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HCG Monotherapy


New Member
46 year old healthy, semi-fit. 5'11" 180 pounds, good muscle mass. For the past four years, my sex drive (libido) and erection regularity and quality has declined. Went to a men's clinic a few months ago and labs were run. I was hovering at 510 T levels and E2 at 15.6. Pretty good for a man my age, but these places are willing to treat you more based on symptoms rather than just lab numbers like physicians. I asked for TRT and doctor wasn't really going for it. He suggested HCG monotherapy at a very low dose and adjust as needed. Started me off on daily SUBQ injections of 100iu. Low I know, but his gut told him my receptors might respond to a little kick in the ass would still be receptive.

Long story short, by the third day I started feeling better. Testies ached a bit, but were filling in. Shot up about 1/3 in size within the first week. I could feel things working and morning wood was back with a vengeance. Fast forward to 60 labs. In the meantime, I researched and found the downside of HCG monotherapy was usually a sharp rise in E2. So despite not having my labs in yet, at week three into this, I ordered DIM and Zinc and began taking a mid-level dose of each daily just as a precaution.

My 60 days labs came back and I was at T-636 and E2-21.2. I was feeling great. Asked doctor if we needed to change dose and he declined. It's working, why try and fix it. kept everything the same and 120 days labs were T-744 and E2-20.8. Feeling even better. Asked him if these numbers maintained could I stay on this for the long term and asked about desensitizing. He said since I had responded so well to a low dose, desensitizing would not likely ever happen, but suggested eventually I'd need TRT like most men. Asked how long that might be and he guessed anywhere from 5-10 years.

Am I wishfully thinking I can do this daily for the next 5-10 years?

Anyone have any sugeestions? Should I take breaks from the HCG? Maybe once every 3 or 6 months? I want this therapy as an option as it works for me. I want it for as long as possible before having to go on TRT.

Other things I've been doing is running three times a week and hitting the gym. I use daily DHEA 40mg cream and pregnenolone 25mg cream. I feel about 28 again and life is good overall. Thought I would share, as I was unable to find really even one success story out there on men on HCG monotherapy.
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interesting, goes to show that everyone is different and what works for one might not work at all for another, good luck
I've been on HCG monotherapy for over a year. It works just fine. Frequent low-dose injections did not work for me - too much estrogen. I use 700 to 750 IUs every three days and the dose spacing keeps estrogen under control.

[1] The increased T level from HCG will make ANYONE feel better, whether they actually need it or not. Get a proper diagnosis as to the actual CAUSE of your symptoms. It may not be low T. Have you done a complete thyroid panel? Had a thorough physical exam by someone other than a low T clinic doctor?

[2] Stop wasting your money on DIM, zinc, DHEA, and pregnenolone cream.

[3] There is no 'desensitization'. You find an HCG dose and frequency that works and stick with it.

[4] Continue to get labs every few months as your E2 can gradually creep up on HCG.
Subbed. I would be ecstatic if I were you. I wouldn't worry about desensitisation and go by feel. May never happen.
The reason I wanted to share my story thus far here and will keep it updated, is I almost refused to try HCG monotherapy. I could not find any success stories out there other then stopping testicular atrophy for those on TRT or juicing. Not a single case of someone like me who slips between these super low natural T, middle age and not quite ready for TRT.

All my labs came back optimal and I realize a natural T level of 500-ish for a 46 year old dude, should be suffice, but not for me. I don't know what my T-numbers were when I was 28, but that's how I FEEL now. So I'm guessing it was about 750 back then, based on how I feel.

Some of my symptoms, I know are based on lack of proper sleep, alcohol intake etc. All of which I am also working on. But there is no question, having raised my T, was one of those issues. 500 is adequate, but not optimal. Who wants there T at "average, par for the course" when a bump up can make you feel 15-20 years younger again?

Thanks for the advise of DHEA, and preg cream, but I'm not cutting it out. I without doubt get an energy rush mid day from those. And I like it. Cost is not an issue.
yeah really appreciate the info for the same reason you say of not having any threads on the use of it. I couldn't find any either. Please keep us updated. I'm in your shoes just a bit younger.
Late-Onset Hypogonadism: The Advantages of Treatment with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Rather Than Testosterone

The traditional pharmacological treatment of patients with late onset hypogonadism (LOH) is represented by different formulations of testosterone (T) or alternatively by the extractive human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

The hormone replacement treatment (HRT) is associated with the potential increase of hematocrit, serum concentrations of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostate volume. Moreover, the gynecomastia represent a condition frequently associated with HRT.

Recent evidences showed the role of leydig cells in the 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D and the elevated frequency of hypovitaminosis D among LOH patients. Finally, another important aspect of LOH is represented by the frequency of secondary infertility due to age or to traditional HRT.

This study evaluated 40 LOH patients treated for 6 months with extractive HCG (n = 10 patients) and three different formulations of T: transdermal (n = 10 patients), undecaonate (n = 10 patients) and enantate (n = 10 patients).

Hormonal, anthropometric, metabolic and sperm parameters were evaluated and compared. Moreover, the main safety parameters and the results of the main questionnaires were evaluated.

After treatment, HCG group showed serum concentrations of 25-OH-vitamin D significantly higher (p < 0.05) and serum concentrations of oestrogens significantly lower (p < 0.05) compared with other groups. Moreover, they showed a mean value of hematocrit, PSA and prostate volume significantly lower (p < 0.05) compared with other groups.

Finally, all the groups treated with T showed a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of sperm density and of percentage of spermatozoa with progressive motility compared with HCG group.

La Vignera S, Condorelli RA, Cimino L, Russo GI, Morgia G, Calogero AE. Late-onset hypogonadism: the advantages of treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin rather than testosterone. Aging Male 2015. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/13685538.2015.1092021#abstract
It worked for me initially and than I crashed. See my other posts. Spiked me up and then drive my T all the way down to the 300's. I got off it and switched to low dose EOD clomid. Some sides but has kept my T in the high 600's to low 700's.
I just passed the 2-year mark on HCG monotherapy and it's been working well. I dont use an AI and have never had an elevated e2. I don't target a specific T level at all other than normal. While there seem to be some ups and downs in the level (as low as 405 and as high as 650) there are only minor and temporary changes in the way I feel. Two months ago, I would have sworn it was starting to lose effectiveness, then it improved just as suddenly. Neither change was something to panic over or get too excited about; the down/up changes were noticeable but mild. I've had no problems with hematocrit, etc. There is no testicular shrinkage and ejaculate volume has increased and is now very consistent. Sexual ability is also ok - more like from the time before I became secondary which I prefer to what I consider to be an over-stimulated condition when I'm on T injections. The bottom line is I like it better than T injections or gels.

Interesting about the Leydig cells and Vitamin D though not surprising when you consider that a hormone factory is in business to make hormones...