HCG question


New Member
So currently running 10 wk front loaded test/eq/mast cycle. Got a competition in the end of may. Have 5-6 wks left so only going to take 4 weeks off after and jump back on so I'm peaking for the show. Was going to run HCG 5000 iu's a wk with clomid/arimadex for 4 weeks to kinda cruise between cycles. Should I start the hcg while still on cycle? Going to wait 10 days after last pin(because test e) to start the clomid. All the medical data says hcg should be run on cycle not on pct but I'd much rather take the boost on the 4 weeks I'm off. Thoughts?? Also you have experienced users like rich piana saying not to use it on cycle because the negative feed back loop from the test will keep your lh shut down anyway. Who knows maybe hcg can over come that but there is some logic to was he says about hcg...
If you are wanting to recover in 4 weeks it will not happen. If your goal is to recover before you jump back on you will most likely need 6-7 weeks maybe 8 weeks from last pin and your run through PCT.

I think you timed this a little badly if you are doing a show.

Just my opinion, why not cruise on a trt dose of test for a few weeks if you don't want to use the others for a longer cycle. You're only talking 18 weeks total. Many people do twenty week cycles.
Or did I misread that time table you have?
Just my opinion, why not cruise on a trt dose of test for a few weeks if you don't want to use the others for a longer cycle. You're only talking 18 weeks total. Many people do twenty week cycles.
Or did I misread that time table you have?
I like this idea, should I run a maintenance hcg dose on cycle then?
I like this idea, should I run a maintenance hcg dose on cycle then?
Bro I'll be honest I am not the one to ask. I have never used hcg. I ran a long cycle back in my 30's then just did a pct with only Clomid, and I had good results. of course everyone is different. I'm doing a long cycle now at age 43, and had low natural test before the cycle. I expect to be on trt not long after this cycle ends, so I'm not as concerned with bouncing back now.
........... Also you have experienced users like rich piana saying not to use it on cycle because the negative feed back loop from the test will keep your lh shut down anyway. Who knows maybe hcg can over come that but there is some logic to was he says about hcg...

No. There is NO logic behind this statement. Ive addressed this nonsense and explained the negative feedback loop on here before.