Help my girl get lean!


Hey everyone. I'm asking for help for my fiancé. She has made amazing progress over the last two years and just finished her second anavar cycle about two months ago. Her biggest goal is to cut the rest of her stubborn belly fat and get close to the fitness model look you see on instagram. She doesn't want to compete and doesn't mind having some fat on her hips and ass. We realize you can't spot reduce and I continually tell her this.

She currently trains 5 days a week and does 4 day HIIT on an air dyne. Her diet for this fat loss phase is currently 1300 calories 5 days a week with two days jumping up to maintenance(2200-2300) calories. She has made great progress the last three weeks on this diet.

She currently takes 1.3 or so IU hgh ed for the last three months. We have measured Bodyfat using calipers regularly since 1.5 years ago. She has gone from 19.6% with only 111lbs of LBM to 11.04% with 130lbs of LBM. These numbers are obviously off by quite a bit. I measure correctly and the same every time, but I think the numbers should be around 30% when she started to 18% or so now.

She wants to take albuterol (She has experience with this) and t3 the last six weeks of this fat loss phase to really lean out. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks.

First pic is August this year second is December
Aug 16.jpg November 2016.jpg

Hey @Gigem46! She's done great work! I don't have any experience with albuterol or t3. I wish I could be of more help. @GearGodess does live up to her name though and I'm sure she will be along shortly. I've been carb cycling for a while and that seems to have helped in my leaning out process. I look forward to hearing about her progress tho!

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I'll probably take some heat over this but oh well I'm just trying to help. Something is up with either the gear or the training If she has already done two cycles.

In my honest opinion I wouldn't even get on t3 at this moment because she's not ready. I would focus more on the training side of things first.

Like I said I am not trying to be rude just being honest. I have worked with several females with cycles and training from bodybuilders to just average girls, so I know a little.

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I'll probably take some heat over this but oh well I'm just trying to help. Something is up with either the gear or the training If she has already done two cycles.

In my honest opinion I wouldn't even get on t3 at this moment because she's not ready. I would focus more on the training side of things first.

Like I said I am not trying to be rude just being honest. I have worked with several females with cycles and training from bodybuilders to just average girls, so I know a little.

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Thanks. She has always trained really hard mainly compound movements and always stays with a program 12 weeks or so. Squats 225, deadlifts 225 for reps. Do you mean she hasn't gained enough muscle? She is OK with where she is at size wise doesn't want to gain any more at this point just cut fat. She started very, very soft after never working out, having a child, eating like shit She was never really big looking but extremely soft. I'm guessing over 35% bf possibly.

Can you give me an idea about what you mean by focusing on training? I appreciate the help and am open to any suggestions, but I'm somewhat at a loss because her training is one area that I know is very solid. She hasn't always kept diet 100% especially when gaining on anavar.
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Gear is from pharmacom. Had a big effect on strength, vascularity, some water retention, oily skin, acne. All checked out by labmax and posted on here for further verification.

GH is tp black tops checked out from the GH testing thread and bloods.
What I mean is her muscle development is just not there. Over time in the gym and especially with gear your muscle bellies will become bigger and more developed.

In my honest opinion she just don't look ready or that she even needs t3. I wouldn't advise anyone to take it just to lose a few pounds. I would pick her reps up make her do more cardio before I would do t3.

I'll use this as an example, I trained a girl this past year who has two kids. In a years time she walked on stage and took second place. I know everyone is different, but that's just an example.

The weight part really don't matter. At her weight I don't see a need in squatting 225 unless she's doing for 10. I would drop her weight and pick the reps up. I can bench 455 for reps of 3 but why do it?

I had more wrote out, but my phone died so I can't remember all that I said last time. Long story short I would change her training and diet up before I put her on t3 and a lot will agree.

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Ok thank you. Definetly agree that the power lifting doesn't play a factor in size. I was more stating that she can squat 225 to give you an idea that she isn't afraid to lift heavy. She mainly does DUP so she will do some heavy lower rep but more often trains in the 12-20 rep range as well. I will make sure to have her focus more on hypertrophy.

One of her biggest issues is even on anavar she is very afraid to increase calories too much. I think that may be one of her biggest hinderences to greater muscle gains. It doesn't help when she gains water weight and is afraid she's blowing up. Im
Honestly not sure how much of a surplus she has ever really been in. This obviously also makes it harder to cut because her body is so used to being in a deficit.

I came to post thinking I would get mainly replys saying t3 wasn't needed at this point. I agree focusing on diet/training is most important. She is just somewhat frustrated but I think the diet she is on now is the most strict she has been on and is already working well. I'll have her stick to that for another 8-9 weeks and see where she's at before considering anything further.
Muscle is made with food, she won't get fat as long as she trains hard and don't eat complete trash. I have found that getting most girls to realize that is very hard.

She looks on track tho, quads seem to be developing. Just get her diet right high protein lower carbs medium on fats and push her to sweat in the gym. Also make sure she is drinking a lot of water.

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Muscle is made with food, she won't get fat as long as she trains hard and don't eat complete trash. I have found that getting most girls to realize that is very hard.

This is so fucking true.. It's irritating trying to explain this to your gf who "just wants to tone" and knows everything :mad:
Hah! It's the one thing that even when she agrees completely with me getting her to follow through is another thing entirely.
Mine is just so stuck in her own ways.. eats like 1-2 meals a day, goes to the gym and runs on the treadmill for a half hour, hits 3-4 machines for one set each, and does some sit ups. Same thing every time. But lord help me if I try to give diet or training advice.. rant over, you can have your thread back now lol.
What I mean is her muscle development is just not there. Over time in the gym and especially with gear your muscle bellies will become bigger and more developed.

In my honest opinion she just don't look ready or that she even needs t3. I wouldn't advise anyone to take it just to lose a few pounds. I would pick her reps up make her do more cardio before I would do t3.

I'll use this as an example, I trained a girl this past year who has two kids. In a years time she walked on stage and took second place. I know everyone is different, but that's just an example.

The weight part really don't matter. At her weight I don't see a need in squatting 225 unless she's doing for 10. I would drop her weight and pick the reps up. I can bench 455 for reps of 3 but why do it?

I had more wrote out, but my phone died so I can't remember all that I said last time. Long story short I would change her training and diet up before I put her on t3 and a lot will agree.

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I disagree , I see plenty of muscle mass . Its just hidden in a layer of fat . Get cut and you"ll see . Good job @Gigem46
I disagree , I see plenty of muscle mass . Its just hidden in a layer of fat . Get cut and you"ll see . Good job @Gigem46

She's only 130 if she cuts she will just be skinny again. She will drop down to 120 115.

If this was a guy posting pictures he would get bashed and we all know it. I'm just being honest with the guy so he can help his girl. 2 cycles gh and 2 years of lifting I don't see it.

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She's only 130 if she cuts she will just be skinny again. She will drop down to 120 115.

If this was a guy posting pictures he would get bashed and we all know it. I'm just being honest with the guy so he can help his girl. 2 cycles gh and 2 years of lifting I don't see it.

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If shes 130 and cuts to 120lbs she will 120lbs and cut .
This is not a skinny framed woman . Not everyone "blows-up" on GH . :rolleyes: