HCG: Late to the party


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First cycle @ 500mg Test E per week. Starting week 8 out of 12 planned. When I planned the cycle my understanding was that HCG was semi-optional, so I opted not to get it originally. I have Nolva and Clomid on hand. I have since read more about the benefits and opted to get some.

I procured 6000 IU HCG - How is it best used to help ensure maximum success PCT when starting this late in the cycle?
What PS has suggested for Hcg will work. It isn't optional. Use it in all further cycles.

I do think you should wait longer to start pct. Week 16 is the earliest. That is assuming a 6 day half life for test e. Next time finish the last 3 weeks with test prop. For pct to work, your test levels have to drop further. 2 weeks after your last injection you will definitely not be ready. Go to steroid calculator and plug in the numbers. Most guys start pct way too early.
500iu 2x per week and then 500iu for 2 weeks after the cycle while you wait for the esters to clear. Start nolva 40,40,20,20 two weeks after your last test-e shot - a day after your last hcg shot

My TRT dose is 250 IU of hCG twice per week, for a total of 500 per week.
What PS has suggested for Hcg will work. It isn't optional. Use it in all further cycles.

I do think you should wait longer to start pct. Week 16 is the earliest. That is assuming a 6 day half life for test e. Next time finish the last 3 weeks with test prop. For pct to work, your test levels have to drop further. 2 weeks after your last injection you will definitely not be ready. Go to steroid calculator and plug in the numbers. Most guys start pct way too early.

I have some test P. If you think it's worth it, I'll start researching doses,timing, etc for test P "bridge" to PCT.
I do not know who spreads the nonsense that hcg is semi-optional

it keeps you natural test production on and helps with recovery
I have some test P. If you think it's worth it, I'll start researching doses,timing, etc for test P "bridge" to PCT.
Use the test p weeks 11-14. The test e will be clearing, but you can keep test levels up with the test propionate which clears much faster.

In the future you can use it to finish the last 3 weeks and get on pct in a week and a half or 2 weeks at the most after your last injection. You can also use it the first couple weeks along with test enanthate to get test blood levels up quicker.