge, I’ll also do 2 doses of 0.5ml, spaced out a few hours from eachother, this way I can be in and out of both doses. I’m gonna keep focused on my breathing, maybe listen to some music to just take my mind off it and I’ll have my girlfriend in the room with me to keep me calm.

I’ll do this until I can be certain I can inject alone without issue, by this point I’ll be like 5 weeks in and I wanna titrate up the dose and see my tolerability to AAS and if I need anything changed.
Are you only doing one weekly injection rn? Would prob suit your better to do 2x weekly injections of half the dose anyway. Like Monday/Thursday split

Edit- just reread. You’re using sustanon so you should do at least every other day injections because of the short esters in there. If you want just weekly or twice weekly injections, go for enanthate or cypionate next time
Are you only doing one weekly injection rn? Would prob suit your better to do 2x weekly injections of half the dose anyway. Like Monday/Thursday split

Edit- just reread. You’re using sustanon so you should do at least every other day injections because of the short esters in there. If you want just weekly or twice weekly injections, go for enanthate or cypionate next time
Ahh I thought sustanon was a mix of fast and slow esters which leads to stable concentration throughout the week which enabled single weekly doses.
Either way I don’t intend on sticking to 250mg weekly, I just want to gauge tolerance and side effects for the first few weeks to a month as the effects take hold.
But 100% when I move up to 500mg I’ll dose in that fashion, but perhaps I’ll begin doing that now since what you’re saying makes sense.
I never had fainting spells but get those nasty coughs occasionally that make me feel I wanna die and which last up to 10 minutes.
I never had fainting spells but get those nasty coughs occasionally that make me feel I wanna die and which last up to 10 minutes.
The tren from component h pellets were notorious for that. I probably experience it every 5th pin or so. It was brutal for sure.
My first cycle I had a trainer bro at the gym injecting me first few weeks but he wasn't able to anymore. My first self injection took me about 90 mins to work up the balls to put the needle into my quad. It went fine but later had an incident that freaked me out and I won't pin quads anymore
I’m gonna make a post update next week, Friday the 15th on my next injection day. I am gonna try a few things to make it easier, I’ll use a larger gauge, I’ll also do 2 doses of 0.5ml, spaced out a few hours from eachother, this way I can be in and out of both doses. I’m gonna keep focused on my breathing, maybe listen to some music to just take my mind off it and I’ll have my girlfriend in the room with me to keep me calm.

I’ll do this until I can be certain I can inject alone without issue, by this point I’ll be like 5 weeks in and I wanna titrate up the dose and see my tolerability to AAS and if I need anything changed.
Do your next shot while you're sitting on the floor. Make sure you set up a video recording so you can watch yourself pass out.
I never had fainting spells but get those nasty coughs occasionally that make me feel I wanna die and which last up to 10 minutes.
I get those too, and not necessarily from tren...it's whatever I'm injecting at the time. I've had it from test, tren, primo, deca, mast, and even injectable LGD. I can feel it coming on because my hair and fingers will feel tingly (feels almost like a niacin flush), then I can start to feel the itch in my chest, then the inevitable coughing.
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I get those too, and not necessarily from tren...it's whatever I'm injecting at the time. I've had it from test, tren, primo, deca, mast, and even injectable LGD. I can feel it coming on because my hair and fingers will feel tingly (feels almost like a niacin flush), then I can start to feel the itch in my chest, then the inevitable coughing.
The tingles sound like what I felt before I blacked out, but I never got to the coughing part because i passed out. I’ll see what happens next time ay
Next time lay on your side, do a VG administration with a 23g needle. Takes seconds, no pain, if you faint you would be already lying down so no problem.
The tingles sound like what I felt before I blacked out, but I never got to the coughing part because i passed out. I’ll see what happens next time ay
Very similar thing happened to me, but it wasn’t during the injection period it was about 1 minute post injection. My episode happened with CJC1295 - strong body flushing and intense heart rate spike, followed by a blackout period. Wife found me on the floor as I came out of a crazy daze, then went in and out of a dream state for a good 2-5 minutes. She called the paramedics out of panic, who showed up and wanted to administer epinephrine, but I declined.

The daze faded within 30 minutes of taking some Benadryl, but I am still very confused as to what actually happened or specifically why it happened (I’ve taken every peptide ever made and never had this happen before)

Only thing I can think of was an allergic reaction to that specific peptide from that manufacturer.

Needles to say, but I won’t be doing any more CJC
Very similar thing happened to me, but it wasn’t during the injection period it was about 1 minute post injection. My episode happened with CJC1295 - strong body flushing and intense heart rate spike, followed by a blackout period. Wife found me on the floor as I came out of a crazy daze, then went in and out of a dream state for a good 2-5 minutes. She called the paramedics out of panic, who showed up and wanted to administer epinephrine, but I declined.

The daze faded within 30 minutes of taking some Benadryl, but I am still very confused as to what actually happened or specifically why it happened (I’ve taken every peptide ever made and never had this happen before)

Only thing I can think of was an allergic reaction to that specific peptide from that manufacturer.

Needles to say, but I won’t be doing any more CJC
I have 2 bottles of sustanon from the same UGL, both with different coloured carrier oils, I have no allergies I am aware of, but next administration I will try the other vial and see the reaction. Sorry you went through that though because the other day blacking out fucking sucked fat dick.
Get yourself BH Supplies Insulin Syringes U-100 29G 1ml/cc 1/2" (12.7mm) shipped to door from amazon using 21g needle would probably make me faint too. (Warm up oil in warm water before pulling)