Heavy metals

Well, there are a lot of malodies that don’t have the cause determined yet.

People died by the millions from tobacco and it wasn’t until recently it was even admitted.

The point being, not having case studies of HM poisoning doesn’t necessarily mean there is no HM poisoning
I’ve heard the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence argument before.

Yet knowing the media and AAS nay sayers enjoy citing anti-AAS propaganda the fact is in spite of 70 years of study researchers have yet to detect a link bt AAS
and HM contamination.

Next up an ad for HM chelating
Speaking for myself, I’m certainly not against AAS. I’m just saying based on what’s been presented you couldn’t rule out heavy metals.

Heavy metals are in commercial chicken bones because of what Frank Purdue feeds his birds. Yet we haven’t yet publicly heard of the health ramifications. Corporate profit has a way of obfuscating the facts for a while so a bit of tempered suspicion is always a good thing
I’ve heard the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence argument before.

Yet knowing the media and AAS nay sayers enjoy citing anti-AAS propaganda the fact is in spite of 70 years of study researchers have yet to detect a link bt AAS
and HM contamination.

Next up an ad for HM chelating

Almost one in three toys in China contains heavy metals, with one in 10 containing excessive levels of lead, according to new research. A wide range of toys and children's products, including those sold by reputable brands, apparently contained either lead,arsenic, cadmium, mercury, antimony orchromium.
The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a food safety incident in China. The scandal involved milk and infant formula along with other food materials and components being adulterated with melamine.

China reported an estimated 300,000 victims in total.[1] Six babies died from kidney stones and other kidney damage and an estimated 54,000 babies were hospitalized.[2][3] The chemical gives the appearance of higher protein content when added to milk, leading to protein deficiency in the formula. In a separate incident four years prior, watered-down milk had resulted in 12 infant deaths from malnutrition

Stolen from elsewhere on the site. That is with commercial products coming out of china. Now we are talking about black market stuff coming out of China with heavy metals being an integral part of the production.

I had a concern and came here hoping to find something reassuring. You outright dismissing the concern based on very little evidence is not reassuring. If you had a ton of info to back up your claims, I would be like okay cool thanks for the info man; but you don't.

You are dismissive and became condescending from the get go, simply for me having raised the question. If you are trying to be helpful and informative you have failed here and have just made me suspicious of your motives.

Pretty hard to directly link anything to HM poisoning unless ongoing exposure is present. Was curious if any people test for blood levels of HM during cycle. I imagine most don't. I have read some anecdotal reports of high HM values of people who do test during cycle. Who knows what causes what with say 20 years of use and a plethora of symptoms/damage done and some time of discontinued use.

Can you link any of this 70 years of study that shows what you claim?

So they stopped testing for heavy metals after never detecting any? Sounds like Dr Jim helped you answer your own question.

Janko told you they view the risk to be low. All the posted tests (albeit a small number) showed very low concentrations. What Dr JIM is pointing out is merely the risks from HM are significantly lower than the health risks inherently associated with long-term steroid use.

What you’re doing is akin to watching a tree sway in the wind worried that it MIGHT blow down on you while the rest of the forest is on fire!

Let’s look at the dead bodybuilders like Dallas McCarver and Rich Piana and forget for a little bit that they also abused painkillers (and other rumored drug use). The facts are that they didn’t die from HM. There’s your 20-year+ study.
So they stopped testing for heavy metals after never detecting any? Sounds like Dr Jim helped you answer your own question.

Janko told you they view the risk to be low. All the posted tests (albeit a small number) showed very low concentrations. What Dr JIM is pointing out is merely the risks from HM are significantly lower than the health risks inherently associated with long-term steroid use.

What you’re doing is akin to watching a tree sway in the wind worried that it MIGHT blow down on you while the rest of the forest is on fire!

Let’s look at the dead bodybuilders like Dallas McCarver and Rich Piana and forget for a little bit that they also abused painkillers (and other rumored drug use). The facts are that they didn’t die from HM. There’s your 20-year+ study.

Janko told you they view the risk to be low. All the posted tests (albeit a small number) showed very low concentrations. What Dr JIM is pointing out is merely the risks from HM are significantly lower than the health risks inherently associated with long-term steroid use.

What you’re doing is akin to watching a tree sway in the wind worried that it MIGHT blow down on you while the rest of the forest is on fire!

Let’s look at the recently deceased bodybuilders like Dallas McCarver and Rich Piana and forget for a little bit that they also abused other drugs (rumored). The facts are that they didn’t die from HM. Each had an autopsy performed. There’s TWO 20-year+ studies.

Yes, you keep repeating yourself, which I have already addressed. You repeat what other people in the thread have said. Then you mention something about trees and rich piana, to emphasis a point for which there is obviously scarce substance.

Thank you for your well thought out and informed contribution.