HCG Question and overall PCT


New Member
Hey all,

I started this cycle under the impression and firm belief that HCG was run immediately after last pin, at 500iu everyday for 10 days, then after 25 days after last pin, begin Nolvadex and Clomid for a month (Clomid at 50mg ed, Nolva at 40/40/20/20)

After alot of reading and research of threads on various sites, i noticed many people run hcg continually throughout their cycle. I have come to the realization that i would of actually liked to of done the same

So my question is this ; can i start taking the hcg now? i am 5 weeks into a Test C / Tren Ace cycle, this being my third week of the ace, as i waited a couple weeks to start as i do not want to run tren over 10 weeks. I definitely have shutdown now i believe judging by the size of my testicles.

If so, im curious as to if you still blast HCG following last pin? and also, should i begin hcg at 500 iu 3x a week?

I have run many cycles without HCG Period, but this is only my third 19-nor cycle, all pf which i had HCG post cycle for, and would really of like to of come across this information sooner.