Protocol for tirz


Well-known Member Supporter
Just seeing what everyone has done after using tirz, coming off and going back on. Plan on starting it back within a couple days and just looking for info on dosing protocols if you’ve already been on it before. Did you start at the 2.5mg a week dose or did you start higher. If higher did you notice any sides that u didn’t have before or any at all. Thanks for the help. I know everyone’s different and responses to it will not be the same just looking a general area of disease for restarting to have the affects intended.
Any help would be grateful bc I haven’t found any information on this after using the first time and I realize I should have chNged the thread title probably
Started at 2.5mg 1x week, but have not had a need to increase as it works great for me at this dose. Intermittently, I’ve had breaks or extended dosing window due to travel or if I feel it’s still too strong on appetite suppression.

I’ve had no sides, outside of less energy - but consuming a lot less calories, so it’s to be expected.
Ok thanks that’s what want it for just appetite suppression and insulin control so I was thinking doing 2,5 or 5 mg once ever 5-7 days but I want to keep it low as I can but last time I got up to 12.5mg a week bc the hunger just kept coming lol I’m trying to cut down and retain muscle so hopefully the gh help with and debating on npp just to prove a point that it can be done and look good
I started on 2.5mg but split my doses into 2x a week

Once it started to lose effectiveness I went up to 5mg/week, split into 2 doses a week

Once 5mg lost it's effectiveness I rotated to semaglutide and it felt like my tolerance basically reset, so I'll rotate between the two when my dose starts getting high going forward
I started on 2.5mg but split my doses into 2x a week

Once it started to lose effectiveness I went up to 5mg/week, split into 2 doses a week

Once 5mg lost it's effectiveness I rotated to semaglutide and it felt like my tolerance basically reset, so I'll rotate between the two when my dose starts getting high going forward
I am not a fan of taking 2X a week.

The pharma protocol is 2.5mg for 4 weeks, then bump up 2.5 mg per month (1 dose a week) until either the sides become too much (also monitor bloods) or you are experiencing significant weight loss, at which point you can use your dose as a maintenance dose.

Its a bit different for this community as many are not morbidly obese or even really obese at all. Since you have used it before, I recommend:
1) 2.5 mg for 2 weeks
2) 5 mg for 2 weeks
3) 7.5mg for 1 month (possibly maintenance dose)

If I ran it like suggested above I would get bloods after 2 weeks of 7.5 mg if no side effects to confirm nothing wrong with markers. If weight loss not sufficient I would continue to bump up 2.5 mg and take for a month, etc.
I am not a fan of taking 2X a week.

The pharma protocol is 2.5mg for 4 weeks, then bump up 2.5 mg per month (1 dose a week) until either the sides become too much (also monitor bloods) or you are experiencing significant weight loss, at which point you can use your dose as a maintenance dose.

Its a bit different for this community as many are not morbidly obese or even really obese at all. Since you have used it before, I recommend:
1) 2.5 mg for 2 weeks
2) 5 mg for 2 weeks
3) 7.5mg for 1 month (possibly maintenance dose)

If I ran it like suggested above I would get bloods after 2 weeks of 7.5 mg if no side effects to confirm nothing wrong with markers. If weight loss not sufficient I would continue to bump up 2.5 mg and take for a month, etc.
The pharma protocol is for people that are diabetic, or morbidly obese.

There's no point in increasing the dosage if it hasn't lost effectiveness. If 2.5mg/week works for you, you don't need to go to 5mg just because that's what they reccomdnd for diabetics.

Pharma companies also have incentive to ramp the doses faster, so that they can make more money.

So respectfully I disagree with you. Stick with 2.5mg/week until it loses effectiveness then increase the dose, otherwise you could ramp the dose too quickly and start getting sides.
The pharma protocol is for people that are diabetic, or morbidly obese.

There's no point in increasing the dosage if it hasn't lost effectiveness. If 2.5mg/week works for you, you don't need to go to 5mg just because that's what they reccomdnd for diabetics.

Pharma companies also have incentive to ramp the doses faster, so that they can make more money.

So respectfully I disagree with you. Stick with 2.5mg/week until it loses effectiveness then increase the dose, otherwise you could ramp the dose too quickly and start getting sides.
Read my entire post bro. You said almost the same thing I did.

I started with the pharma protocol as the first talking point, then I elaborated about most in this community.and stated how we are not morbidly obese....did not discuss diabetic as the convo was more about weight loss but tirz is tirz and the pharma protcol is the same whether its meant for pre-diabetes/diabetes (Mounjaro) or weight loss (Zepbound),

For the most part I think we agree.

What I left out is that I see many in the forums say that 5mg or 7.5 mg work well. Like you, I do believe that whatever is working well, stay at that dose as maintenance, especially if you are not noticing major side effects.

Also I do agree, if 2.5 works for someone, stick with it.

2.5 did jack shit for me. At 5, I noticed a bit of a difference, I noticed a little bit more of a difference at 7.5 and I suspect my sweet spot wlll be 10 mg (we shall see).

My body type is more a PL body. i have some cuts but never a desire to be on a BB stage. Now the BB type I would for sure recommend what you said as they generally have low BF to begin with.
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Read my entire post bro. You said the same thing I did.

I started with the pharma protocol as the first talking point, then I elaborated about most in this community.and stated how we are not morbidly obese....did not discuss diabetic as the convo was more about weight loss but tirz is tirz and the pharma protcol is the same whether its meant for pre-diabetes/diabetes (Mounjaro) or weight loss (Zepbound),

For the most part I think we agree.

What I left out is that I see many in the forums say that 5mg or 7.5 mg work well. Like you, I do believe that whatever is working well, stay at that dose as maintenance, especially if you are not noticing major side effects.
Fair point. I guess I was just trying to emphasis a slower approach to titrating the dose. Waiting for results to stall, then increasing, rather than doing it on a pre determined timeline

Because then tolerance just builds much faster if you ramp the dose quickly
Fair point. I guess I was just trying to emphasis a slower approach to titrating the dose. Waiting for results to stall, then increasing, rather than doing it on a pre determined timeline

Because then tolerance just builds much faster if you ramp the dose quickly
Agree and my recommendation was based largely on my own experience and some others with similar body types as mine which I did not point out in my original message, so I can see where you are coming from.

I believe your recommendation overall is better to start at the lowest dose and keep whatever works as the maintenance dose (only increase dose if no results seen after a month IMO).