Heart Palpitations from Exemestane?


New Member
Hi Everyone!

I'm 9 weeks into my first cycle. My gains are pretty good so far with +12lbs LBM and -1lb fat mass. However, I'm having issues with heart palpitations. About once every 1-2 days I'll get a quick squeeze in my heart and neck and then my heart rate will dramatically increase right afterwards. At night, I'll randomly get very high heart rates. It affect my training one day where at the peak of a shoulder press I had a palpitation. Although the internet says these are harmless, they're very frustrating to live with.

To provide some context:

-Taken 500mg/week Test E the whole time, 250mg E3.5D
-Start exemestane at 10mg E3.5D and then to 10mg EOD about week 3 when my BP shot up. Blood work said E2 was at 54 pg/ML.
-About week 6/week 7 my BP went up again and I got blood work. E2 was at 91 pg/ML. Switched to 20 mg EOD but this didn't help my BP.
-Last week I changed to 15mg ED and my BP is down again.

Since I switched to 15mg ED I'm not getting low E2 symptoms, my BP is down, but I'm getting a lot of heart palpitations. I had them when I first went on the AI but it had stopped for a couple of weeks. Now I'm getting them every day to every other day. Does anyone know if it's a symptom of my E2 going down or if it's a side effect of the amount of the Exemestane I'm taking? I'm thinking this because on menopause websites they mention heart palpitations are a side effect of estrogen falling during menopause. (I'm male BTW)

What I really want to know is if this is a temporary symptom that is harmless and will stop when E2 finally gets balanced or if it's some reaction my body has with either test or AI that means I shouldn't be taking this stuff.

Thank you!
Go see a doctor. What the fuck? Take YOUR health more seriously.
I don't think that's a fair comment dude. I've gone to see a doctor for another side at the beginning of my cycle and their response is "get off drugs". They don't care about side effect management. I'm obviously taking my health seriously by learning about the severity of this side effect. Isn't that what this forum is for? Knowledge sharing for harm reduction?
Do you have blood work? What is your E2 level?
Yeah, I've been getting bloodwork once a month so two times so far. Mid/late Feb I was at 90 pg/ML. That, along with the accompanying BP spike is what prompted me to increase my AI dose. All other bloodwork markers are in range (except test of course). I seem to get a lot of sides when my E2 levels are being adjusted. Wondering if others have that experience too.
I don't think that's a fair comment dude. I've gone to see a doctor for another side at the beginning of my cycle and their response is "get off drugs". They don't care about side effect management. I'm obviously taking my health seriously by learning about the severity of this side effect. Isn't that what this forum is for? Knowledge sharing for harm reduction?
Seems like good advice in this case, because AIs like exemestane and AAS both cause cardiovascular harms, that you appear to be experiencing. Your earlier characterization of heart palpitations as "harmless" is inaccurate - heart palpitations, flutter, etc always demand immediate medical attention.
Yeah, I've been getting bloodwork once a month so two times so far. Mid/late Feb I was at 90 pg/ML. That, along with the accompanying BP spike is what prompted me to increase my AI dose. All other bloodwork markers are in range (except test of course). I seem to get a lot of sides when my E2 levels are being adjusted. Wondering if others have that experience too.
Great, further support for the harms inherent to self-managing bloodwork for those obstinate in their refusal to accept bona fide medical advice from MDs.
Seems like good advice in this case, because AIs like exemestane and AAS both cause cardiovascular harms, that you appear to be experiencing. Your earlier characterization of heart palpitations as "harmless" is inaccurate - heart palpitations, flutter, etc always demand immediate medical attention.

Great, further support for the harms inherent to self-managing bloodwork for those obstinate in their refusal to accept bona fide medical advice from MDs.
You make very good points. Thank you! It looks like I'll have to stop.
You make very good points. Thank you! It looks like I'll have to stop.
That’s your best option. Looking at your post history, this isn’t for you. Run a pct and don’t cycle until you read more and have a better understanding of how all these things work.
you should get an EKG right away to discard electrical system heart diseases like Wolff-Parkinson-White.
That’s your best option. Looking at your post history, this isn’t for you. Run a pct and don’t cycle until you read more and have a better understanding of how all these things work.
It's hard to accept but understood. It's difficult to self assess whether or not you have enough an understanding to start. I thought I had a lot of information gathered. My posts on here were trying to fill in the gaps of what's normal/just a part of the process and what's not and is a concern.

Heart health is an important part of the self care picture. Over 55 here, so especially pertinent to me. Kudos to you all for discussing.
I have an update on this. I stopped my cycle, in PCT now, consulted a doctor and they did bloodwork and EKG. Everything came out great and healthy.

Has anyone else gotten chest pressure from just test E and exemestane? My palpitations/jumps happened either when I was lifting heavy bending down (e.g. picking up heavy dumbbells) or at the top of a heavy shoulder press. Trying to figure out the problem so I know if it's something I can avoid/fix and do a future cycle or if AAS just don't agree with me. Is it anxiety, acid reflux, chest inflammation? Do these things even cause heart jumps?
Estrogen increases (tbg) thyroid binding goblin which binds more thyroid hormones up, testosterone lowers (tbg) so frees more thyroid hormones up, when you quickly lower your estrogen in some cases it will cUse a thyroid rush, hence why people sweat alot sometimes or have heart palps etc, its sends a large rush of thyroid hormones to your cells , it also effects your cortisol levels and can cause heart palps due to the increse in cortisol production you may get.
Estrogen increases (tbg) thyroid binding goblin which binds more thyroid hormones up, testosterone lowers (tbg) so frees more thyroid hormones up, when you quickly lower your estrogen in some cases it will cUse a thyroid rush, hence why people sweat alot sometimes or have heart palps etc, its sends a large rush of thyroid hormones to your cells , it also effects your cortisol levels and can cause heart palps due to the increse in cortisol production you may get.
Interesting! My cycle was in constant hormonal flux so I think I may have to be more aggressive about dialing in on E2 if there's a next time (multiple blood tests the first month). I didn't really have sweating. In PCT, I'm still having the chest tightness but this could be because of the hormonal drops? I'm starting my nolvadex phase Monday.
Did you get the ultra sensitive estradiol test?
Seems to me that your e2 was to high so you started having high e2 side effects.
You panicked and brought your e2 down to low and kept the ai the same so you went even lower on the e2.
It would have been better to lower your ai once your e2 was in a good spot .
After the 15 mg ed when your blood pressure problems went away you should have gone back to 20mg EoD or even 25mg injection days.
Are you sure your ai is legit and properly dosed?
Are you sure you don't have some issues with your health that you where unaware of?
Get checked out to be sure you are 100% healthy and don't start AAS until you know for sure.
And if you ever do try it again use lover amounts of testosterone that you can control more easy like 200-250 test prop ED injections so estrogen becomes less of a problem dial that in and maybe next cycle ad 20-30 mg of anavar for 6 weeks.
Third cycle add some masteton and finish with the var .
That being said most people feel good on 500 test and can control it fine so there might be other issues that are unknown .
Yeah I had the ultra sensitive test. After implementing my first dosage of AI I kept it consistent and I was wondering about my E2 being too low a couple weeks later, but got blood tested to be sure, and it was actually even higher. My AI is exemestane from Stanford. It's a liquid form and not pill form which might be an issue. I think I would try pill form in the future. I did get blood work and regular health checks prior. In general, I had great health outside of anxiety.
I have an update on this. I stopped my cycle, in PCT now, consulted a doctor and they did bloodwork and EKG. Everything came out great and healthy.

Has anyone else gotten chest pressure from just test E and exemestane? My palpitations/jumps happened either when I was lifting heavy bending down (e.g. picking up heavy dumbbells) or at the top of a heavy shoulder press. Trying to figure out the problem so I know if it's something I can avoid/fix and do a future cycle or if AAS just don't agree with me. Is it anxiety, acid reflux, chest inflammation? Do these things even cause heart jumps?
It's your vagus nerve. You have to correct your breathing and stop eating so much, reduce bloating. All that pressure can affect your vagus nerve, causing the heart issues.

I would have an echocardiogram done at some point in the nearer future so you can see if there is anything in your heart structure that is contributing.

And try the valsalva maneuver:
Interesting! My cycle was in constant hormonal flux so I think I may have to be more aggressive about dialing in on E2 if there's a next time (multiple blood tests the first month). I didn't really have sweating. In PCT, I'm still having the chest tightness but this could be because of the hormonal drops? I'm starting my nolvadex phase Monday.
Chest tightening can be alot of things, but one thing from experience iv learned for me is when my thyroid hormones are low, for long periods of time or even shorter periods of ups and downs it causes the arteries to hardened, and get stiff , causes chest pain, so if your back and fourth on your hormones you could be getting hard and soft arteries and it could feel like angina like chest tightening and hard to breath. Regardless add a full panel and definitely look at the tsh ft4 ft3 as well as a extensive panel.
I have an update on this. I stopped my cycle, in PCT now, consulted a doctor and they did bloodwork and EKG. Everything came out great and healthy.

Has anyone else gotten chest pressure from just test E and exemestane? My palpitations/jumps happened either when I was lifting heavy bending down (e.g. picking up heavy dumbbells) or at the top of a heavy shoulder press. Trying to figure out the problem so I know if it's something I can avoid/fix and do a future cycle or if AAS just don't agree with me. Is it anxiety, acid reflux, chest inflammation? Do these things even cause heart jumps?
Palpitations when your body is stressed. When they did the EKG did they have you do anything or were you totally relaxed?

You need to determine if this is heart related before guessing if it’s hormone related.
It's your vagus nerve. You have to correct your breathing and stop eating so much, reduce bloating. All that pressure can affect your vagus nerve, causing the heart issues.

I would have an echocardiogram done at some point in the nearer future so you can see if there is anything in your heart structure that is contributing.

And try the valsalva maneuver:
It's interesting you bring this up because I received a book as a gift recently on the vagus nerve. I'll make sure I read it. Did you have issues with yours?
Chest tightening can be alot of things, but one thing from experience iv learned for me is when my thyroid hormones are low, for long periods of time or even shorter periods of ups and downs it causes the arteries to hardened, and get stiff , causes chest pain, so if your back and fourth on your hormones you could be getting hard and soft arteries and it could feel like angina like chest tightening and hard to breath. Regardless add a full panel and definitely look at the tsh ft4 ft3 as well as a extensive panel.
Do you know if stiff arteries are more stressed when bending down or when arms are overhead?
Palpitations when your body is stressed. When they did the EKG did they have you do anything or were you totally relaxed?

You need to determine if this is heart related before guessing if it’s hormone related.
Yes I was relaxed. Every time I go to the doctor, whichever in my medical system, they don't do full investigations which is why I try to supplement their guidance with the experiences of others. I even mentioned the palpitations happen at peak physical exertion. They did a 2-3 minute EKG, some blood work, and said I'm fine and no further investigation needed. They said my body was probably just under too much stress and to check back in 6-8 weeks if it's still happening.

I want to trust them as they're bona fide medical professionals (as type IIx says). However, I've had many instances they're just not great. I had numbness in my ear for months, this lead me to get an MRI for MS, and it turns out it was just ear wax. 2-3 doctors couldn't figure it out and then I eventually found online that it could be ear wax, asked a doctor to check my ears, and it was ear wax.
Good doctors are extremely rare and you should never trust any doctor. Keep them on their toes at all times. You probably know more than your doctors or would be better researched than they are, just by looking online. Sad but true.

EKG is almost useless. Holter monitor is almost useless. Stress test almost useless. The gold standard, in my opinion, is the echocardiogram.

Yes, I have experience with the vagus nerve. If it isn't a structural problem in your heart, it's very often a vagus nerve issue. Almost anything can cause palpitations, especially stimulants or mineral deficiencies, dehydration etc. From how your described it, I'm thinking vagus nerve. But I would insist on getting an echocardiogram because even if you are fine, you will have a baseline measurement that you can use in the future.