Hcg hmg still infertil

I have the feeling my body don t respons on hcg so maybe i have the same

Im off now and will do blood/semen after 3 months to check where i am
It's possible, i dont respond to HCG either, even with high dose like 1000 UI 3x per week my testosterone level almost doesn't increase

And the hcg was prescribed by a doctor so it's legit
My balls dont respond to clomid/nolvadex, and do not respond to HCG at any doses
My blast and cruise was 4 or 5 years ago. It lasted around 1 year, then i came off. I never cycled again since then

My previous bloodwork before B&C:
Testosterone: 650ng/dl
LH: 3.6 mIU/mL
FSH: 3.3 mIU/mL

My bloodwork during clomid+nolva
Testosterone 300ng/dl
LH: 23 mIU/mL
FSH: 17 mIU/mL

My last bloodwork ( few months ago):
Testosterone : 230ng/dl
LH: 14.2 mIU/mL
FSH: 11.5 mIU/mL
WOW that's shocking.
My balls dont respond to clomid/nolvadex, and do not respond to HCG at any doses
My blast and cruise was 4 or 5 years ago. It lasted around 1 year, then i came off. I never cycled again since then

My previous bloodwork before B&C:
Testosterone: 650ng/dl
LH: 3.6 mIU/mL
FSH: 3.3 mIU/mL

My bloodwork during clomid+nolva
Testosterone 300ng/dl
LH: 23 mIU/mL
FSH: 17 mIU/mL

My last bloodwork ( few months ago):
Testosterone : 230ng/dl
LH: 14.2 mIU/mL
FSH: 11.5 mIU/mL
How long into ur blast and cruise did u experience atrophy. Where they Shrunken the whole time? Jus did a Year stint and Im fine although I did use HCG the whole time. 250Iu Once Weekly. No signs of atrophy at all while I was on.
How long into ur blast and cruise did u experience atrophy. Where they Shrunken the whole time? Jus did a Year stint and Im fine although I did use HCG the whole time. 250Iu Once Weekly. No signs of atrophy at all while I was on.
Around 4 months in atrophy began
It's possible, i dont respond to HCG either, even with high dose like 1000 UI 3x per week my testosterone level almost doesn't increase

And the hcg was prescribed by a doctor so it's legit
Did you try higher dosing then 3000iu per week?

Because thats not really a high doses

Im off know so im not experiment with things because fertility is more important now but i know guys that use 2000 to 5000 iu 3x per week
Around 4 months in atrophy began
Only thing I can reckon is that you over stimulated the Leydig Cell/ LHCG Receptors with whatever Post Cycle Therapy u initiated causing some sort of desensitization maybe.. Thats not taking ur age into consideration though, I seem to notice plenty of people using High Dose HCG and Ive heard wonders but its because there balls are BURNT OUT. Nobody should ever use more then 500Iu HCG a Day, its like giving a Crack head more Crack even though he's already High jus over stimulating everything. The proper way to go about HCG is find out how much you need weekly to produce baseline testosterone levels. If you don't have that information you can use Dr.Lipshultz study of HCG which he tested on 26 Men. 125iu 3x Weekly suppressed baseline Testosterone by 25%.. 250Iu 3x Weekly suppressed baseline Testosterone by 7%.. and 500Iu 3x Weekly Over Stimulated/ Increased baseline testosterone levels over 26%.. Everyone should take this information and use accordingly.. So for maintenance purposes on Cycle personally I would use 250Iu 3x a Week jus to preserve Fertility and avoid this whole situation... Stop HCG prior to PCT and when its time Up the HCG accordingly to PCT needs. I may be speaking to much given I don't know your situation but Im almost sure its got something to do with ur method of PCT. Granted the Year long blast has gots a lot to do with it lol
Only thing I can reckon is that you over stimulated the Leydig Cell/ LHCG Receptors with whatever Post Cycle Therapy u initiated causing some sort of desensitization maybe.. Thats not taking ur age into consideration though, I seem to notice plenty of people using High Dose HCG and Ive heard wonders but its because there balls are BURNT OUT. Nobody should ever use more then 500Iu HCG a Day, its like giving a Crack head more Crack even though he's already High jus over stimulating everything. The proper way to go about HCG is find out how much you need weekly to produce baseline testosterone levels. If you don't have that information you can use Dr.Lipshultz study of HCG which he tested on 26 Men. 125iu 3x Weekly suppressed baseline Testosterone by 25%.. 250Iu 3x Weekly suppressed baseline Testosterone by 7%.. and 500Iu 3x Weekly Over Stimulated/ Increased baseline testosterone levels over 26%.. Everyone should take this information and use accordingly.. So for maintenance purposes on Cycle personally I would use 250Iu 3x a Week jus to preserve Fertility and avoid this whole situation... Stop HCG prior to PCT and when its time Up the HCG accordingly to PCT needs. I may be speaking to much given I don't know your situation but Im almost sure its got something to do with ur method of PCT. Granted the Year long blast has gots a lot to do with it lol
I used HCG 1 year after i came off, so no it's not the HCG. I didn't even needed a PCT because 1 month after i came off my LH and FSH were already very high
I had my first born naturally, getting off gear that I would cycle on and off, and doing a PCT.

After my first was born, I decided to jump on TRT dosage at 200mg for three years straight, along with cycles here and there on top of it. My wife and I tired for an other child a few years later, and she wasn't getting pregnant at all. I went to fertility clinic, and it turned out I had azoospermia. Doctor said to get off all gear, and I did.

I got some Chinese HCG, HMG, blasting 4000ius a week, and an entire vial of HMG 3x a week. I also took 50mg of clomid ED; even with this protocol, it took me nearly half a year to recover and get a mere 6 million sperm count, which still isn't enough to do shit.

Because my wife and I didn't want to wait more, as it is harder to get pregnant as we age, it led us to go get IVF (thankfully I didn't have to pay for it), and we have our second child now. Could I have recovered fully again and not needed the IVF? I'll never know, but I wasn't going to wait till 38-39 to find out.

Crazy part is, I had a buddy who go the same script from the same doc of 200mg of Test Cyp; he was on for seven years straight. He was unable to get his fiancé pregnant, so I sent him to the same fertility clinic I went to. Doctor told him the same shit: get off everything. He got off, did what he was told ( think just HCG), and four months later got his wife pregnant.

This goes to show that fertility is also genetic. Hopefully, giving yourself more time, you will recover fully. But definitely drop all exogenous test.
I used HCG 1 year after i came off, so no it's not the HCG. I didn't even needed a PCT because 1 month after i came off my LH and FSH were already very high
SO out of curiosity what is ur take on this? What would u have done differently during your blast and cruise to have prevented this? Jus curious Im sure others are too. Maybe HCG on Cycle? PCT Earlier? Thoughts?
SO out of curiosity what is ur take on this? What would u have done differently during your blast and cruise to have prevented this? Jus curious Im sure others are too. Maybe HCG on Cycle? PCT Earlier? Thoughts?
Hcg on cycle for sure, mandatory imo for guys who want to keep their fertility
Hcg on long cycles are a must for recovery i think

I didn't use it because i get gyno i thought blasting hcg when going off was good enough but last time i was off gear for 14 months als still had low t

Im almost 2.5 months off
Blood semen will taken end of the month

But test will come back low i think because i notice low sex drive but im able to get him up when needed, and i gain some fat even when i eat alot less then i normaly did

Fertility i think is still low becauce i notice i have a very low semun volume...on cycle ir was only around 2ml but now its even lower

Im almost 2.5 months off
Blood semen will taken end of the month

But test will come back low i think because i notice low sex drive but im able to get him up when needed, and i gain some fat even when i eat alot less then i normaly did

Fertility i think is still low becauce i notice i have a very low semun volume...on cycle ir was only around 2ml but now its even lower
1. When I had these problems my doctor said It takes 3 months to notice a change in these things, so be patient.
Do you do activities that include a lot of sitting or have other lifestyle factors that could influence it?

When I did a check for this stuff my numbers were relatively low and a doctor thought I might have prostate problems. I got a second opinion and we discussed lifestyle factors. I told him I ride bicycles nearly 2 hours a day commuting, sometimes 100km or more on weekends. doctor‘s recommendation was to stop riding the bike, and the motility increased From 40% to 85%, volume went up too, after waiting 3 months.
1. When I had these problems my doctor said It takes 3 months to notice a change in these things, so be patient.
Do you do activities that include a lot of sitting or have other lifestyle factors that could influence it?

When I did a check for this stuff my numbers were relatively low and a doctor thought I might have prostate problems. I got a second opinion and we discussed lifestyle factors. I told him I ride bicycles nearly 2 hours a day commuting, sometimes 100km or more on weekends. doctor‘s recommendation was to stop riding the bike, and the motility increased From 40% to 85%, volume went up too, after waiting 3 months.
When result are bad again i think the will check if there are other factors

Last time i went off i only got 8 million semen per ml after 8 months

But looks like me semenvolume now is only a few drups maybe 1 ml, also when i cum it feels not so good as normal
When result are bad again i think the will check if there are other factors

Last time i went off i only got 8 million semen per ml after 8 months

But looks like me semenvolume now is only a few drups maybe 1 ml, also when i cum it feels not so good as normal

Guys always seem to think they can stay on test if they throw every drug and the kitchen sink at a fertility protocol. For some yes it works , but everyone I know having major fertility issues had to stop the test then do a power/ fertility PCT and sperm came back 15-25 million.

I paid out of pocket and did some testing for my own peice of mind , stayed on 150mg TRT then added a fertility protocol , it didn’t work was told I was basically infertile. I stopped the test did a power / fertilIty PCT and within 6 weeks my sperm count was around 18million IIRC.

I was on TRT for over 5 years and came off no issues , didn’t feel all that bad.
Guys always seem to think they can stay on test if they throw every drug and the kitchen sink at a fertility protocol. For some yes it works , but everyone I know having major fertility issues had to stop the test then do a power/ fertility PCT and sperm came back 15-25 million.

I paid out of pocket and did some testing for my own peice of mind , stayed on 150mg TRT then added a fertility protocol , it didn’t work was told I was basically infertile. I stopped the test did a power / fertilIty PCT and within 6 weeks my sperm count was around 18million IIRC.

I was on TRT for over 5 years and came off no issues , didn’t feel all that bad.
How did your pct looks like?

Did you stay on pct till she got pregnant of only a few weeks

My balls stay small even on 4500iu legit hcg per week (and on 20mg test p ed)
Even now im off everthing and balls are real small
How did your pct looks like?

Did you stay on pct till she got pregnant of only a few weeks

My balls stay small even on 4500iu legit hcg per week (and on 20mg test p ed)
Even now im off everthing and balls are real small

I did 2500IU of HCG EOD for 30 days , 50mg clomid ED for 50 days. I’ve got her pregnant a couple times with that protocol.

Staying on test fucked everything up on my side regarding fertility. Stay off the test and start a fertility protocol with HCG / clomid / HMG (if you can get it)

A buddy tried doing 2500IU HCG EOD while on TRT and couldn’t get get wife preggo then went IVF route (various reasons) and clinic said he was infertile. Finally he stopped the test and stayed on HCG it took a couple months and the fertility clinic made things work.

I also got friends with 5 kids that been on test 25 years who blast HCG for a couple month when they are trying so it hits everyone different.
try enclomid and injectable l-carnitine on top of that without the test, even freezing your balls for a few minutes a day might help
I do love my Inj L-Carnitine for the myriad of benefits but wondering what it does to help in this scenario? Interesting. I just remember reading that you basically get "more from less" when using Inj. Carnitine.

