Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Did you check the tracking number? After I pinged Tracy they sent me tracking but it comes up as invalid. Maybe it’s too soon to track yet.
Yeah it’s invalid as well, will probably update next week I’m guessing. For the Xmas promo I got tracking 12/26 and it finally updated on the china post site 1/2.
Reposting this in vendor specific thread:

I filled 2x36 UI of QSC HGH into 3ml of BAC and over a couple of days it has aggravated. Pic included, note that I cleaned the glass beforehand, so the "silk" you see is most likely aggravate. How can I save this vial? Filter it through .22 um micron filter? I suspect the concentration of HGH to be too high in 3ml, what do you think?

View attachment 310733
I put 3 vials of HGH 36IU into a 3ml cartridges, never had something like that.
Filtering it with a .22um PES filter will eliminate all of the visible, and most of the sub-visible aggregate.

How long did that take to develop? What type of BAC did you use?

You do NOT want to inject HGH aggregates, visible or otherwise.
I did now warm it up a little and the big chains dissolved, but there is still a lot of shit floating around, that I have no idea of how it got in. One thing looked like a hair almost, super small though. Must be some dust particles, even though I drew it from the original vial and straight injected it into the fresh pen cartridge.

I used my own BAC water, made of NaCl + 0.9% BAC. I injected the BAC straight into a 0.9% NaCl 100ml glass vial, bc you can't buy BAC water in Germany.

Picking up a filter now from the pharmacy.
I did now warm it up a little and the big chains dissolved, but there is still a lot of shit floating around, that I have no idea of how it got in. One thing looked like a hair almost, super small though. Must be some dust particles, even though I drew it from the original vial and straight injected it into the fresh pen cartridge.

I used my own BAC water, made of NaCl + 0.9% BAC. I injected the BAC straight into a 0.9% NaCl 100ml glass vial, bc you can't buy BAC water in Germany.

Picking up a filter now from the pharmacy.
The presence of NaCl can accelerate the formation of aggregates of charged peptides like HGH. Especially if the saline is not buffered, or if either the GH concentration or NaCl concentration in the solution is high.
Filtering it with a .22um PES filter will eliminate all of the visible, and most of the sub-visible aggregate.

How long did that take to develop? What type of BAC did you use?

You do NOT want to inject HGH aggregates, visible or otherwise.
Amazon bac is garbage too. Fyi not real legit bac
I've had that guy on ignore for a reason. I had to see what this was and sure as shit, its weird as fuck. Leos usually do weird shit like this poking for info. Either this guy is the loneliest sole on earth or just wants to make friends really bad and maybe become trusted by a lot of people....I gotta stop watching so many youtube videos I guess.
You ever read the book A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court?
I don’t understand your request here, nor the interest.
You’re looking for funding something that has nothing to do with Q samples or have an interest back for my sales, right?

The question concerns all users of UGL Test C and Test E. A finding that this is an issue would have repercussions for Test C / Test E raws. Simple HPLC analysis of raws would no longer be sufficient to characterize purity. FYI.
Is that a fact?
Why even post comments like this. The guy has a valid question and you are just being an asshole.

It’s a rhetorical question, so don’t bother trying to come up with some witty comment in an attempt to insult me. It won’t be read
I was just thinking the same thing. He’s running around the forum being the Meso Schoolmarm interjecting himself into the conversation’s of others.

The "Can dish it out but can't take it" type.

The Glock avatar is a tell.

I have no problem with guns, I'm a firm proponent of the right to them, but the guys who make it central to their personality are trying to overcome feelings of fear and helplessness.
The "Can dish it out but can't take it" type.

The Glock avatar is a tell.

I have no problem with guns, I'm a firm proponent of the right to them, but the guys who make it central to their personality are trying to overcome feelings of fear and helplessness.
what does my avatar tell you?
i typed in "steroid ninja" in the search bar and got this..