Help! Labmax testing on a blend


New Member
I should have my Labmax kit in tomorrow and was wondering if it can test a Blend of Test C and EQ?

I have a few bottles of Robolics Robomass 450 T-Cyp 250mg, EQ 200mg that I'd really like to test before using.
You really can't get much from a LM test on a blend. No UV response at all would mean it's bunk, but there's not much you can tell after that.
just came to my mind

if vial A starts to glow yellow after a few hours then it contains for sure EQ

but I do not think that there is any trick to make sure it contains test cyp

labmax is only for single steroids
I've tested bds blends didn't look well but bloods proved otherwise

you will always get some fluorescence if there is a hormone so you know that it is not corn oil alone. so it is always good idea to prescreen even blends.

but $5 labmax test tube will not provide you with detailed information what you have inside if it is blend.
I like the idea of labmaxing it to see if there's hormone in it, at least.

Followed by bloods for the Cyp. and if you've run EQ before, you'll know if there's EQ in there after a few weeks (hunger).
post some good pictures, we will take a look at this

take picture of vial A later to see if you have any fluorescence we will know if your blend has any EQ inside.
I'll be watching this one.
I'm Hoping that you will run some Bloodwork.
I've heard good things on Robo from many people.
But that's been about it.......................... JP
Well this pretty much proves I suck at this! How do you guys get such great pictures? I felt like Kim Kardashion trying to take 1,900,000 selfies and they all sucked! image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
All pictures were taken 1-2 minutes after dropping into test tubes. Should I still take a picture in a few hours under UV or have we seen all there is to see? I have 3 more LM kits if need be.
Awesome. Waiting on my Arimidex and then I'll be getting started. I'm gonna run 2cc a week for 12 weeks and see what happens. Can't decide if I want to run 4 weeks of Dbol or not with this.