Has someone blocked me from private messging

Alex, I have no problem with you personally. I will, however, make it so you are unable to pm odie. I've done this before and its for the good of all involved.
Odie is ridiculously busy and if I feel he is unable to complete the tasks he has committed to and given his word to complete I will limit your ability to communicate with whichever handle you use. Your IP addy and your inability behave will be your downfall.
I will have members watching you in shifts. Meso business comes before personal relationships.
Reminds me, your issue with naps....you've been taken care of?
Alex, I have no problem with you personally. I will, however, make it so you are unable to pm odie. I've done this before and its for the good of all involved.
Odie is ridiculously busy and if I feel he is unable to complete the tasks he has committed to and given his word to complete I will limit your ability to communicate with whichever handle you use. Your IP addy and your inability behave will be your downfall.
I will have members watching you in shifts. Meso business comes before personal relationships.
Reminds me, your issue with naps....you've been taken care of?
Do u have an update on my order hun?