
New Member
Today I took my first injection ever of sustanon 250, from a reputable UK UGL.
I took this intramuscularly via my glute, once I got about 1ml in after a minute of injecting slowly with a 21g needle, I felt a tingling starting from my stomach, moving up to my chest.
After this I decided to remove the needle and I’d continue when I felt better, five minutes immediately after I woke up on the floor sweating, I blacked out before I even hit the ground, after an extremely intense dream like state.
I got up, called for help, my girlfriends mum came in, I sat on the bathtub and passed out again.
She reports I was “fitting” or having a seizure. I was out for another 3 to 4 minutes.

I don’t know if this is my injection methodology being a complete first timer, bad gear or my own personal neurosis, since I was admittedly a little bit scared but still just said fuck it and done it, saying over and over again, I won’t be a bitch.

If anybody has any idea what the fuck has happened, any questions to help or what.
This hasn’t discouraged me, even though I genuinely feared for my life after I went down the first time, so I will be doing it again next week.
But let me know if I should get different gear from a different source or just do something differently, or if I’m one of the few people that physiologically cannot handle the stress.

I feel fine now, 7 hours after this event, I feel pretty good even.
I’m just afraid that if I can’t do this like I wanted to, in a blast/ cruise manner that I’ve just crashed my test and have to do a PCT with my tail between my legs because my body can’t do this shit I’m not sure.
First time I ever injected I was holding my breath and nearly passed out then I had a panic attack... most likely you just didn't realize and blanked. The seizure could be because you hit your head or something on the way down.

It gets easier. I'd suggest using a slinpin if the size of the needle is an issue. I do daily injections with a 29g now and it doesn't phase me one bit...
First time I ever injected I was holding my breath and nearly passed out then I had a panic attack... most likely you just didn't realize and blanked. The seizure could be because you hit your head or something on the way down.

It gets easier. I'd suggest using a slinpin if the size of the needle is an issue. I do daily injections with a 29g now and it doesn't phase me one bit...
Second time I went down I smashed the back of my head on the wall behind me, that’s when I allegedly had said seizure.
I will take your advice though and order in some higher gauge needles, only because I think the longer I see the needle inside of me, and I can’t get the oil in, it’s just longer for me to stay composed
Second time I went down I smashed the back of my head on the wall behind me, that’s when I allegedly had said seizure.
I will take your advice though and order in some higher gauge needles, only because I think the longer I see the needle inside of me, and I can’t get the oil in, it’s just longer for me to stay composed
Yeah - my first time I had like a 1.5 inch 21 gauge and I think the size of it alone freaked me out more than the idea of injecting myself.
If you still can’t handle smaller size needles, maybe steroids is not for you. You can still get bigger and stronger without peds, it will just take longer.
I used to pass out getting my blood drawn or getting tetanus shots, etc. Scared of needles. It happens. If you hit your head though to the point of causing seizures, you might wanna make sure you don't have a concussion if this happened today.
You fainted. It happens to the best of us. Like others have said, make sure you're breathing and it gets easier the more you do it.

If it makes you feel any better, I passed out face first on the bathroom floor during my very first inject. Woke up with the pin still sticking out of my cheek.
I used to pass out getting my blood drawn or getting tetanus shots, etc. Scared of needles. It happens. If you hit your head though to the point of causing seizures, you might wanna make sure you don't have a concussion if this happened today.
I got checked out at the hospital and besides a pretty minor headache I have no lasting symptoms from any of this. Not to mention instantly after waking up from going under both times I was completely conscious and aware. So I don’t think I have any serious brain trauma from this
You fainted. It happens to the best of us. Like others have said, make sure you're breathing and it gets easier the more you do it.

If it makes you feel any better, I passed out face first on the bathroom floor during my very first inject. Woke up with the pin still sticking out of my cheek.
Did you wake up hot and sweaty? And lmao I managed to pull it out and put it neatly away with all my equipment haha
You fainted. It happens to the best of us. Like others have said, make sure you're breathing and it gets easier the more you do it.

If it makes you feel any better, I passed out face first on the bathroom floor during my very first inject. Woke up with the pin still sticking out of my cheek.
God damn that's a fun way to wake up.
If you still can’t handle smaller size needles, maybe steroids is not for you. You can still get bigger and stronger without peds, it will just take longer.
Good point but I have NEVER had an issue getting bloods drawn or any form of injected medication. I am a fairly anxious person by nature sometimes, so I think I had a moment of looking at my ass cheek and thinking “woah, I’m actually doing this” and “what if I’m doing this wrong, what if I don’t know what I’m doing”. Then the feelings came a few seconds later and I was out cold. I probably stopped breathing as soon as the needle broke my skin haha
Good point but I have NEVER had an issue getting bloods drawn or any form of injected medication. I am a fairly anxious person by nature sometimes, so I think I had a moment of looking at my ass cheek and thinking “woah, I’m actually doing this” and “what if I’m doing this wrong, what if I don’t know what I’m doing”. Then the feelings came a few seconds later and I was out cold. I probably stopped breathing as soon as the needle broke my skin haha
That's almost definitely it - I'm the same way, no issue with blood draws or injections just had never done it myself and in the moment I got freaked out.
I was shaky af the first time I injected. Just takes getting used to and it’ll numb your mind to it soon enough. You can power through it! Also, 21g is a fairly large injection needle. 25-27g works like a charm
I was shaky af the first time I injected. Just takes getting used to and it’ll numb your mind to it soon enough. You can power through it! Also, 21g is a fairly large injection needle. 25-27g works like a charm
Thank you man, makes me feel a lot better knowing I’m not the only one who’s had a bit of a freak out on their first.
Thank you man, makes me feel a lot better knowing I’m not the only one who’s had a bit of a freak out on their first.
Oh ya, I’m sure we’ve all been there at the beginning. Don’t sweat it. If anything, have your girl watch you do it next time just for a safety net
I’m gonna make a post update next week, Friday the 15th on my next injection day. I am gonna try a few things to make it easier, I’ll use a larger gauge, I’ll also do 2 doses of 0.5ml, spaced out a few hours from eachother, this way I can be in and out of both doses. I’m gonna keep focused on my breathing, maybe listen to some music to just take my mind off it and I’ll have my girlfriend in the room with me to keep me calm.

I’ll do this until I can be certain I can inject alone without issue, by this point I’ll be like 5 weeks in and I wanna titrate up the dose and see my tolerability to AAS and if I need anything changed.