Hcg hmg still infertil


After 6/7mounths on trt 20 mg test p ed and 1000 iu hcg 75iu hmg per week i still not making any sperm (did sementest)

My fsh was 1.8 mnol/l second day after last inject (1.4-18) so there was fsh in my hmg

But i read alot off good thing about this procotol but seems my body dont respons on hcg hmg but how its possible

Now i quit my trt but libido is zero so its hard to make children like this
try enclomid and injectable l-carnitine on top of that without the test, even freezing your balls for a few minutes a day might help
Oke you think it will work?

I don t understand why it not working i always read good stories even on hcg only and hmg for sure
No but i already have a child, that time a came off for 1 year...after 8 months i only had 8 million semen and low t.

That why i first wanne try it with trt hcg hmg to see if thats maybe better but im off again but i sucks
No but i already have a child, that time a came off for 1 year...after 8 months i only had 8 million semen and low t.

That why i first wanne try it with trt hcg hmg to see if thats maybe better but im off again but i sucks
Yeah it sounds unusual then. Do you know if the source of hcg hmg is real and dosed correctly?
Hmg im not sure jano dont test hmg but fsh was 1.8 (ref 1.4/14) at bloodwork on day 2 after last shot

Hcg was from @Liska livzon and tested by jano so that was real.
As mentioned in another thread, your leydig cells could be fucked. It -could- just be from continued suppression from your TRT too. Time off would tell, but your balls should still rrespond to HCG even with exogenous test. The fact they arent is concerning and as i mentioned before suggestive of primary hypogonadism which is to say some dysfunction of the actual cells in your balls.

Id advise you to see a fertility specialist or endocrinologist.

Also consider trying a run of HimalayaHealthcares Speman. At worst you waste some $$$ and it doesnt help, at best it improves your fertility situation? If it was me, id throw everything at the situation and hope something helps. Below is a link to a study on Speman:

Speman for Spermatogenesis
After 6/7mounths on trt 20 mg test p ed and 1000 iu hcg 75iu hmg per week i still not making any sperm (did sementest)

My fsh was 1.8 mnol/l second day after last inject (1.4-18) so there was fsh in my hmg

But i read alot off good thing about this procotol but seems my body dont respons on hcg hmg but how its possible

Now i quit my trt but libido is zero so its hard to make children like this
When u quit ur TRT be sure to have a Cold Turkey phase of 6-8 Weeks. After the ester is out ur system u can implement the HCG at High dose 3500Iu Weekly for 2-3 Weeks. Stop taking HCG for two weeks then implement your SERMS. You sir need proper PCT. Patience is Key.
I had to come off TRT 100% and then HCG and clomid worked, but it took 4 months. On TRT nothing worked.
HCG only at 500IU EOD for 4 weeks with 50mg of clomid ED, transitioning to 10mg clomid ED for the rest of the time until my wife was pregnant.

I did not have access to HMG.
I was about 5 weeks (into a cruise) off of a 16 week blast (test, tren, mast)

I went off cold for 3.5 weeks then did 4 weeks of HCG and clomid to get things moving and then moved into the low dose clomid for the rest of it (as 50mg of clomid gave me the personality of a 13 year old girl).

Sex drive came back around week 6. My wife would have to kick start things before that with randomly starting a BJ something.

We also use pre-seed lube which is supposed to help with motility and protecting what swimmer did get released from the evil wasteland that is the inside of a vagina.
As mentioned in another thread, your leydig cells could be fucked. It -could- just be from continued suppression from your TRT too. Time off would tell, but your balls should still rrespond to HCG even with exogenous test. The fact they arent is concerning and as i mentioned before suggestive of primary hypogonadism which is to say some dysfunction of the actual cells in your balls.

Id advise you to see a fertility specialist or endocrinologist.

Also consider trying a run of HimalayaHealthcares Speman. At worst you waste some $$$ and it doesnt help, at best it improves your fertility situation? If it was me, id throw everything at the situation and hope something helps. Below is a link to a study on Speman:

Speman for Spermatogenesis
100% this!

I have primary hypo caused by a 1 year long blast and cruise without the use of HCG.

Now i have very high lh and high fsh. My testosterone is at 200ng/dl. My balls never recovered. I tried everything, the leydig cells are dead

I dont want to scare Lifting88, my case is pretty rare. But you should investigate this possibility
100% this!

I have primary hypo caused by a 1 year long blast and cruise without the use of HCG.

Now i have very high lh and high fsh. My testosterone is at 200ng/dl. My balls never recovered. I tried everything, the leydig cells are dead

I dont want to scare Lifting88, my case is pretty rare. But you should investigate this possibility
I have the feeling my body don t respons on hcg so maybe i have the same

Im off now and will do blood/semen after 3 months to check where i am
100% this!

I have primary hypo caused by a 1 year long blast and cruise without the use of HCG.

Now i have very high lh and high fsh. My testosterone is at 200ng/dl. My balls never recovered. I tried everything, the leydig cells are dead

I dont want to scare Lifting88, my case is pretty rare. But you should investigate this possibility
Did you do a proper PCT? If you had normal testosterone levels before your blast and cruise, Im sure its only secondary hypogonadism, I mean everyones situation is different but I'm certain if you had healthy levels prior you can recover no problem.
Did you do a proper PCT? If you had normal testosterone levels before your blast and cruise, Im sure its only secondary hypogonadism, I mean everyones situation is different but I'm certain if you had healthy levels prior you can recover no problem.

My balls dont respond to clomid/nolvadex, and do not respond to HCG at any doses
My blast and cruise was 4 or 5 years ago. It lasted around 1 year, then i came off. I never cycled again since then

My previous bloodwork before B&C:
Testosterone: 650ng/dl
LH: 3.6 mIU/mL
FSH: 3.3 mIU/mL

My bloodwork during clomid+nolva
Testosterone 300ng/dl
LH: 23 mIU/mL
FSH: 17 mIU/mL

My last bloodwork ( few months ago):
Testosterone : 230ng/dl
LH: 14.2 mIU/mL
FSH: 11.5 mIU/mL