HCG HPTA Restart Crisler and Scally conflicting information


New Member
I'm very confused right now on HPTA restart protocols; Crisler says "don't go over 500 iu's per day," while Scally says "Do 2500 iu's EOD or ED for 20 shots." I'm currently shutdown fairly bad (FT 132 ng/dl) after about a year and a half of 1 mL Depo Test weekly and 0.25 Arimidex EOD. Went to see a new Urologist and he put me on 2000 iu's of HCG M,W,F and 25 mg Clomid (no Tamoxifen). I hate what's happened to me and now I'm deathly afraid of Leydig Cell desensitization due to HCG. Which protocol is the right one? Crisler or Scally's?