I really like Modafinil - even at low doses

I love Modafinil. 100mg a day especially when I’m working early. Lasts all day to I get to the gym. Just gives my headaches if I don’t drink enough in the day
I’ve been taking 50mg modafinil per day for years.

It beats the shit out of any amphetamine or Ritalin ADD med I was ever prescribed. Those made me fuck around on shit that wasn’t important.

Modafinil allows me to not get distracted by jerking off or small meaningless projects.
Brilliant stuff. Taken with kratom, basically becomes the 'limitless' drug. I don't take it as much now as after roughly 10 years straight using it, it became less effective (plus i'm not currently working so don't need the kind of focus and concentration it can give)
Brilliant stuff. Taken with kratom, basically becomes the 'limitless' drug. I don't take it as much now as after roughly 10 years straight using it, it became less effective (plus i'm not currently working so don't need the kind of focus and concentration it can give)
I think my dose was to high, how much did you take? I got bad tension headaches
Brilliant stuff. Taken with kratom, basically becomes the 'limitless' drug. I don't take it as much now as after roughly 10 years straight using it, it became less effective (plus i'm not currently working so don't need the kind of focus and concentration it can give)
Agree with this, although I haven't tried kratom yet. Been using moda a few days a week at least for the last 10 years. Becomes less effective over time for sure -- just sort of in the background now. Huge factor in my ability to find success in building a business over the years.
We’re all here doing illegal drugs, but I’d really do my due diligence before digging into kratom. Anything that interacts with the mu opioid receptor can potentiate opioid addiction. There are (the last I read) at least five compounds in kratom that agonize this receptor to varying degrees. Repeated exposure to kratom will have the same physiological trajectory — though not the same speed and severity — as fucking around with Percocet, heroin, etc.

Some people don’t have a problem with it, but it’s really a gamble against your genetics. Adding a fairly potent opioid agonist to your daily exposure — when there is no necessity or pathology to be controlled — is a really fucked lottery to be playing. Just my two cents.
I think my dose was to high, how much did you take? I got bad tension headaches

I started at 25mg (1/8th of a 200mg pill). For the first week or so, that was enough to give me a very noticible mental focus. Over time, my regular daily dose became 75mg. I don't think i've ever gone over 100mg in a day.
We’re all here doing illegal drugs, but I’d really do my due diligence before digging into kratom. Anything that interacts with the mu opioid receptor can potentiate opioid addiction. There are (the last I read) at least five compounds in kratom that agonize this receptor to varying degrees. Repeated exposure to kratom will have the same physiological trajectory — though not the same speed and severity — as fucking around with Percocet, heroin, etc.

Some people don’t have a problem with it, but it’s really a gamble against your genetics. Adding a fairly potent opioid agonist to your daily exposure — when there is no necessity or pathology to be controlled — is a really fucked lottery to be playing. Just my two cents.

I've used kratom twice daily since around 2010 / 2011. It gives me a slight mood boost now, but for years it gave me a very noticible boost to what would otherwise be my usual low, unsociable mood. I often misjudge putting in an order for more end end up without any for a few days till my next order comes. I'd be more worried about running out of coffee. To compare kraton to heroin is comical to me, in the same way that comparing caffeine to meth would be. I think the stories you might have read of people getting 'addicted' to kratom are the ones where people are taking stupid amounts as they probably were already opioid addicts before even touching kratom. I use 3 grams in the morning, then take 3.5 grams later in the day. I have read of people taking 50 plus grams in a day. You'd have to already have a very high tolerance to opioids to before starting kratom to manage that amount (and a lot of money)
Hello Meso
I really enjoy Modafinil. Clean energy and wakefulness. No sides. A bit hard to get in my part of the world. So I am a bit sparesome with it. Just tried 25mg. Worked well. 50mg did too.
Is the normal 100-300mg dose overkill, if you are just looking for a boost, and don’t have any medical conditions?
What are your experiences?
How are you taking the small doses? With caffeine? Food? I feel like less than 200mg only gives me headaches
I’ve been taking 50mg modafinil per day for years.

It beats the shit out of any amphetamine or Ritalin ADD med I was ever prescribed. Those made me fuck around on shit that wasn’t important.

Modafinil allows me to not get distracted by jerking off or small meaningless projects.
You plateau on tolerance and can hover there?

FYI a seller here stocks flandrafinil, no personal report on it yet but maybe soon. I'll return if so.
I've used kratom twice daily since around 2010 / 2011. It gives me a slight mood boost now, but for years it gave me a very noticible boost to what would otherwise be my usual low, unsociable mood. I often misjudge putting in an order for more end end up without any for a few days till my next order comes. I'd be more worried about running out of coffee. To compare kraton to heroin is comical to me, in the same way that comparing caffeine to meth would be. I think the stories you might have read of people getting 'addicted' to kratom are the ones where people are taking stupid amounts as they probably were already opioid addicts before even touching kratom. I use 3 grams in the morning, then take 3.5 grams later in the day. I have read of people taking 50 plus grams in a day. You'd have to already have a very high tolerance to opioids to before starting kratom to manage that amount (and a lot of money)
Your personal narrative is all that matters. The adenosine receptor agonism of caffeine has ruined plenty of lives, right?
We’re all here doing illegal drugs, but I’d really do my due diligence before digging into kratom. Anything that interacts with the mu opioid receptor can potentiate opioid addiction. There are (the last I read) at least five compounds in kratom that agonize this receptor to varying degrees. Repeated exposure to kratom will have the same physiological trajectory — though not the same speed and severity — as fucking around with Percocet, heroin, etc.

Some people don’t have a problem with it, but it’s really a gamble against your genetics. Adding a fairly potent opioid agonist to your daily exposure — when there is no necessity or pathology to be controlled — is a really fucked lottery to be playing. Just my two cents.
I agree with this so much. People up-talk Kratom way too much. Giving yourself an opiod addiction is not nearly worth any potential benefits that it has
It's a brilliant drug, but weird and inconsistent. Like a couple other posts mention armodafinil is the superior form and what I use.

I'm a caffeine junkie and i compare it too being on caffeine with no tolerance, but without a crash or any negatives at all. There's nothing more to it than that, I think people have different expectations and are disappointed.
You plateau on tolerance and can hover there?

FYI a seller here stocks flandrafinil, no personal report on it yet but maybe soon. I'll return if so.
I notice when I don’t take it. Since I pair it with coffee upon waking, it’s hard to discern what does what. If I go up to 100mg, I’ll get wired and some other side effects. Its not comfortable for me.

50mg and 2 cups of coffee turns my brain on like a fluorescent light, but doesn’t agitate me.

As I got older, I started to see stimulants leech magnesium from my muscle tissue. The resulting wired feeling and myotonia became uncomfortable.

So now, the idea is NOT to be wired, it’s to avoid zoning out and feeling sleepy. I used to take kratom or Phenibut to offset the modafinil doses I was taking. It no longer became necessary once I simply lowered the dose.

It’s funny, the older I get, the more it becomes important to me to use lower doses of things, not just for longevity, but really because there is a sweet spot for everything. I am doing less and less blasting, and more cruising. For example, I really think a constant level of 200-250mg test will build me a better body in the next 5 years than going back and forth between 150mg and 500mg will.
I notice when I don’t take it. Since I pair it with coffee upon waking, it’s hard to discern what does what. If I go up to 100mg, I’ll get wired and some other side effects. Its not comfortable for me.

50mg and 2 cups of coffee turns my brain on like a fluorescent light, but doesn’t agitate me.

As I got older, I started to see stimulants leech magnesium from my muscle tissue. The resulting wired feeling and myotonia became uncomfortable.

So now, the idea is NOT to be wired, it’s to avoid zoning out and feeling sleepy. I used to take kratom or Phenibut to offset the modafinil doses I was taking. It no longer became necessary once I simply lowered the dose.

It’s funny, the older I get, the more it becomes important to me to use lower doses of things, not just for longevity, but really because there is a sweet spot for everything. I am doing less and less blasting, and more cruising. For example, I really think a constant level of 200-250mg test will build me a better body in the next 5 years than going back and forth between 150mg and 500mg will.
Wonderful insight and thanks for sharing this. Less is more goes the saying. I know one thing, to much sometimes is a one way street to be avoided with seriousness.

God bless ya for being able to use phenibut, as a warning to anyone reading this wondering what that drug is.

Google whatever drug you're thinking about taking followed by the word withdrawal before going further.

Havent ordered the flandrafinil yet since the last pack from supplier is having issues, but hoping that clears up and able to give some info on.
Been tempted to try this as i have very low motivation myself always fatigued. Does it really work that well?
Suggest you research this elsewhere, it's clear most of the people here don't know wtf they're talking about regarding Moda.

I love Modafinil as well, and have used just about every stim out there. Very long lasting, clean, no jitters, no tolerance, no addiction, no crash. It's not even a stimulant, but a "wakefulness agent". Stimulants "borrow" energy from the future, even caffeine, Modafinil doesn't.

After an initial period of a couple weeks, any minor sides typically disappear. You must take it no later than 10AM to avoid sleep interference. It's not that you can't sleep on Moda, but it will prevent you from entering REM, so you won't be as well rested the next day. That's why you hear some of the clowns here talking about insomnia and becoming emotionless. It's a side effect of REM depravation because they're not using it correctly.

There's a huge variation between brands, Modalert is the best. The reason is pretty interesting. While synthesizing the chemical is fairly straightforward, Teva's Provigil, the original, uses a proprietary crystallization process that makes the drug 80% more bioavailable than "formless" amorphous type most of the generic manufacturers make. Sun Pharma, manufacturers of Modalert, is the only generic maker that licensed this process from Teva. So the experience with Modalert is significantly different than other brands. The others often have unpredictable effects that at best make it seem like it's doing nothing, to at worst headaches and generally feeling like shit.

Quality Moda is like designer caffeine. One pill that gives you a jitterless boost for 12 hours with no crash, day after day without having to increase the dose. In quantities of a few hundred it's 75¢ a tab, a fraction of a cup of coffee.

On top of all this, long term Moda users consume 30% fewer calories on average than non users. I often stack this with Clen and GW50516, almost effortlessly shedding 2-3 pounds of fat a week.

Don't listen to the naysayers, just pick up some Modalert 200, use it daily for a couple of weeks, and draw your own conclusions.

PS: If you're coming off that horrible adderall garbage, you need to be at least a month clean, because you need to be closer to baseline dopamine levels or the lingering effects of amphetamine induced dopamine depletion will interfere with the way Moda works.