Is this too much volume

2/3 on then rest, the repeat. So training muscles twice every 7/8 days.

Push A (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)


• Incline Cable Fly: 3x16 (15kg)
• Incline DB Bench Press: 2x12 (10kg each side)
• Chest Hammer Push: 2x12 (15kg)


• Cable Lateral Raise: 3x MAX
• DB Shoulder Press: 3x6 (17.5kg)


• Tricep Pushdowns: 3x12 (47.5kg)
• Overhead Tricep Extensions: 3x12 (37.5kg)

Pull A (Back, Biceps, Rear Delts)


• Deadlift: 3x7 (30kg)
• Pull-Ups: 3x7 (20kg)
• Single Row Machine: 3x12 (40kg)


• Preacher Curls: 3x9 (12.5kg)
• Barbell Curls: 3x12 (10kg each side)

Rear Delts

• Face Pulls: 3x12 (30kg)
• Rear Delt Pull [SS]: 3x12 (15kg)

Legs A (Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves)

Glutes / Hips

• Abductor: 3x12


• Leg Curls: 3x12 (55kg)
• Romanian Bar Deadlifts: 3x12


• Lunges: 2x12
• Laying Leg Press: 3x
• Leg Extensions: 3x12 (45kg)


• Seated Calf Raises: 3x

Abs & Calves + Shoulders (weak point day)


• Military Press: 3x12
• Lateral Raise: 3x16 (7.5kg)


• An Rope (Cable Crunches): 3x12
• Decline Bench Sit-Ups: 3x12
• Woodcutters: 3x12


• Lying Calf Raises: 3x12
• Calf Push (Leg Press Calf Raises): 3x12

Push @
Is there also a push b, pull b and legs b?

Are you going to failure on any sets? That would dictate how much volume you need/can handle

Outside of that, volume seems a little low on chest. 2-3 more sets would be solid assuming you’re pushing hard enough on those sets

Also, why are you doing your isolation exercises before compounds on chest and shoulders on pull a? Maybe that’s preference but I always felt like I was selling myself short on the compounds if I did them after isolations
2/3 on then rest, the repeat. So training muscles twice every 7/8 days.

Push A (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)


• Incline Cable Fly: 3x16 (15kg)
• Incline DB Bench Press: 2x12 (10kg each side)
• Chest Hammer Push: 2x12 (15kg)


• Cable Lateral Raise: 3x MAX
• DB Shoulder Press: 3x6 (17.5kg)


• Tricep Pushdowns: 3x12 (47.5kg)
• Overhead Tricep Extensions: 3x12 (37.5kg)

Pull A (Back, Biceps, Rear Delts)


• Deadlift: 3x7 (30kg)
• Pull-Ups: 3x7 (20kg)
• Single Row Machine: 3x12 (40kg)


• Preacher Curls: 3x9 (12.5kg)
• Barbell Curls: 3x12 (10kg each side)

Rear Delts

• Face Pulls: 3x12 (30kg)
• Rear Delt Pull [SS]: 3x12 (15kg)

Legs A (Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves)

Glutes / Hips

• Abductor: 3x12


• Leg Curls: 3x12 (55kg)
• Romanian Bar Deadlifts: 3x12


• Lunges: 2x12
• Laying Leg Press: 3x
• Leg Extensions: 3x12 (45kg)


• Seated Calf Raises: 3x

Abs & Calves + Shoulders (weak point day)


• Military Press: 3x12
• Lateral Raise: 3x16 (7.5kg)


• An Rope (Cable Crunches): 3x12
• Decline Bench Sit-Ups: 3x12
• Woodcutters: 3x12


• Lying Calf Raises: 3x12
• Calf Push (Leg Press Calf Raises): 3x12

Push @
the studies are saying 10-20 sets weekly is good, ive been following this i go from 8 sets weekly to 24-26 and then deload doing 8 sets for a week and another week at 8 sets and keep going up 1 set a week until i reach max volume. the steriods are blocking your cortisol from binding to your glucocorticoid receptors that will hinder your muscle protein synthesis if you were natural so high volume is the way to go for me on steriods. everyone grows differently. some people grow on crazy high volume some people grow on very low volume.

as a lifter you shouldn't be afraid to try out new things and whatever makes u fucking grow you keep riding it out you're your own experiment. enjoy the gains and dont injure yourself
Doesn’t look like too much volume, especially because the loads are so low.
Personally I don’t think the exercise selection/volume is correct overall.
Also, why are you doing your isolation exercises before compounds on chest and shoulders on pull a? Maybe that’s preference but I always felt like I was selling myself short on the compounds if I did them after isolations

Pre-exhausting muscle groups is very common practice when you want to minimize loading joints or central nervous system. Once you get to a point of strength you don’t want to have to load machines or the barbell to a place that excessively damaged joints/ risks injury/ loads groups that you don’t want to load.
For example I could start my hamstring training with 500lb Romanian deadlifts but my coach doesn’t want me to risk tearing my hamstring, or excessively load the erectors. Instead I will do many sets of hamstring curls with intensifiers, then more volume with less weight before a final top set at 3-400lbs maximum.
Before I would do a single top set then back off, but at a certain point the risks our weigh the rewards.

If you have small joints this can really help improve the quality of training because you don’t have to manage joint pain, and it won’t disrupt you sets.

The same can be said of the chest, where you may want to tire out the pecs before doing pressing so that you don’t unduly load the triceps, and guarantee you reach failure with the pecs, also minimize loads on the elbow.
2/3 on then rest, the repeat. So training muscles twice every 7/8 days.

Push A (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)


• Incline Cable Fly: 3x16 (15kg)
• Incline DB Bench Press: 2x12 (10kg each side)
• Chest Hammer Push: 2x12 (15kg)


• Cable Lateral Raise: 3x MAX
• DB Shoulder Press: 3x6 (17.5kg)


• Tricep Pushdowns: 3x12 (47.5kg)
• Overhead Tricep Extensions: 3x12 (37.5kg)

Pull A (Back, Biceps, Rear Delts)


• Deadlift: 3x7 (30kg)
• Pull-Ups: 3x7 (20kg)
• Single Row Machine: 3x12 (40kg)


• Preacher Curls: 3x9 (12.5kg)
• Barbell Curls: 3x12 (10kg each side)

Rear Delts

• Face Pulls: 3x12 (30kg)
• Rear Delt Pull [SS]: 3x12 (15kg)

Legs A (Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves)

Glutes / Hips

• Abductor: 3x12


• Leg Curls: 3x12 (55kg)
• Romanian Bar Deadlifts: 3x12


• Lunges: 2x12
• Laying Leg Press: 3x
• Leg Extensions: 3x12 (45kg)


• Seated Calf Raises: 3x

Abs & Calves + Shoulders (weak point day)


• Military Press: 3x12
• Lateral Raise: 3x16 (7.5kg)


• An Rope (Cable Crunches): 3x12
• Decline Bench Sit-Ups: 3x12
• Woodcutters: 3x12


• Lying Calf Raises: 3x12
• Calf Push (Leg Press Calf Raises): 3x12

Push @
oi mate i just read through your lifts. how do u want to grow only using 10kg dbs for incline press? this is for sure troll