My personal experience with Glut... Sub Q... works very effectively. I'm pushing orals... Isotretinoin + Anadrol/D-bol (alt. 100mg/day each). Only slightly elevated markers after 55 days (ALT 65/AST 40). Dosage: 100mg/day for 30 days, 1 week break, now almost at the end of another 30 days (will cease along with orals).
My understanding of IM is it's more effecient at absorption, but havn't tried that. If I could, I would do IV... I can only imagine how powerful that is.
Only procure "buffered" Glut. It is very acidic, and "un-buffered" Glut will burn and leave bruises and welts. Very painful and not worth the damage it can cause. There is plenty of buffered out there.
The link in Bama's post is a spot-on study. I had—and it runs in my family—NAFLD. Also, my triglycerides are usually between 60 and 80... suddenly dropped to 43. So, that study is really helpful to understand Glut's effects.
If you havn't alreaady, you may also want to consider GLPs. IIRC, Tirz has a study/trial of reducing/eliminating NAFLD.
@Ghoul has a plethora of posts regarding these studies, or he may just chime in again. Note: GLPs require a lot of understanding & commitment because it's kind of like a "have to take it for life" type of drug.
But, Glutathione, yes, it will "significantly help with the liver."