Can't lose weight with high e2. And high blood sugar.


Need some help from you guys.

Always struggled to lose weight.
On Test I always have high e2.
I literally cannot lose weight.

Current protocol 150 test 70 primo.
Without the primo I just don't lose weight.
Very estrogen dominant.

It's only until I add that primo in I see the scales drop.
I feel proper glucose metabolism.
General feeling off stomach hunger comes back.
Even on metformin 1000mg my BG runs high.
Added in semaglutide again. At 0.25 for now.

I used to lose weight when I'm on higher androgens.
I feels like I get on a even playing field. But on TRT doses it is impossible.

Come down from 148kg to 120kg now.
Sitting around 19% measured on a inbody scan.

having Tirzepatide on the way hoping that will be able to do something.

Any help is welcome.

Honestly feel so frustrated.
If I missed any info or you want to have additional info let me know.
Actually used to do low dose GH and fasted cardio. But made me mad insulin resistant. Still dropped weight though lol.
How low of a dose? I'm doing 1iu at night and 1iu in the morning followed by 30-60 minutes of fasted cardio 2-3 hours after morning dose. Working great and my BG has remained relatively stable. Also on 2.5mg TZ e5d and 500mg Metformin ed.
How low of a dose? I'm doing 1iu at night and 1iu in the morning followed by 30-60 minutes of fasted cardio 2-3 hours after morning dose. Working great and my BG has remained relatively stable. Also on 2.5mg TZ e5d and 500mg Metformin ed.
2iu 2 hours before cardio. Did wonders tho only my bg went through the roof
2iu 2 hours before cardio. Did wonders tho only my bg went through the roof
I'd be interested in your results if you only used 1iu pre-cardio and started on the TZ. For me that seems to be very effective.

Also worth mentioning, I also eat very low carb. It may be playing a role in my BG levels. However, I did play around with 3-4iu ED and I did see my BG levels rise so I backed it down to my current 2iu and I've stabilized.
Define high E2 and high glucose?
19% bodyfat is high. Body fat as you probably know contains the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone to E2. So the more fat the more conversion. 1 good reason to not bulk for the sake of bulking.
Have you thought of getting a coach or someone to guide you, hold you accountable till you are able to do it by yourself. As long as you don’t hire those who coach pros, i think coaches are cheaper than a years cost of gh.

It seems like nutrition is where the problem lies, unless you have a medical condition.

Good luck.
Have you thought of getting a coach or someone to guide you, hold you accountable till you are able to do it by yourself. As long as you don’t hire those who coach pros, i think coaches are cheaper than a years cost of gh.

It seems like nutrition is where the problem lies, unless you have a medical condition.

Good luck.
Have been thinking about this aswell. Ngl.
I would say it's nutrition aswell. Still a lot to learn.
Define high E2 and high glucose?
19% bodyfat is high. Body fat as you probably know contains the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone to E2. So the more fat the more conversion. 1 good reason to not bulk for the sake of bulking.
High E2 60pg/ml
With primo I get that down tot 30pg/ml

glucose 90 around waking.
usually it sits around 75 when everything is going great.

I Also respond quite poorly to carbs.
I'd be interested in your results if you only used 1iu pre-cardio and started on the TZ. For me that seems to be very effective.

Also worth mentioning, I also eat very low carb. It may be playing a role in my BG levels. However, I did play around with 3-4iu ED and I did see my BG levels rise so I backed it down to my current 2iu and I've stabilized.
Gonna go low carbs aswell.
Tirz is coming this week.
Might give that a try see what it does and keep a eye on my glucose.

So I found a missing link to the puzzle.
I never felt true hungry. Like belly hungry because of higher BG and felt watery.

I used to supplement with DHEA but since I ran out I forget to add in for 2 months.

I Dosed that this morning and see great improvements on my BG after meals.
And actually feeling hungry again.
Water retention dropped a bit and more to the muscles.

I used to supplement DHEA because DHEA sulfate was at the bottom.

I also feel a bit better
I’m sorry but this is some nonsense. “I can’t lose weight cause I have high e2” is some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard.

If you can’t lose weight, you’re not in a deficit it’s that simple. Adjust your calories until you’re in a defici, use cardio to help you get there if needed.

you have been listening to too many low carb zealots on instagram or something “I can’t lose weight because I’m insulin resistant”

No you can’t lose weight because you’re not eating in a deficit.

You are not special enough to break the laws of thermodynamics.

If you want to take the easy way out and just start using glp-1 that’s your decision but stop making lame excuses for your decision to do so.

Stop listening to these Bs artists who are trying to sell people something by telling them the reason they can’t lose weight is due to a hormonal imbalance.
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Have you thought of getting a coach or someone to guide you, hold you accountable till you are able to do it by yourself. As long as you don’t hire those who coach pros, i think coaches are cheaper than a years cost of gh.

It seems like nutrition is where the problem lies, unless you have a medical condition.

Good luck.
I second this
High E2 60pg/ml
With primo I get that down tot 30pg/ml

glucose 90 around waking.
usually it sits around 75 when everything is going great.

I Also respond quite poorly to carbs.
60 is not outrageous but long term health seems to start dropping above 40 when using the standard range.
90 glucose is well in the normal range. If i was younger and for long term i would want it lower for health reasons.
But i have had numbers worse then that and lost weight so i would tend to think it was you calorie level with the amount of activity you are doing that is keeping you from losing weight.