

New Member
I am 32 year old male and have been using gear for about 7 years. At the beginning, i was irresponisble, and was using high doses for extended periods of time. Result was pretty much destroying my own test production, and now i am stuck with trt for ever basically.

In the last years i am trying to educate myself about hormones and how to safely use gear. At the moment i am on 125mg of testosterone a week and am looking to add 100mg/week primo, 5 or 10mg of anavar per day and 1iu of hgh per day. I am doing this cycle mostly to strenghten my joints, hence the low doses. Not looking to add any mass. I was also thinking of adding NPP, but decided against it, because i didn't want to risk having deca dick. I also plan on increasing my test to 175mg per week for the duration of thos cycle. I'll be on for 3-6 months and then return to only using test.

I am currently weighting 88kg and my hight is 180cm. Have around 10-12% body fat.

Anyways, i hope this is enough for introduction. Happy to join this community and looking forward to interesting discussions here!