Helion Labs (Canadian Domestic)

Day 4 here and feeling a slight rise in quality of life, don't want to talk too prematurely but I will say this has gotta be good stuff. I would tell anyone to not hesitate giving them a shot. Customer service is good too
Day 4 here and feeling a slight rise in quality of life, don't want to talk too prematurely but I will say this has gotta be good stuff. I would tell anyone to not hesitate giving them a shot. Customer service is good too
i feel better on 300mg/wk of test than I do on 750mg/wk of test so I just look for sources who underdose their Test by 60% that way I can run 750mg/wk and have a higher quality of life
4 days !!!! Amazing bro
Thank you
Let me know us know how you feel day 8 when your giving cbum a run for his money
Haha awesome joke man. I'm not implying that in the least. I'm not a bodybuilder in the least. I'm and industrial tower climber and arborist and was in a rough spot upstairs. And some subtle mood changes since injecting 600mg Cypionate 5 days days ago are noticeable. Anyway. I feel good and I'm gonna take it.

You guys enjoy your day now
Haha awesome joke man. I'm not implying that in the least. I'm not a bodybuilder in the least. I'm and industrial tower climber and arborist and was in a rough spot upstairs. And some subtle mood changes since injecting 600mg Cypionate 5 days days ago are noticeable. Anyway. I feel good and I'm gonna take it.

You guys enjoy your day now

Thank you for your contribution let us know how you feel on day 8
I've been on helion gear for about 14 days now injecting 300mg in the VG and I can feel some difference in strength its not significant yet but definitely noticeable and I feel as though I am pumped most of the day. I am also (if it matters) noticeably hornier. I sent their gear to get lab tested at https://getyourdrugstested.com/ you can see my test results there, the first attempt for winstrol was undetectable but the second test came back as winstrol code; "HW" & "HW2". Their testosterone seems to be what it is labeled you can see the results with this code; "HT1", I think there is enough reason to believe that HelionLabs is a legit source for PED's. Their gear is also clean, I've tried other labs namely Alpha pharma canada that had real gear but it was visibly dirty and made me sick. Their customer service is also top-notch honestly. These guys are my favorite lab. I'm gonna mainly order from them, and things they don't have or if they are out of stock I go to other sources. But these guys are definitely the best lab I've come across and I've tried plenty. Their filler substances are creatine for orals, and their oil concentration is higher than most labs without PIP. I love what they're doing and I hope they stay in business.