Healthy lifetime on


New Member
Hey, I’m new to this and got some last questions or questions at all before I start.
I’m in my early 30 and got kids already. I train for like 12-14years now, Bodybuilding and powerlifting. 189cm and 98kg, maybe 15% fat. My Training and nutrition is not that good atm, because the family was and is priority #1.
But the kids are older now and I got more time for me, I will have no problem to get training and nutrition back on point again, just need to getting started.
I don’t want to get a mass monster or something, sure I want to enjoy the gym more and see better results but mostly I want to use higher testo levels for my psychological benefits and everything what comes with it.

The plan is to run Testo E all life at like 200-250mg/week (67,5mg e2d) and by time, maybe 2x a year for 16weeks on higher dosage, 350-500mg (125mg e2d maybe). I guess this is called Blast&Cruise? Maybe I’ll stack the Blast with other stuff in the future, but I don’t think so.

I’m going to start with a blood count for sure, 4-6weeks after I start, I’ll do another one, then all 3-4months. I’ll measure my blood pressure every day.
I want to use Aromasin/Exemestane if I got problems with estrogen, specially in the beginning.
What would be the best use? If I got problems, 12,5mg e2d, but for how long? 3-4weeks or after I got my blood count?
Then at times we’re I’m on low dosage of testo, would it make sense to make use of HCG? Pros/Cons? If yes, for how long and how much would you guys prefer?

Do I need any meds else to be safe or more safe? Any recommendations?

The other point is, I’ll start at the same time with HGH 2ui daily. This shouldn’t be a problem at all, the only question I got, can I run it all day, all year all life aswell?
Maybe if I get used to it, 4ui daily this should be safe aswell, right?

The last Point is about TB500, I want to make use of it aswell, maybe once a year.
From what I know the dosage should be twice a week 2-3mg for 6weeks, any other recommendations here?
And is it right that some ulabs sell 3 or 5mg vials for 25€++ while some Asia labs sell 10mg vials for like 10€? As said I’m very new and maybe I got something wrong with the expensive vials?

Are there other stuff for a longer or a better life at and older age?
Maybe Ipamorelin, 100-200mcg daily?

Thanks and I’m grateful for all constructive criticism or ideas from you experienced guys.
Thanks for your reply.
Can you gimme some input, why is it to much? And what would be a good amount? You think 200/week would be still to much? Isn’t it a good trt?

And ye ofc there are a lot of questions and I’m sorry about it, most of them I was reading already and know a bit but you’ll find a lot of different answers everywhere.
That’s why I hope, I can get some answers here or ppl discuss this stuff on this thread.
Sure I could open a thread every week for a single question, bc I’m new. But srsly, at the end it’s the same except I get the answers faster and other pol who have questions in this directions get them aswell
Everything you're referring to is highly individual. If you're wanting to keep your T levels within a "healthy"/"above average" range (600-800ng/dL), the only way you'll know for sure what dosage is right for you is by doing bloodwork. This could be as little as 100mg of Test p/w or as much as 250mg of Test p/w. I'm sure I could go into all the nitty gritty details, but it sounds to me like you want either A) Some sort of cookie-cutter protocol to follow or B) Someone on here to just tell you "yes" to what you want or are already going to do. For the former, I'll post below what I think would be best for you, or for anyone else that's looking for a basic/affordable/sustainable "TRT" without the need of an AI or anything crazy.

Testosterone Cyp: 150mg p/w (50mg M/W/F)
HCG: 750iu p/w (250iu M/W/F)
HGH: 10.5iu p/w (1.5iu e/d)

Tadalafil: 5mg e/d (AM)
Metformin: 500mg ER e/d (PM)
Telmisartan: 20mg e/d (PM)
Rosuvastatin: 2.5mg e/d (AM)

That's it, simple and effective as well as covering all bases of health without having to take 5 million supplements. Following the above you should feel pretty good along with normal looking bloodwork, a functioning dick, full balls, and no gyno or high E symptoms. If you wanted to add anything extra, something like ~2g of fish oil p/d along with 2.5mg of Nebivolol wouldn't hurt if you can afford it.
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My situation, is that 70 mg test a week plus 3500 hcg weekly (long story) put my TT at 700 and free T at 177
100mg test a week puts me at 900 TT

My point is everyone is different, and what I plan to do is run 150 mg a week of test x life (puts me maybe at 1100 TT) plus one a year do a small blast of maybe prop or 25 mg oxandrolone x 6 weeks (all us pharmacy obtained)
Hey, thanks for your detailed reply.
I didn’t started yet and ofc I’ll do bloodwork regularly. I don’t look for a fast way/plan, i know there could be different ways/outputs after I started and things can go else then I suspect.
I want to understand it and adjust it as needed.

But for some months or maybe even years I want to go for higher testo p/w, as said maybe I’ll add even other stuff. I thought ill make use AI only if I got symptoms or my blood shows Its needed.
Should I go for HCG during this time aswell or should I wait until I go for lower Testo/TRT? Because the second part is, what will I do at 35+ or even 40+, that’s where I see myself going for testo nearly trt or just trt. Should I just wait to this moment with HCG?

Why do you pref TC over TE? I guess it’s just an American/European thing, most Americans go for TC I guess, while most Europeans go for TE?

-Cialis 5mg ed for the blood pressure, I assume?
-metformin I was reading a lot about it lately, but there are mixed reviews. what exactly means ER?
-Telmisartan, never heard about it, ill
-Rosuvastatin same as Telmisartan
Would you go for them from the start or at a certain age or time with Testo and above? Or just check and wait blood results?

And at last, sure I’ll add or added already supplements like fishoil, citrus bergamot and all the usual supps

What about TB500 and BPC 157 I guess I would make use of it or cycle it once a year, bpc maybe twice should do the work I guess without any sideeffects?

At last, I know it depends on my response, my bloodwork and everything could change, maybe I’m good with 250TE/week, maybe I’m good with 700TE/week. I just would like to see if the way I go could work and ofc with some little changes here and there in the future
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Thanks for your reply.
Can you gimme some input, why is it to much? And what would be a good amount? You think 200/week would be still to much? Isn’t it a good trt?

And ye ofc there are a lot of questions and I’m sorry about it, most of them I was reading already and know a bit but you’ll find a lot of different answers everywhere.
That’s why I hope, I can get some answers here or ppl discuss this stuff on this thread.
Sure I could open a thread every week for a single question, bc I’m new. But srsly, at the end it’s the same except I get the answers faster and other pol who have questions in this directions get them aswell
The 100% best thing you can do is read and read and read this forum. Then draw your conclusion. Asking and getting different responses is what your going to get.

1 thing …. Blood work is key to what you and only you can determine what doses you’ll need.
No one can say actually...

Some people can cruise on 600mg Testosterone for years, while others struggle at 125mg keeping their hematocrit in range for example.

I have done extensive cruises on 600mg of Testosterone and all blood work and ekg came fine, doc said I'm fine. I need to pop some cialis and keep my weight sub 230lbs to manage blood pressure.

I have been cruising on 250mg for some time too, pretty much same when it comes to bloods. Cialis is not necessary, but rather optional. Feel less heavy as I retain less water obviously. Not as strong or big though.

I'd say if your body and health allows you to then 200-250mg/week is ideal. Though I doubt you can get away with lifetime high cruisin'.

I think one day we will all have to drop down to say 100-150mg and call it a day, be happy with what we have accomplished. That's if we survive long enough to reach 60's or so.
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