Hcg hmg still infertil

Today got semen result back

I got 7.6 when off and docter put me on overtrelle 40mcg 3 times a week en semen got back to zero

So i can start again with going off complete and lost a few months
After 6/7mounths on trt 20 mg test p ed and 1000 iu hcg 75iu hmg per week i still not making any sperm (did sementest)

My fsh was 1.8 mnol/l second day after last inject (1.4-18) so there was fsh in my hmg

But i read alot off good thing about this procotol but seems my body dont respons on hcg hmg but how its possible

Now i quit my trt but libido is zero so its hard to make children like this
Did you take any covid-19 "vaccines"?

No one wants to talk about it, but if you have taken any, you should read these links.

Anabolic Doc (a doctor specializing in treating steroid users who also has a YT channel), says people can take up to two years to recovery. You just have to keep trying. Did you take any 19-nors such as Deca or Tren ever?
Yes i use deca but im already 18 months off 19 nor

No vaccine

Docter want me to stay on the ovitrelle and wanne add 20mg tamofixen

I didn't know tamofixen was used for fertility i only know clomid for fertility he says tamofixen is better/healtier
Yes i use deca but im already 18 months off 19 nor

No vaccine

Docter want me to stay on the ovitrelle and wanne add 20mg tamofixen

I didn't know tamofixen was used for fertility i only know clomid for fertility he says tamofixen is better/healtier

Can you add some more supplements? I have to think about it but I think you should try:

Lugol's iodine 5% at 6 drops per day.
Selenium 400mcg
Boron 10mg
Copper Bisglycinate 6mg
30-90mg zinc bisglycinate
Vitamin E 800iu per day (you have to pick a good one. Depends where you live. NOW foods and life extension have good ones).

Drop the Omega 3.

Tamoxifen could help.

Your balls need these supplements.
Tamox ain’t shit without clomid IME. Pain pain pain cushion cushion cushion. Laaa da dee da da.

I know but he doesn't wanne give clomid ‍

In 4 weeks i go back for some echo and new blood en see if there is something wrong, after that i think i stop with ovitrelle en tamo and get off everthing

The only time i got semun back (still low at 8 milion) was when i quit everthing

Very strange i looks my body doesn"t respons on hcg
I know but he doesn't wanne give clomid ‍

In 4 weeks i go back for some echo and new blood en see if there is something wrong, after that i think i stop with ovitrelle en tamo and get off everthing

The only time i got semun back (still low at 8 milion) was when i quit everthing

Very strange i looks my body doesn"t respons on hcg
Take the supplements I recommended.
There are a million studies showing that lacking these supplements can be the reason why you have this problem.

Look at boron for example:

"Adding Boron at any dose exhibited a significant increase (p≤0.01) in sperm concentration, total sperm output, sperm motility, live sperm and normal sperm compared to the control group and the high Boron dose had the highest effect on previous measurements compared to the low and medium Boron doses.

"Boron has been shown to be essential for the completion of the life cycle (ie, deficiency causes impaired growth, development, or maturation such that procreation is prevented) for organisms in all phylogenetic kingdoms. Higher animals that require boron to complete their life cycle are frogs9,10 and zebrafish.11,12 Boron-deprived male frogs exhibited atrophied testes, decreased sperm counts, and sperm dysmorphology. Female frogs exhibited atrophied ovaries and impaired oocyte maturation. Boron deprivation resulted in necrotic eggs and high mortality in embryos from frogs fed a boron-deficient diet. Boron deficiency also induced high mortality in zebrafish embryos."

Dietary boron supplementation enhances sperm quality and immunity through influencing the associated biochemical parameters and modulating the genes expression at testicular tissue
Take the supplements I recommended.
There are a million studies showing that lacking these supplements can be the reason why you have this problem.

Look at boron for example:

"Adding Boron at any dose exhibited a significant increase (p≤0.01) in sperm concentration, total sperm output, sperm motility, live sperm and normal sperm compared to the control group and the high Boron dose had the highest effect on previous measurements compared to the low and medium Boron doses.

"Boron has been shown to be essential for the completion of the life cycle (ie, deficiency causes impaired growth, development, or maturation such that procreation is prevented) for organisms in all phylogenetic kingdoms. Higher animals that require boron to complete their life cycle are frogs9,10 and zebrafish.11,12 Boron-deprived male frogs exhibited atrophied testes, decreased sperm counts, and sperm dysmorphology. Female frogs exhibited atrophied ovaries and impaired oocyte maturation. Boron deprivation resulted in necrotic eggs and high mortality in embryos from frogs fed a boron-deficient diet. Boron deficiency also induced high mortality in zebrafish embryos."

Dietary boron supplementation enhances sperm quality and immunity through influencing the associated biochemical parameters and modulating the genes expression at testicular tissue
10mg boron daily is what you suggest to take? Good article btw.
10mg boron daily is what you suggest to take? Good article btw.

I think 10mg is a good amount for fertility/testicle/sperm health, but you can also take much higher amounts for other reasons. If you want to experiment with higher amounts, then you should obtain Borax. It's cheaper.

You should read the Borax Conspiracy, and the author has some doses he recommends.

In that article, he writes:

"Use as essential Mineral: Firstly dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water. This is your concentrated solution.

Standard dose = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or for maintenance you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily."

So he is saying 25mg-60mg of Borax provides 3-6mg of Boron, and that is useful as a maintenance dose. A minimum dose. That makes sense considering a good quality apple used to have maybe 20mg boron, and an apple grown today (especially grown in fertilizer) has maybe 1mg boron. He wrote about that in the article as an example, but the decline of boron content across all food, is pretty well documented

The author, Walter Last, also has a great website with a lot of important information.

Take the supplements I recommended.
There are a million studies showing that lacking these supplements can be the reason why you have this problem.

Look at boron for example:

"Adding Boron at any dose exhibited a significant increase (p≤0.01) in sperm concentration, total sperm output, sperm motility, live sperm and normal sperm compared to the control group and the high Boron dose had the highest effect on previous measurements compared to the low and medium Boron doses.

"Boron has been shown to be essential for the completion of the life cycle (ie, deficiency causes impaired growth, development, or maturation such that procreation is prevented) for organisms in all phylogenetic kingdoms. Higher animals that require boron to complete their life cycle are frogs9,10 and zebrafish.11,12 Boron-deprived male frogs exhibited atrophied testes, decreased sperm counts, and sperm dysmorphology. Female frogs exhibited atrophied ovaries and impaired oocyte maturation. Boron deprivation resulted in necrotic eggs and high mortality in embryos from frogs fed a boron-deficient diet. Boron deficiency also induced high mortality in zebrafish embryos."

Dietary boron supplementation enhances sperm quality and immunity through influencing the associated biochemical parameters and modulating the genes expression at testicular tissue
I will try

Why drop omega?