help me pain after injection


New Member
hello world of meso rx I would like to know if any of you have experience with pips due to primobolan enanthate... experiences or solutions?
Impacco caldo
Pistola da massaggio
Strofina la zona
Doccia calda

Se blocchi subq, prova ad approfondire l'IM
I go there im and have been doing it for years... the products are quality but I think I have problems with solvents
no, in many years no one has told me about it... how do I heat the oil directly when it is in the syringe?
no, in many years no one has told me about it... how do I heat the oil directly when it is in the syringe?
I just hold the syringe Under hot water coming right out of the facet a few minutes for each injection. I still get pip I'm sure, but my other pain issues make pip unnoticeable.
no, in many years no one has told me about it... how do I heat the oil directly when it is in the syringe?
You don't, you heat the vial and then draw the oil. And before someone says it, do not run your syringe under hot water
Also, primo for most guys is going to cause some pain no matter what
that of the Deus light pip but nothing compared to this pharmaqo arm so swollen and painful the oil seems to go down from the shoulder to the bicep as if I had hit subq instead of im. my body tries to reject these solvents in my opinion
You don't, you heat the vial and then draw the oil. And before someone says it, do not run your syringe under hot water
It has already been said ahahahahahaha however we recommend storing the product below 25 degrees, will it be good to reheat it every time?
It has already been said ahahahahahaha however we recommend storing the product below 25 degrees, will it be good to reheat it every time?
25 degrees? I think something around 60-75 degrees would make more sense, just normal room temperature. And yes you can reheat every time
0.5 ml 2 times a week , 175 mgxml
Maybe cut it with your test to or lower the concentration, you can add oil. .5 ml shouldn’t be that bad, but who knows.

I brewed 150mg/ml and I have run it 1ml eod and never had pip from it.