HCG and When to to take it? I wish to learn


Well-known Member
I see alot of debate as to when to take hcg and whether or not to take it during your cycle, after your cycle, and or b4 or during your actual pct (nolvadex in my case)

Input from some vets as to the best option would be appreciated.

My cycle is a simple one: Sustanon 750/wk pinned eod, AI on hand (not taking it till i see my midcycle bloods), Using Nolvadex as my pct.

So now just where should I fit my HCG into the equation (i have 10000 ius) to get the most out of it for waking my balls back up.

I'm a grasshopper. I wish to learn. But I'm not a dumbass, so don't come on this thread with disrespect. I ask that respectfully. :D
I believe in running throughout the cycle myself... It's the only way I've run it but I'd run it leading into PCT too if I didn't run it during the cycle.

Ultimately, it's personal preference.
...or quit being lazy and read like everyone else. No one here will spoon feed you, you must put a real effort in to be taken seriously.

I'm not being lazy bud. I have read so much that my eyes hurt, and everyone says something different. And I just wanted personal opinion from guys like @Eman, who 1) obviously knows his shit and is well respected on this forum & 2) doesn't waste energy calling people lazy when you can use the same number of words just answering a quick question and stating your opinion.

Calling someone lazy = disrespectful and in this case you are also wrong.
I believe in running throughout the cycle myself... It's the only way I've run it but I'd run it leading into PCT too if I didn't run it during the cycle.

Ultimately, it's personal preference.

This is the method I was leaning torward. Its more expensive, but I'm trying to keep as much of my gains as possible.
I'm not being lazy bud. I have read so much that my eyes hurt, and everyone says something different. And I just wanted personal opinion from guys like @Eman, who 1) obviously knows his shit and is well respected on this forum & 2) doesn't waste energy calling people lazy when you can use the same number of words just answering a quick question and stating your opinion.

Calling someone lazy = disrespectful and in this case you are also wrong.

While I agree somewhat with NN's view that people need to research and not expect to be spoonfed here... I get kind of irritated by the constant responses saying "the info is already out there."

If we had that response anymore than we do this would be a pretty unproductive forum... You clearly did some research because you had pretty educated questions IMO.

This is the method I was leaning torward. Its more expensive, but I'm trying to keep as much of my gains as possible.

I'm not sure that it really has much to do with keeping gains... It's moreso how you want to use it to recover the best.

This is the method I was leaning torward. Its more expensive, but I'm trying to keep as much of my gains as possible.

I don't think it's more expensive...? You have 10k iu either way use. Hcg shelf life also kind of needs to be considered.

...or quit being lazy and read like everyone else. No one here will spoon feed you, you must put a real effort in to be taken seriously.

I could swear you're a rep... I must be crazy because everyone knows reps are supposed to stay in there own threads.
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While I agree somewhat with NN's view that people need to research and not expect to be spoonfed here... I get kind of irritated by the constant responses saying "the info is already out there."

If we had that response anymore than we do this would be a pretty unproductive forum... You clearly did some research because you had pretty educated questions IMO.

I'm not sure that it really has much to do with keeping gains... It's moreso how you want to use it to recover the best.

I could swear you're a rep... I must be crazy because everyone knows reps are supposed to stay in there own threads.

Yeah, I make sure to read and get as many answers to my questions as I can, so I don't waste people's time. Youtvets on here are real lifesavers for us cats that are just getting into anabolics. I can only imagine how hard it was for the guys back in the day when there was limited knowlege on the sport.

But yeah, my logic tells me that if I recover properly, and successfully getting my natural testosterone going again, my gains will stick better.

Thanks for the reply