Help With PCT and what my blood work shows (test at 58)

The two things that jump out at me (besides the low test) are that your T3 is low and your ferritin is very high. How can your doctor say your thyroid is functioning normally when your T3 is low?
100mg is pretty high but u do need to front load it at a higher mg to get it to kick in faster. Maybe run it the first few days to a week at higher dose then back down to 50mg. I've seen going as high as 300mg for the 1st day only, then 50mg after but that seems a bit exsesive in my opinion. Adverse side effects of Clomid can include increased emotionalism or vision disturbance.
Running them low and long is a perfectly viable approach too (25/20mg, 8+ weeks). Bloodwork could show it's working if you've a baseline to compare to. I assume your doctor is on top of this.

Do not run clomiphene over 50mg/day.

Assuming your first PCT was with bunk/underdosed medication, you'll very likely see a good improvement. However, you should be prepared for the possibility that you won't recover to the degree you hope. Cycling steroids at your age, before the HPTA has fully developed, can and will affect your chances.

Appreciate your help and input. Would never run clomid over 50 mg a day. The plan is

clomid 50/50/50/50/25/25/25/25

nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20/20/20

aromasin 12.5 mg eod.

Once again really appreciate your help. Ill upload my bloodwork after 4-8 weeks.
The two things that jump out at me (besides the low test) are that your T3 is low and your ferritin is very high. How can your doctor say your thyroid is functioning normally when your T3 is low?

Not sure. I believe those levels are from adrenal fatigue (overtraining) which I am now working with a high certified doctor to help me recover and fix me. The doc that said my thyroid is function normally was my endo, whose methods and protocol I question. From what I've been reading and understanding, hcg should never be used in PCT and can actually further shut you down. During my 3.5 weeks of HCG, around week 2 and a half I was feeling a very high libido and many of my low test symptoms went away. I thought I had recovered but when I got bloodwork after the 3.5 weeks, my test only raised by 20 like I said. Hoping this 8 week PCT will bring me back and I am for sure not touching any cycles for many years.
Also, I know everyone is different, but when do you guys usually start to feel your PCT working in terms of higher test. I am waking up with morning wood and am feeling the side effects but still low libido.

Post a DATED COPY of your labs BEFORE you ran ANY AAS


A DATED COPY of your most recent labs both to include the following


UNITS and reference ranges.

Also who and why we're all these tests ordered in triplicate and in such a shotgun manner?

Finally who diagnosed you with "adrenal fatigue" the "high certified doctor" referred to in your last post?

IME it seems obvious we are missing "the rest of the story".
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Post a DATED COPY of your labs BEFORE you ran ANY AAS


A DATED COPY of your most recent labs both to include the following


UNITS and reference ranges.

Also who and why we're all these tests ordered in triplicate and in such a shotgun manner?

Finally who diagnosed you with "adrenal fatigue" the "high certified doctor" referred to in your last post?

It seems obvious we are missing "the rest of the story".

I do not have any labs before my test and dbol cycle.

attached are my results after 3.5 weeks of hcg at 2500 unites three times a week.

secondly, I know you may be skeptical of this certified doctor, but he is the real deal. Deals with many pro athletes and is famous in his field. There is no such thing as adrenal fatigue as I'm sure you know, but I was very over trained. My cortisol levels were taking a major hit from doing an hour of fasted cardio literally every single day for a year, along with hard weight training and anywhere from 30-60 mins of more cardio later in the day. Very dumb by me and I'm working with him to fix myself through rest and certain supps.

My question for you is if HCG did not recover me and if I couldn't recover on my own after 5-6 months, will this pct help me?

Im thinking that the over training was a huge problem with my test production along with well being due to the fact that when I stopped doing the cardio and rested more often, I felt way more alive, was not nearly as tired, and felt much stronger and stopped losing muscle.

Appreciate your input


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I do not have any labs before my test and dbol cycle.

attached are my results after 3.5 weeks of hcg at 2500 unites three times a week.

secondly, I know you may be skeptical of this certified doctor, but he is the real deal. Deals with many pro athletes and is famous in his field. There is no such thing as adrenal fatigue as I'm sure you know, but I was very over trained. My cortisol levels were taking a major hit from doing an hour of fasted cardio literally every single day for a year, along with hard weight training and anywhere from 30-60 mins of more cardio later in the day. Very dumb by me and I'm working with him to fix myself through rest and certain supps.

My question for you is if HCG did not recover me and if I couldn't recover on my own after 5-6 months, will this pct help me?

Im thinking that the over training was a huge problem with my test production along with well being due to the fact that when I stopped doing the cardio and rested more often, I felt way more alive, was not nearly as tired, and felt much stronger and stopped losing muscle.

Appreciate your input

First exercise tends to INCREASE rather than decrease TT levels

Second it's difficult to know what will help or hurt in the absence of baseline labs ---- bc what's left is a patient with nonspecific signs and symptoms that have many direct or indirect causes.

And in your case it's darn near impossible to know your BASELINE ibc it seems quite likely some form of "therapy" has influenced the results

Third doctors should be certified in their field of specialization so "certification" (or board eligibility) should be a prerequisite when selecting a physician.

And what field of specialization is your doctor certified in?

My suggestion is simple CEASE ALL forms of "therapy" and repeat the labs in roughly one month to obtain a baseline.

Good luck
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He has labs post-cycle, which are useful enough for our purposes.

He clearly needs to repeat a more tightly regimented PCT, then see where he stands.
He has labs post-cycle, which are useful enough for our purposes.

He clearly needs to repeat a more tightly regimented PCT, then see where he stands.

Thriwing another monkey wrench into a bag of unknowns tends to only
only complicates matters in the absence of a legitimate baseline especially when prior AND/OR existing "therapies" remain poorly defined.

And just like many 20 something year olds develop a sense of urgency to use AAS, contrary to what many maybe led to believe based on blogs and forums,bc there's NO medical emergency associate with "low T" there's also no justification in empiric therapy as in treating treat first and ask questions later.

Finally this thread is one of many that exemplifies the importance of a PRE-AAS baseline!
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He has a post-cycle baseline. There's nothing to be gained by repeating it at this stage.

Agreed on the likely damage done to his HPTA at his age impacting recovery.
He has a post-cycle baseline. There's nothing to be gained by repeating it at this stage.

Agreed on the likely damage done to his HPTA at his age impacting recovery.

A baseline under therapy is not a baseline as it can and often does
Impact those levels used to decide the most effective form of treatment.

Not everyone benefits from a SERM, HCG or an AI and baseline labs define the difference in many instances.

Why else do you think he's so inclined to follow the advice of a Doc who's "certification" remains a big unknown!

He's already decided what to do so the point is moot.
It's a baseline, taken post-cycle, compound-free.

He is now repeating a (hopefully) more effective PCT on the basis of those results.

Hello all. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions..

I started taking nolva at 40 mg per day and started to get bad heat flashes and headaches. Yesterday I lowered my dose to 20 mg a day, and was wondering if I should run aromasin with nolva only. My clomid comes in the mail in about a week and a half so perhaps when I start the clomid I will start the 12.5 EOD of aromasin, but from my understanding nolva doesn't raise estrogen and I do not want my estrogren to crash.

also, I'm not sure if this is just a throat issue or not, but since starting nolva my thyroid has been bothering and there was a point where it hurt to swallow. I understand that estrogen has a direct effect with the thyroid hormone, so does this mean my estrogen was too high or too low. I was running aromasin at 12.5 EOD but am going to stop until the clomid comes in. Thanks
Hello all. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions..

I started taking nolva at 40 mg per day and started to get bad heat flashes and headaches. Yesterday I lowered my dose to 20 mg a day, and was wondering if I should run aromasinwith nolva only. My clomid comes in the mail in about a week and a half so perhaps when I start the clomid I will start the 12.5 EOD of aromasin, but from my understanding nolva doesn't raise estrogen and I do not want my estrogren to crash.

also, I'm not sure if this is just a throat issue or not, but since starting nolva my thyroid has been bothering and there was a point where it hurt to swallow. I understand that estrogen has a direct effect with the thyroid hormone, so does this mean my estrogen was too high or too low. I was running aromasin at 12.5 EOD but am going to stop until the clomid comes in.
It's a baseline, taken post-cycle, compound-free.

He is now repeating a (hopefully) more effective PCT on the basis of those results.
Hello all. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions..

I started taking nolva at 40 mg per day and started to get bad heat flashes and headaches. Yesterday I lowered my dose to 20 mg a day, and was wondering if I should run aromasinwith nolva only. My clomid comes in the mail in about a week and a half so perhaps when I start the clomid I will start the 12.5 EOD of aromasin, but from my understanding nolva doesn't raise estrogen and I do not want my estrogren to crash.

also, I'm not sure if this is just a throat issue or not, but since starting nolva my thyroid has been bothering and there was a point where it hurt to swallow. I understand that estrogen has a direct effect with the thyroid hormone, so does this mean my estrogen was too high or too low. I was running aromasin at 12.5 EOD but am going to stop until the clomid comes in.