HELP, can I start test enanthate after one week of only dbol


New Member

This is my first cycle, I have cycled SARMS a few times before but have not done anabolics until now.

I wanted to see how my body would react to dianabol without getting started with too much else in my system. I am fairly happy with the results so far,

I have been on 20 mg or dbol ed for 5 days now, and would like to start taking test enanthate at 500mg /week.

I have done some research however there are many varying opinions and it is hard to find any regarding my current situation. Mostly everything I have seen states that you should start taking test at the same time as dbol. Is it ok for me to start a week into taking dbol?

My test enanthate will arrive in a few days so I would be starting after a full 7 days of being on only dbol.

In addition to this, I have read that taking an AI in conjunction with the two is a good idea, I've definitely already noticed some suppression symptoms in the way of lethargy and sensitivity, so I am planning on adding this to the cycle.

Currently, my plan is to cycle this:

week 1-6 dbol 20mg ed

week 2-12 test enanthate 500mg /week, taken in 250mg dose twice per week

week 2-12 aromasin 12.5mg ed

week 12-15 clomid 50mg ed first 2 weeks, 25mg ed third week

Potentially mix some sarms in if I feel my body is in a good place during the cycle.

I know I could have done a bit more research on dbol but I was impatient and wanted to see how I would react to it before committing to the cycle.

Mainly, I am not confident in the AI part of the cycle as I have not had experience in taking AI's. Is this too long to be on aromasin? Should i lower the dose after I've finished the dbol? Is it too late to start AI and test after 7 days of only dbol? Should i scrap the whole cycle and do a few weeks of clomid then nothing before trying again?

I appreciate any help available. thanks.

This is my first cycle, I have cycled SARMS a few times before but have not done anabolics until now.

I wanted to see how my body would react to dianabol without getting started with too much else in my system. I am fairly happy with the results so far,

I have been on 20 mg or dbol ed for 5 days now, and would like to start taking test enanthate at 500mg /week.

I have done some research however there are many varying opinions and it is hard to find any regarding my current situation. Mostly everything I have seen states that you should start taking test at the same time as dbol. Is it ok for me to start a week into taking dbol?

My test enanthate will arrive in a few days so I would be starting after a full 7 days of being on only dbol.

In addition to this, I have read that taking an AI in conjunction with the two is a good idea, I've definitely already noticed some suppression symptoms in the way of lethargy and sensitivity, so I am planning on adding this to the cycle.

Currently, my plan is to cycle this:

week 1-6 dbol 20mg ed

week 2-12 test enanthate 500mg /week, taken in 250mg dose twice per week

week 2-12 aromasin 12.5mg ed

week 12-15 clomid 50mg ed first 2 weeks, 25mg ed third week

Potentially mix some sarms in if I feel my body is in a good place during the cycle.

I know I could have done a bit more research on dbol but I was impatient and wanted to see how I would react to it before committing to the cycle.

Mainly, I am not confident in the AI part of the cycle as I have not had experience in taking AI's. Is this too long to be on aromasin? Should i lower the dose after I've finished the dbol? Is it too late to start AI and test after 7 days of only dbol? Should i scrap the whole cycle and do a few weeks of clomid then nothing before trying again?

I appreciate any help available. thanks.
Ok, so you really need to have your cycle planned out and ready to go and have all stuff on hand. What if your Test never comes, then what?

You’re going to be taking an AI without even knowing what your e2 levels will be at?

Yes, start your Test.
Ok, so you really need to have your cycle planned out and ready to go and have all stuff on hand. What if your Test never comes, then what?

You’re going to be taking an AI without even knowing what your e2 levels will be at?

Yes, start your Test.
Thanks, would it be better to stop the dbol and continue with test or run them both even after having been on only dbol for 7 days? I plan on having my levels tested after a few weeks and continue with the AI dose depending on that. Thanks for the info.
Honestly man I would just stop the dbol until I had my test and AI in hand but that’s me.

Yes you will need an anti estrogen as test and dbol both aromatise into e2. I would start with 12.5mg aromasin every 3 days and adjust if you experience high e2 symptoms. Preferably you should start at a low dose of AI and get bloodwork to check your levels and use that to adjust your AI dose.

Years ago my first cycle was similar to what you’re laying out but I skipped the orals and haven’t ever felt the need for them.

Check out a steroid plotter to gauge when you should start your PCT since you may not need to start on a SERM right after finishing your cycle. It may need to be that your test clears out for a half life or 2 before starting clomid etc.

Do you have HCG on hand? I consider it an essential drug for all cycles to keep your balls from shrinking and going dormant. Since you will need to recover after your cycle the recovery is aided by HCG at low doses.
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Gotta say it and get it out of the way. Gotta have everything planned out from the beginning man. Can't stress it enough.

I get it though, first cycle and couldn't wait for the test. Things usually work out but I've seen a number of guys over the years where things didn't work out.

Like if your test didn't show because the post office lost the package.

After 5 days of dbol you shouldn't feel lethargic at all. You should be feeling pretty good. Placebo?

Yes, get the test started right away.

I don't come off any more so PCTs are long behind in my rearview. I did notice that you are running your pct while the test is still in your system. Unless there is some new science I'm unfamiliar with, you should let the test get out of your system then start the pct. It will take up to 2 weeks for the test to clear.

Since it's your first cycle, I would leave the sarms out of this one. This is your chance to start learning your body and what these compounds are really doing for you. You can't tell if your mixing aas with sarms. Single compounds are good for a first cycle.

If you test your levels after a few weeks, that will let you know how to handle the asin.
Thanks, would it be better to stop the dbol and continue with test or run them both even after having been on only dbol for 7 days? I plan on having my levels tested after a few weeks and continue with the AI dose depending on that. Thanks for the info.
I’d personally run the Dbol till week 3 and then pick it back up in week 8 or 9 to run till week 12.
Honestly man I would just stop the dbol until I had my test and AI in hand but that’s me.

Yes you will need an anti estrogen as test and dbol both aromatise into e2. I would start with 12.5mg aromasin every 3 days and adjust if you experience high e2 symptoms. Preferably you should start at a low dose of AI and get bloodwork to check your levels and use that to adjust your AI dose.

Years ago my first cycle was similar to what you’re laying out but I skipped the orals and haven’t ever felt the need for them.

Check out a steroid plotter to gauge when you should start your PCT since you may not need to start on a SERM right after finishing your cycle. It may need to be that your test clears out for a half life or 2 before starting clomid etc.

Do you have HCG on hand? I consider it an essential drug for all cycles to keep your balls from shrinking and going dormant. Since you will need to recover after your cycle the recovery is aided by HCG at low doses.

Gotta say it and get it out of the way. Gotta have everything planned out from the beginning man. Can't stress it enough.

I get it though, first cycle and couldn't wait for the test. Things usually work out but I've seen a number of guys over the years where things didn't work out.

Like if your test didn't show because the post office lost the package.

After 5 days of dbol you shouldn't feel lethargic at all. You should be feeling pretty good. Placebo?

Yes, get the test started right away.

I don't come off any more so PCTs are long behind in my rearview. I did notice that you are running your pct while the test is still in your system. Unless there is some new science I'm unfamiliar with, you should let the test get out of your system then start the pct. It will take up to 2 weeks for the test to clear.

Since it's your first cycle, I would leave the sarms out of this one. This is your chance to start learning your body and what these compounds are really doing for you. You can't tell if your mixing aas with sarms. Single compounds are good for a first cycle.

If you test your levels after a few weeks, that will let you know how to handle the asin.
Appreciate the help,
I will be waiting for a few weeks afterwards to start the SERM once everything is out of my system.
I can get HCG however I have not heard much about this product, and am unfamiliar with dosages and when to start taking it, is it necessary even if you plan on running a SERM?

I agree I think I will be leaving the sarms out until I figure out how I react to everything.

12.5mg aromasin every three days sounds like a good starting point, however in my current situation I'm not sure if I would start that immediately upon starting the test or later down the road after blood work.

At the moment I'm thinking of dropping the dbol and starting test when it comes in, then picking it back up for the last 4 weeks of my test cycle, with the AI starting in there some time in between. then waiting 2-3 weeks after everything is finished and taking clomid.
Although the idea is interesting of continuing dbol for 3 weeks and then starting again for weeks 8-12.
Just because I don't like the idea of abruptly stopping dbol and being on nothing for a few days, just to start on test again. Any thoughts?
Again, thanks for all the info.
Appreciate the help,
I will be waiting for a few weeks afterwards to start the SERM once everything is out of my system.
I can get HCG however I have not heard much about this product, and am unfamiliar with dosages and when to start taking it, is it necessary even if you plan on running a SERM?

I agree I think I will be leaving the sarms out until I figure out how I react to everything.

12.5mg aromasin every three days sounds like a good starting point, however in my current situation I'm not sure if I would start that immediately upon starting the test or later down the road after blood work.

At the moment I'm thinking of dropping the dbol and starting test when it comes in, then picking it back up for the last 4 weeks of my test cycle, with the AI starting in there some time in between. then waiting 2-3 weeks after everything is finished and taking clomid.
Although the idea is interesting of continuing dbol for 3 weeks and then starting again for weeks 8-12.
Just because I don't like the idea of abruptly stopping dbol and being on nothing for a few days, just to start on test again. Any thoughts?
Again, thanks for all the info.
I'd stay on the dbol till your test shows, hopefully it doesn't get delayed. If it comes, I'd personally stay on it till test starts kicking in hard after 2 to 3 weeks. Definitely monitor for high estrogen signs with the two but you have a decent cycle laid out.
Appreciate the help,
I will be waiting for a few weeks afterwards to start the SERM once everything is out of my system.
I can get HCG however I have not heard much about this product, and am unfamiliar with dosages and when to start taking it, is it necessary even if you plan on running a SERM?

I agree I think I will be leaving the sarms out until I figure out how I react to everything.

12.5mg aromasin every three days sounds like a good starting point, however in my current situation I'm not sure if I would start that immediately upon starting the test or later down the road after blood work.

At the moment I'm thinking of dropping the dbol and starting test when it comes in, then picking it back up for the last 4 weeks of my test cycle, with the AI starting in there some time in between. then waiting 2-3 weeks after everything is finished and taking clomid.
Although the idea is interesting of continuing dbol for 3 weeks and then starting again for weeks 8-12.
Just because I don't like the idea of abruptly stopping dbol and being on nothing for a few days, just to start on test again. Any thoughts?
Again, thanks for all the info.
So for HCG even doses as low as 250iu 3x/week is shown to have a marked improvement on leydig cell sensitivity. Leydig cells are precursor cells to test production in the testes. If you’re on cycle being a lutenizing hormone analog keeps your testes functioning at a low level but still functioning so when it’s time to PCT it’s so much more effective at restarting natural production to healthy levels.

Since test In cycle shuts down most natural production but will still be active it’s best to monitor the end of your cycle with still an AI to avoid high estrogen while you wait to start PCT.

Keeping your balls healthy and functioning is so important and HCG just helps with that. For example whether I’m doing trt or doing a blast I take 500iu 2x/week and I’ve never seen testicle shrinkage or pain or any issues with neuro hormones
Appreciate the help,
I will be waiting for a few weeks afterwards to start the SERM once everything is out of my system.
I can get HCG however I have not heard much about this product, and am unfamiliar with dosages and when to start taking it, is it necessary even if you plan on running a SERM?

I agree I think I will be leaving the sarms out until I figure out how I react to everything.

12.5mg aromasin every three days sounds like a good starting point, however in my current situation I'm not sure if I would start that immediately upon starting the test or later down the road after blood work.

At the moment I'm thinking of dropping the dbol and starting test when it comes in, then picking it back up for the last 4 weeks of my test cycle, with the AI starting in there some time in between. then waiting 2-3 weeks after everything is finished and taking clomid.
Although the idea is interesting of continuing dbol for 3 weeks and then starting again for weeks 8-12.
Just because I don't like the idea of abruptly stopping dbol and being on nothing for a few days, just to start on test again. Any thoughts?
Again, thanks for all the info.
I used to run my orals at the beginning and end of my cycles back when I was cycling. There were times I ran prop at the end also. It's a great way to get more benefit out of the time during the cycle.

Keep in mind running dbol at the end can make a more abrupt change in physical appearance when coming off. 20mg isn't a high dose so you may not put a lot of temp size on from it. I can always tell coming off of drol or dbol.

The hcg and then sarms at the end should help you maintain your size better through faster recovery and the sarms going to work. I've never run sarms but it sounds like starting them the last week of pct may be a good option for keeping gains. Diet is crucial at that time as well. The end of a cycle shouldn't be relax time, it should be do everything to keep the gains time, lol.

Good luck fella and keep the thread going with your progress.
Should've been on test in the first place dude. As others have pointed out get your test in asap