Can't lose weight with high e2. And high blood sugar.


Need some help from you guys.

Always struggled to lose weight.
On Test I always have high e2.
I literally cannot lose weight.

Current protocol 150 test 70 primo.
Without the primo I just don't lose weight.
Very estrogen dominant.

It's only until I add that primo in I see the scales drop.
I feel proper glucose metabolism.
General feeling off stomach hunger comes back.
Even on metformin 1000mg my BG runs high.
Added in semaglutide again. At 0.25 for now.

I used to lose weight when I'm on higher androgens.
I feels like I get on a even playing field. But on TRT doses it is impossible.

Come down from 148kg to 120kg now.
Sitting around 19% measured on a inbody scan.

having Tirzepatide on the way hoping that will be able to do something.

Any help is welcome.

Honestly feel so frustrated.
If I missed any info or you want to have additional info let me know.
Why would steps be a useless metric?
When you're just walking around like a bloated fuck on ASS you're not getting anything meaningful to your brain or heart in terms of blood and oxygen. You may as well be tracking happy psychological states. Steps are the dumbest and most dangerous fitness metric possible for ppl using ASS.
I agree on the calories but I want to add that low carb does kinda trick you with calories. For instance the second you substituted that rice for vegetables a not so magical reduction of cals happens.

For me personally I will gain weight with what appears to be the exact same cals if I eat carbs outside my pre and post workout meals so I just limit my rice time to just those two meals and everything else is meat/veggies or generally keto.

I also do protein fasting whenever I see some face bloat/abb loss in the mirror. My basic protein fast is 40g whey in water for 180cal 2x a day and the I keep my other 3 meals normal so I’m running a 1000cal deficit. I just hate doing this in winter as I get freezing ass cold.

One other trick I’ve found that involves 0 dieting is doing a crazy gym week. I’ll basically do brand new routines for everything, upping reps or weight. Unfortunately, all my muscle groups are sore 2-3 days later so basically everything really hurts everywhere but my abs pop though as I kept my cals the same.

