help on pct


New Member
I am currently in mid of week 8 things are going well i just want to clarify and be sure i know what exactly is happening for mu pct.

For pct i was thinking these 3 but am not 100% sure in how to implement them into my cycle. Some posts say throw the hcg in near the end of your cycle for 4 weeks so as its pointless in the pct and others say using it for pct is good. & at what dosages would the pct be?


Below is my cycle:

Test 300 (300mg/ml) - Week 1-10 - 3 Ml Per Week
Deca (250mg/ml)- Week 1-10 - 2 ML Per Week
Eq (250mg/ml) - Week 1-10 - 2 ML Per Week
Dbol - Week 1-4 - 60mg per day
Anavar - Week 4 -16 - 60 mg Per day
Winstrol - Week 10-16 - 60 mg Per day
Tren A (100mg/ml)- Week 10-16 - 1ml EOD
Test Prop (100mg/ml)-Week 10-16- 1ml EOD

Appreciate it and hope i can get soem good advice thank you.
I hope this is not your first cycle. You're crazy if it is. Just research proper pct dosing and hcg blast at end of cycle
He never mentioned anything about it being his first. He should have more knowledge on pct protocol however..

This protocol has worked for me in the past. I do not pct anymore though. With the amount you used, duration, and type of compounds (19 nors), you might want to beef this up a little bit, or extend it. Don't expect your levels to ever return to baseline numbers though. (doubt you got pre cycle bloods anyway but w/e)

Also, not on the chart, but I begin hcg the last two weeks of the cycle instead of after the compounds clear.
He never mentioned anything about it being his first.

Some things ARE OBVIOUS and that's why the question; "is this your first cycle", relevant.

After all if this was the OPs second or third cycle why are these PCT questions being asked!

Queries of this nature almost always arise from inexperienced noobs who are experimenting w AAS.

Want more proof OP post a PIC and your AGE!

State your goals and rationale for including SEVEN AAS in ONE CYCLE.

How about some precycle or ANY labs!

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Don't tell me this is your 1st cycle??? and not have/know the proper PCT before starting??:eek: All I can say...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I've discovered recently that in the real world, a good amount of people that use or have used AAS don't know a thing about the real long term side-effects (that we know so far) of AAS use or the importance of PCT.

The type of people that discover this place usually kind of know their shit, but people in the real world that "casually" take steroids tend to not know things like: how to prevent testicular atrophy, how to lower/block estrogen, how to recover pituitary function (or what the pituitary gland is for that matter)-these people aren't dumb, they just don't think about how to prevent problems until the problems are already there.