Help with blend calculations


New Member
Hi guys

I’m blanking out and looking for help in using calculators to do a custom blend.

So far I’ve only blended test E , TNe susp, oil, and Proviron. Looking to blend compounds to help me micro dose my TRT+ once off cycle. Blending in syringe is easier when on cycle as there’s less oil but for TRT+ or cruise I’d like a blended oil.

I’d like to blend primo to test in a 1.33 ratio (ie 4/3), with test part being equal split of E and P esters

How do I use calculators for this ?
If I want to try 250 or 300 total strength do I run calculators like this

[blanking out on math here so please be gentle ]

Primo raws needed: 250 * 63% = 157.5 mg strength, and I I out 63 ML of finished oil in calculator

Test E raws needed 250 * (37%* 50%) = 46.25 mg strength , in 46.25 mg of finished oil

Test P raws needed 250 * (37%* 50%) =46.25 mg strength , in 46.25 mg of finished oil

Down the road if I can get my hand on Mast raws I’d like to add Mast to a blend such that I run primo and test in the ratios above plus add mast in 1:1 ratio to the test. Once I figure out the total strength that would hold via forum research I run the calculators like above ?

The calculator gives me the totals for powders , BA, BB (assuming I won’t need any other solvents if keeping it to 250-300 mg total strength) and I just combine the powders and solvents in my beaker ?

Thank you for any help
I'm confused by your post

Generally you can use .9 for the displacement on all raws. Most are .8 ot .9

Hypothetically you want test e 150 and primo e 150 blend. This would be 300mg total per ml

So use steriod calculator and put 300mg/ml and .9 displacement and your desired total volume (say 100ml) and put 15g of each raw into your beaker for a total of 30g. And the required ba/bb and carrier oil