Hcg hmg still infertil

After 6/7mounths on trt 20 mg test p ed and 1000 iu hcg 75iu hmg per week i still not making any sperm (did sementest)

My fsh was 1.8 mnol/l second day after last inject (1.4-18) so there was fsh in my hmg

But i read alot off good thing about this procotol but seems my body dont respons on hcg hmg but how its possible

Now i quit my trt but libido is zero so its hard to make children like this
3000 IU HCG isn’t all that much for someone who is struggling this hard. I personally did 800 IU daily. Also, are saying 75 IU HMG per week? That’s a waste. It’s needs to be ran 3 times a week minimum. I had to do 75 IU HMG daily just to get to 7 million sperm 4 months later.

Last but not least L-carnitine is a must. Injectable is great but oral will work. Take a mix of ALC and l carnitine l tartrate up 2.5-3 grams a day
3000 IU HCG isn’t all that much for someone who is struggling this hard. I personally did 800 IU daily. Also, are saying 75 IU HMG per week? That’s a waste. It’s needs to be ran 3 times a week minimum. I had to do 75 IU HMG daily just to get to 7 million sperm 4 months later.

Last but not least L-carnitine is a must. Injectable is great but oral will work. Take a mix of ALC and l carnitine l tartrate up 2.5-3 grams a day
what does the L Carnitine do?
3000 IU HCG isn’t all that much for someone who is struggling this hard. I personally did 800 IU daily. Also, are saying 75 IU HMG per week? That’s a waste. It’s needs to be ran 3 times a week minimum. I had to do 75 IU HMG daily just to get to 7 million sperm 4 months later.

Last but not least L-carnitine is a must. Injectable is great but oral will work. Take a mix of ALC and l carnitine l tartrate up 2.5-3 grams a day
No 1000 hcg 75 hmg 3 times per week
I had to come off TRT 100% and then HCG and clomid worked, but it took 4 months. On TRT nothing worked.
Hi Ryu, what is your age? Just curious. I'm 37yo and have been off test and deca for 8 weeks now, trying to PCT, have been on Clomid 50mg for almost three weeks now. The Dr. says stay on it until I have sperm.
100% this!

I have primary hypo caused by a 1 year long blast and cruise without the use of HCG.

Now i have very high lh and high fsh. My testosterone is at 200ng/dl. My balls never recovered. I tried everything, the leydig cells are dead

I dont want to scare Lifting88, my case is pretty rare. But you should investigate this possibility
What is your age?
Hi Ryu, what is your age? Just curious. I'm 37yo and have been off test and deca for 8 weeks now, trying to PCT, have been on Clomid 50mg for almost three weeks now. The Dr. says stay on it until I have sperm.
I was 39 when I went through it. 37 the first time but we lost it at 9 weeks.
Today get my bloodwork back after stopping everthing for around 3 months

Test 5.3 ref 5.9 - 28 mnol/l
Lh 5.1 ref 1.5 - 9 mnol/l
Fsh 6.3 ref 1.4 - 18.1 mnol
Shbg 21.6 ref 14.6 - 94.5 mnol/l
Got my bloodwork back today also, 8 weeks after stopping test and deca...
May 13, 2022
Test: 184 ref 250-827 ng/dL
LH: 0.8 ref 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
FSH: 1.3 ref 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL
Estradiol: 24 ref < OR = 39 pg/mL

Better than the first four weeks of stopping TRT...
April 15, 2022
Test: 226 ref 250-1100 ng/dL
LH: 0.3 ref 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
FSH: <0.7 ref 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL
Estradiol: 37 ref < OR = 39pg/mL

Any thoughts if it looks like I am improving, will improve? At least my LH and FSH started going up more, but seems slow. Taking Clomid 50mg a day for the past 3 weeks.
You may need 6 months of clomid to get back to normal. For some people it takes up to 76 days of a proper PCT to restore your fertility at all… for some people, it’s even longer.

HCG did not restore my balls or fertility at all. I did not respond and during the blast my Sperm count was only 5 million.

Clomid on the other hand completely restored all my functionality and my balls grew bigger than they were before.
I had my blood work done again and all my levels were in range, fsh, lh, etc. Total test was a bit low 244ng/dL and estradiol 62pg.

After also being sperm tested again, I was back from 0 sperm to at least 5 million per mL. I'm in about 4 months now no gear, and 10 weeks on clomid. I'm hoping that within 2 more months I will be back to 15-20 million sperm per mL.

At this point I also don't really care if I have to go back on testosterone for life (at 38yo), but I want to Father some children first before doing so.
I had my blood work done again and all my levels were in range, fsh, lh, etc. Total test was a bit low 244ng/dL and estradiol 62pg.

After also being sperm tested again, I was back from 0 sperm to at least 5 million per mL. I'm in about 4 months now no gear, and 10 weeks on clomid. I'm hoping that within 2 more months I will be back to 15-20 million sperm per mL.

At this point I also don't really care if I have to go back on testosterone for life (at 38yo), but I want to Father some children first before doing so.
Freeze as much Sperm as possible bro. Saves you a lot of trouble down the road.
Only thing I can reckon is that you over stimulated the Leydig Cell/ LHCG Receptors with whatever Post Cycle Therapy u initiated causing some sort of desensitization maybe.. Thats not taking ur age into consideration though, I seem to notice plenty of people using High Dose HCG and Ive heard wonders but its because there balls are BURNT OUT. Nobody should ever use more then 500Iu HCG a Day, its like giving a Crack head more Crack even though he's already High jus over stimulating everything. The proper way to go about HCG is find out how much you need weekly to produce baseline testosterone levels. If you don't have that information you can use Dr.Lipshultz study of HCG which he tested on 26 Men. 125iu 3x Weekly suppressed baseline Testosterone by 25%.. 250Iu 3x Weekly suppressed baseline Testosterone by 7%.. and 500Iu 3x Weekly Over Stimulated/ Increased baseline testosterone levels over 26%.. Everyone should take this information and use accordingly.. So for maintenance purposes on Cycle personally I would use 250Iu 3x a Week jus to preserve Fertility and avoid this whole situation... Stop HCG prior to PCT and when its time Up the HCG accordingly to PCT needs. I may be speaking to much given I don't know your situation but Im almost sure its got something to do with ur method of PCT. Granted the Year long blast has gots a lot to do with it lol

As I found out the hard way, just taking HCG alone is not guaranteed to keep your balls from being atrophied, and especially does not gurantee to preserve fertility. You also need FSH to stimulate the sertoli cells in the testicles, and both LH and FSH should be present and need to work together in the testicles to produce sperm.

I am off all TRT now, but when I go back on I will consider trying gonadorelin. It is GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone). Normally, this hormone gets sent by the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland as a response to low levels of estrogen and testosterone in the blood. The pituitary gland thus releases both LH and FSH to stimulate the testicles to make sperm and testosterone.

Thr other thing I didn't like about HCG is that it doesn't show up as LH on Blood tests. When taking gonadorelin, I will blood test every often to see if my "Natural" LH and FSH stay elevated even while on TRT.

Keep in mind that the hypothalamus will still go to sleep and not send the GnRH signal to the pituitary gland if your testosterone is high or estrogen is high.
what does the L Carnitine do?
Also increases androgen receptors.

As I found out the hard way, just taking HCG alone is not guaranteed to keep your balls from being atrophied, and especially does not gurantee to preserve fertility. You also need FSH to stimulate the sertoli cells in the testicles, and both LH and FSH should be present and need to work together in the testicles to produce sperm.

I am off all TRT now, but when I go back on I will consider trying gonadorelin. It is GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone). Normally, this hormone gets sent by the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland as a response to low levels of estrogen and testosterone in the blood. The pituitary gland thus releases both LH and FSH to stimulate the testicles to make sperm and testosterone.

Thr other thing I didn't like about HCG is that it doesn't show up as LH on Blood tests. When taking gonadorelin, I will blood test every often to see if my "Natural" LH and FSH stay elevated even while on TRT.

Keep in mind that the hypothalamus will still go to sleep and not send the GnRH signal to the pituitary gland if your testosterone is high or estrogen is high.
Is there dosing guidelines for gonadorelin?
i was on trt and hcg 3x 400 iu and my gf got pregnant accidental, she was on immune suppressants so we had to term the child, so we are going to try this year again and shes off her meds, gonna see what 4 months on regime does then if not go to the doc and see what needs to be changed.