I really like Modafinil - even at low doses

It's a brilliant drug, but weird and inconsistent. Like a couple other posts mention armodafinil is the superior form and what I use.

I'm a caffeine junkie and i compare it too being on caffeine with no tolerance, but without a crash or any negatives at all. There's nothing more to it than that, I think people have different expectations and are disappointed.
Armodafinil is longer lasting, but "superior" is a matter of preference.
Modafanil- Alertec, modalert, has worked great for me.
It is a eugeroic which are orexin stimulating and promote wakefulness.
Used for Sleep apnea, narcolepsy and vigillance it can be very arousing. It has been given to the US Navy and marines to promote cognitive clarity and alertness even in sleep deprived conditions.

Armodafanil is the is the enantiopure compound of modafanil. It consists of only the (R)-(−)-enantiomer of the racemic modafinil.
It has a longer half life and produces more Euphoria than armodafanil, therefore it's potential for addiction is greater. Where Armodafanil give you the Reward similar to cocaine or Amphetamines, modafanil works on D2, dopamine agonism and gives you the drive and motivation to accomplish said task that will give you a longer sustained reward. It is one of the best drugs for procrastination and apathy . It has excellent anti-depressant properties, works at slightlly lowering prolactin, cortisol and estrogen. Modafanil also had dopamine re-uptake properties as well as D2 agonism and hence gives you more peripheral stimulation, which is desired for fighters, athletes etc..I wouldn't use it for studying or increasing focus, here armodafanil is better suited. Both Moda and Armodafanil have been prescribed for ADHD, they have very little potential for the same amount of addiction as amphetamine or amp's salts.

Another greatr indication for modafanil is it can reduce the Debilitating fatigue and constant tiredness in Multiple Sclerosis , Fibromyalgia and Bi polar disease.
Caution should be exercised in those who have a history of cardiac disease or hypertension .Also mitral valve prolapse or Left walled ventricular hypertrophy. Modafanil can stimulate norepinephrine and epinephrine which can result in severe vaso-construction with co-responding hypertention.
Do NOT combine medications such as ephedrine, clen, Ritalin(DRI), adderall or other amps with any of the eugeroics ( Modafanil, Armodafanil, Adrafanil etc..) !!
Caffeine with Modafanil is not prohibited provided you have decent heart health and blood pressure.
One more thing if some guys have trouble sleeping , a great fix is to grab some cheap clonidine or catapress, this will antagonize the orexin effects due to it's strong Alpha-2a adrenergic receptor agonism. Also if you experience severe hypertennsion while on Moda or fucking up and combining the list of synergistic meds I have listed ( and are not just limited to these) Clonidine is your friend !

I hear many dissapointing results and stories here Re: Moda /Armadafanil ; I havent seen too many non-responders in practical indications and experiences. I am not one to get into the whole Pharm vs. UGL debate, But if you have a good source either way, you should be golden. Of course there are outliars on both ends of the scale .
Finally most get benefit from 50mgs/day, you could increase to 100, but I haven't found any benefits of going over 200 mgs/day

No there absolutely is not
Having tried all of the commonly available variants, there absolutely is. Provigil and ModAlert stand out above the others, and the patented crystallization process vs the sloppy amorphous production of the others is the clear reason why.
Having tried all of the commonly available variants, there absolutely is. Provigil and ModAlert stand out above the others, and the patented crystallization process vs the sloppy amorphous production of the others is the clear reason why.

That’s feels nonsense . We all know generics and brand names have differences in formulation, but the difference that makes is all in your head. Go on the Reddit moda sub and you’ll see all sorts of claims such as yours. Everyone has their own favorite brand and all other brands are crap, etc.
and the patented crystallization process vs the sloppy amorphous production of the others is the clear reason why.
What is your proposed MOA where this would make a difference in any way?
Any suggestions for the extreme tension headaches? I used to be able to take 200mg no issue, now it’s headaches off even 100mg

It may be from Vasoconstriction, (Hows your blood pressure ? )if so then use Cialis( 5 to 10mgs/daily). Are you using Cialis or other PDE5 inhibitors currently ?....L-citrulline or L-arginine, I prefer the former. For certain tension headache, then Magnesium ~ 600 mgs to 2 gms/day, L-theanine, L-taurine @ 2-5 gms/daily , a muscle relaxant, a workout and busting a few nuts works good for me!
For me if I'm up before 7 its 150mg Armodafinil, then another 100mg Modafinil around 9AM.

If up later than 7 it's 300mg Modafinil+another 100mg at noon.

Really starting to love Artvigil. Enough to wake up early enough to use it. But without at least a little Modalert with it it's a bit lacking on the creativity. Something in that shorter acting S-isomer that's mind expanding, while the R-isomer is all business.
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For me if I'm up before 7 its 150mg Armodafinil, then another 100mg Modafinil around 9AM.

If up later than 7 it's 300mg Modafinil+another 100mg at noon.

Really starting to love Artvigil. Enough to wake up early enough to use it. But without a least a little Modalert with it it's a bit lacking on the creativity. Something in that shorter acting S-isomer that's mind expanding, while the R-isomer is all business.
Interesting gonna try this, tried both separately but never combined
Interesting gonna try this, tried both separately but never combined

There's an insanely cheap combo pill, Modasafe-A, that's 200mg Modafinil and 50mg Armodafinil I'm going to try. It's made by some backstreet India pharma company who's only other products seem to be irresponsibly high dosed Viagra and Cialis,

With the last special at Cosmic it was 16¢ a tablet, lol. From the looks of the place on Google maps and the choice of the term "Safe" in the name it's as likely to be an amphetamine/fentanyl combo.

Might have to have that one tested by Jano, lol.

But since Armodafinil is just the R isomer of Modafinil, can that measured in a combo pill? I don't even know if the S and R mix in Modafinil is a fixed ratio, so presumable it's 200mg of whatever makes up Moda and an extra 50mg of the R isomer.

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I get absolutely nothing from any of them, it's odd. I could take 500mg of modafinil and fall right asleep. Idk why they don't work.

I have like 20 grams each of Modafinil, armodafinil, and some other analog that I've left untouched for the better part of 4 years now because they just don't work. They all came from a very high rated source and worked for my friends, idk why they don't jive with my brain.
We’re all here doing illegal drugs, but I’d really do my due diligence before digging into kratom. Anything that interacts with the mu opioid receptor can potentiate opioid addiction. There are (the last I read) at least five compounds in kratom that agonize this receptor to varying degrees. Repeated exposure to kratom will have the same physiological trajectory — though not the same speed and severity — as fucking around with Percocet, heroin, etc.

Some people don’t have a problem with it, but it’s really a gamble against your genetics. Adding a fairly potent opioid agonist to your daily exposure — when there is no necessity or pathology to be controlled — is a really fucked lottery to be playing. Just my two cents.
The deal with kratom is it doesn't have a downstream glutamatergic release like traditional opioids. It's this glutamate function that severely alters neural scaffolding to allow for physical dependency with substances like morphine, heroin, hydro/oxycodone etc.

Yes, kratom causes physical dependency to a notable degree, just nothing as severe as traditional opioids/opiates. It also has a ceiling dose due to the soup of other agonists/antagonists unless you're working with pure extracted 7-hydroxy-mitragynine which doesn't.

All in all it's a brilliant plant, but it does have drawback, just not nearly as many as an opium poppy.

I'd put withdrawal somewhere both effects and potency between a combination of caffeine and half the symptoms of codeine withdrawal.

I'm still tapering pain meds from dealing with cancer for a few years, but I'll eventually make the swap to kratom in the next few months then finish from there. It's far easier to cold turkey kratom than traditional opioids.
I get absolutely nothing from any of them, it's odd. I could take 500mg of modafinil and fall right asleep. Idk why they don't work.

I have like 20 grams each of Modafinil, armodafinil, and some other analog that I've left untouched for the better part of 4 years now because they just don't work. They all came from a very high rated source and worked for my friends, idk why they don't jive with my brain.

Before you give up on it entirely give Modalert a try. I posted earlier about how the amorphous versions of this compound can be largely innefective, and if you're like a drug resistant friend of mine who needs a massive dose of anything to work, a "hard head" instead of a normal person, that extra bioavailability of the patented version may make all the difference.

I recently looked it up again and found another patent, from Mitsubishi I think, of all companies, that included "Modafinil versions 1-5", all supposedly having better response rates than others on the market,
Before you give up on it entirely give Modalert a try. I posted earlier about how the amorphous versions of this compound can be largely innefective, and if you're like a drug resistant friend of mine who needs a massive dose of anything to work, a "hard head" instead of a normal person, that extra bioavailability of the patented version may make all the difference.

I recently looked it up again and found another patent, from Mitsubishi I think, of all companies, that included "Modafinil versions 1-5", all supposedly having better response rates than others on the market,

Interesting, I'll definitely give it a look eventually. I've tried pharma modafinil once like 10 years ago with the same response though.

It's not a big deal to me, i'm not a person that craves stimulation or anything, lol. Caffeine and alpha GPC work plenty fine for me
Interesting, I'll definitely give it a look eventually. I've tried pharma modafinil once like 10 years ago with the same response though.

It's not a big deal to me, i'm not a person that craves stimulation or anything, lol. Caffeine and alpha GPC work plenty fine for me

As a lifelong caffeine addict it's precisely the excision of the crappy parts of caffeine, while extending and intensifying the great parts of that stim that makes Moda so appealing. Designer caffeine. One final datapoint. I have a Moda script, and I can tell you the generic from the pharmacy (an India pharma company of course, "Aurobindo"), is not in the same league as Modalert. So the next time you're ordering your India pharma, throw in a few strips of Modalert. The bastards know how
much it's loved so charge way more than they should, but it's still cheap.

....just remembering the domestic vendor here who charges $25 for 10 tabs of a low end brand of Moda that's $2 from the PCT India sellers, lol. At least he could've gotten Modalert with that huge margin,
As a lifelong caffeine addict it's precisely the excision of the crappy parts of caffeine, while extending and intensifying the great parts of that stim that makes Moda so appealing. Designer caffeine. One final datapoint. I have a Moda script, and I can tell you the generic from the pharmacy (an India pharma company of course, "Aurobindo"), is not in the same league as Modalert. So the next time you're ordering your India pharma, throw in a few strips of Modalert. The bastards know how
much it's loved so charge way more than they should, but it's still cheap.

....just remembering the domestic vendor here who charges $25 for 10 tabs of a low end brand of Moda that's $2 from the PCT India sellers, lol. At least he could've gotten Modalert with that huge margin,
Except it was the only thing listed on my love letter of many other pills in the box. So there is that.
This has been a miracle drug for me. Clean energy, controls cravings, gives motivation. I sometimes give myself a two week break. Who knows if this really does anything, but I feel better when I do 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off.