Hcg hmg still infertil

I will try

Why drop omega?
I assume it's a fish oil product. I think that omega-3 is immunosuppressive and that effect is responsible for many of the positive studies we've seen. I think it's better to avoid omega-6 in your diet, and then your ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 etc will improve.
Today got bloodresult back on 40mcg ovitrelle (1000iu hcg) 3 times per week with 20 tamofixen ed

Test 11.0 mnol
Fsh 0
Lh 0

Tamofixen is not strong enough to boost lh fsh while on hcg? Is this normal

Test is low but not bad but libido not good i think tamofixen decreased my libido.

Did not check semem because im only 4 weeks on tamofixen.

I still not understand how its possible that my semem dropps to zero with hcg
Dokter never see this before
Hcg is counterproductive if you take a Serm. I wonder why people dont get this, even in 2022 they still take a serm together with HCG.

HCG does mimic LH, why would your body produce it's own natural LH if the feedback loop system of your own production detects HCG in your blood?

Low dose Tamoxifen + Clomid is a good combination.
Hcg is counterproductive if you take a Serm. I wonder why people dont get this, even in 2022 they still take a serm together with HCG.

HCG does mimic LH, why would your body produce it's own natural LH if the feedback loop system of your own production detects HCG in your blood?

Low dose Tamoxifen + Clomid is a good combination.
Thats what i always thought but my doc put me on it so thought he will know what he is doing
The doc dont know why my semen got from 8 mil to zero when i start hcg

Even with hmg my semen was zero and doc never see this happen before...so whats wrong with my body i don t know
For some reasons, high doses of hCG result in a deeper suppression of the spermatogenesis.
For me, 250UI twice a week works better than 1000UI or 500UI, for example.
I always check with testing.
My sperms improved only when I decreased hCG with 75UI of hMG twice a week.

Testosterone suppresses me a lot even at low doses (i.e. 1ml - 250 mg/ml per week) and I always get 0 sperms when I use it.
For some reasons, high doses of hCG result in a deeper suppression of the spermatogenesis.
For me, 250UI twice a week works better than 1000UI or 500UI, for example.
This does not make any sense. The usual situation is that people only do the gym bro science dose of 250/500iu and it never works until they increase dse to 1000+. Far more likely that whatever hcg you were using was bunk. Only exception would be if came direct from pharmacy but even euro pharmacies are now sending out bunk hcg with ongoing demand/shortage. Current recommendations are up to 3000 iu EOD or twice weekly per some urology/fertility protocols.
i recommend taking Coq10 tablets they definitely increase the number of swimmers you have i know because i got tested at a clinic.
I would guess maybe they use the SERM with HCG to keep estrogen low which helps sperm production and motility IIRC rather than stimulating LH FSH, lower estrogen helps volume aswell. also perhaps useful like how taking HCG during TRT is helpful even though doesn't help T levels much.

This is why always listen to DRs and not BROS...

at any rate super happy you got ur lady knocked up!! unfortunate had to do IVF but lets hope everything stays good and u get to fan your super pregnant lady all summer long!