Heavy metals

What do you guys do to reduce the likelihood that you are injecting heavy metals?

What heavy metals would be left behind from the production of the hormone?

Is it worth getting blood tests specifically for heavy metals?

How common do you think it is for heavy metals to be present in UGL gear?
I think it would be uncommon to see heavy metals in ugl gear since glass and plastic is used in the brewing process. Chinese Labs on the other hand will do anything for a dollar including using items that weren't safe in the synthesis process.
I was also thinking it's possible the cheap rubber stoppers, caps and crimpers could be contaminated with heavy metal. I'd be interested in a trade for for sure.
I think it would be uncommon to see heavy metals in ugl gear since glass and plastic is used in the brewing process. Chinese Labs on the other hand will do anything for a dollar including using items that weren't safe in the synthesis process.
All Chinese labs or are you talking about specific ones?
All Chinese labs or are you talking about specific ones?
All of them, I wouldn't doubt if Chinese pharma companies were dirty af either. The Chinese are notorious for doing anything for a quick buck. It would be interesting to see if some of these Chinese companies that are producing AAS are also involved in research chems and fent. If that were the case it would be interesting to see if their products were cross contaminated.

After my first cycle I'm going to only buy pharma products internationally, it's not worth the risk.
All of them, I wouldn't doubt if Chinese pharma companies were dirty af either. The Chinese are notorious for doing anything for a quick buck. It would be interesting to see if some of these Chinese companies that are producing AAS are also involved in research chems and fent. If that were the case it would be interesting to see if their products were cross contaminated.

After my first cycle I'm going to only buy pharma products internationally, it's not worth the risk.
There are some Chinese labs here that have a lot of good reviews. Seems like they would have been busted by now if they had heavy metals in their gear.
I use Reishi and Cordyceps Mushrooms. Plus Wheat Grass (dry and fresh), Kelp and aloe vera juice. Not only because juice/gear most likely contributes to heavy metal in the blood, but also food, water and air does.
There are some Chinese labs here that have a lot of good reviews. Seems like they would have been busted by now if they had heavy metals in their gear.
I don't think so. Besides the conventional issues that normally arise, I don't think the raws are being tested for anything other than the AAS itself and maybe cross contamination from other AAS. I seriously doubt testing is being done to rule out all cross contamination, heavy metals, bacteria etc.
I don't think so. Besides the conventional issues that normally arise, I don't think the raws are being tested for anything other than the AAS itself and maybe cross contamination from other AAS. I seriously doubt testing is being done to rule out all cross contamination, heavy metals, bacteria etc.

Yes and pretty much all the raws come from china.

Its in the production of the raws where heavy metals are introduced.

Just wondering how many UGLs take steps to filter out heavy metals and what those steps are. Common filtering doesn't work as far as I know.
Just wondering how many UGLs take steps to filter out heavy metals and what those steps are. Common filtering doesn't work as far as I know.

They don’t. A source once offered to do it here some time ago for a higher price but it never panned out because not enough people wanted to pay For quality gear. Unfortunate.
They don’t. A source once offered to do it here some time ago for a higher price but it never panned out because not enough people wanted to pay For quality gear. Unfortunate.

Very unfortunate. Which source was it that offered? What would the markup have looked like?
While not aimed at stopping the cause, the following might be of interest. Also - forgive me for not having the exact details of the test as this was probably 2-3 years ago and I can't find the damn info.

A welder was having major issues with heavy metal buildup. It's his job, and that's just how it it. Anyway, he started up sterile admins of glutathione and it only took a few weeks for him to fall back into normal levels of toxic metals. I can't recall which it was (aluminum, cadmium, mercury, antimony, arsenic, lead, etc.) But when you consider his environment and the affect such a protocol had......that says a lot for glutathione.

Something to ponder.........
There are some Chinese labs here that have a lot of good reviews. Seems like they would have been busted by now if they had heavy metals in their gear.

Oh yeah? By the heavy metal police?

How many people buying their shit do testings that reveal heavy metal content?

How many of those actually testing it are going to bother reporting it on a big enough scale for everyone to know?

You are delusional
There’s no heavy metals. That was an 80s thing. The votech kid that sat next to me in detention and smelled like spray paint was into the heavy metals.
Does anyone actually know about the presence of heavy metals in the compounding process? Or are we assuming / speculating?

Can you throw your 2 cents into this thread? I know you have an intimate relationship with manufacturing, wondering if you can add insight into the discussion.

Thanks bud
What do you guys do to reduce the likelihood that you are injecting heavy metals?

What heavy metals would be left behind from the production of the hormone?

Is it worth getting blood tests specifically for heavy metals?

How common do you think it is for heavy metals to be present in UGL gear?

Where’s the evidence anything.needs to be done, bc while AAS have side effects NONE
are the results of “heavy metals”
that I’m aware of.

U might want want to review the
UGL AAS results posted by SIMEC an environmental lab.
Where’s the evidence anything.needs to be done, bc while AAS have side effects NONE
are the results of “heavy metals”
that I’m aware of.

U might want want to review the
UGL AAS results posted by SIMEC an environmental lab.


Stuff like this got me thinking. There doesn't even have to be evidence of a problem for precautions to be taken. It's the possibility and probability that matter. People wouldn't build dikes if you follow the same logic and then those people end up under water.

I don't imagine there is a whole lot of research going into this type of thing for a number or reasons. Legality, cost, etc. I was just wondering if anyone did know of research into this topic.

Who's to say that some subset of those who experience symptoms aren't from this type of contamination.
Oh yeah? By the heavy metal police?

How many people buying their shit do testings that reveal heavy metal content?

How many of those actually testing it are going to bother reporting it on a big enough scale for everyone to know?

You are delusional
Yeah, the HMP would get em prick.